Controlling the loss of biodiversity requires international legislation. The willingness to participate in conservation initiatives varies from country to country and is dependent on economics, and social and political views. Most tropic biomes are located in countries where there are conflicts between exploration of resources and sustainability. Recent research suggests that rich, developed countries are frequently doing the least to conserve biodiversity.
- Choose any two countries (options can be found in the links below), and then compare and contrast their efforts to conserve biodiversity (consider threats like habitat destruction, human-wildlife conflicts, over-hunting, and the growing wildlife trade). Your response should be 2 or 3 paragraphs in length.
- Compare your response with those of your classmates.
How did your chosen countries differ?
Did you find a trend with richer, more developing countries doing less toward supporting biodiversity?
The following resources can be used to begin your research:
The Data Team. (2017).
The Economist.
Note: After clicking the link, immediately save the article to your desktop. You can only access three Economist articles per week without paying for a subscription.
Gaworecki, M. (2017). Research suggests less affluent countries more dedicated to wildlife conservation than rich countries. Accessed July 31, 2017, from Nation of Change at…