CST 2750 Spring 2019
Computer Building
Each student will research and locate the information for three computer systems. These systems are to be professional quotations from “your company”. YOU CANNOT USE A SITE THAT HELPS BUILD THE COMPUTER or a print out from the web! This is to be your research and your quotes. Do not obtain help from someone (except your instructor or the lab aides).
System #1. The laboratory system must have the following capabilities:
– Intel Core i7-6700T 2.8 GHz or AMD equivalent Quad Core Processor and corresponding Motherboard.
-System RAM min of 8 GB, capable of using DDR4 – .
-Motherboard (Form factor ATX) at least 4-SATA channels must support raid 0,1,5
-Include NIC (100/1000bps), Sound onboard or adapter (with 2 speakers minimum), A USB mouse, and keyboard. Can be cards or integrated components.
– Ultra Slim Tray SuperMulti DVD Burner drive
-Two hard disk drives set up in a striped set. 1 TB each
-The case and power supply must be ATX min 500w and able to handle the rigors of a lab
and fulfill the requirements of all components you select.
-OS, Word Processing, applications, and virus/spam protection appropriate for our learning lab.
-Video Card for PCIe-x16, and support minimum of 1600×1200 resolution, 24b color depth,
– LCD monitor with specifications compatible with the system video configuration.
-Maintain a maximum budget of $2,000.00.
-Include two prices/sources for each component. List these prices/sources using the Chart Format given below. On a separate chart show the components that you selected for your system,.
At the bottom of this second chart show the total cost for each system, the cost for the 24 systems and the cost of the UPS that you selected.
Note the UPS is not included in the $2000.00 Price.
System #2. Research components to build a computer to rival the performance/specifications and
price of the DELL Optiplex 7060. i7 Processor – base at $719
Using the chart Format shown below list the components for your rival computer and a total cost of this system. Make sure your system is competitive with the current market price of the Inspiron 3000. Include a side by side chart comparisons of the Dell components vs. the components that you selected with the total prices of each system at the bottom. Ensure you list all software, of your choice, that corresponds to the software that comes with the Dell computer.
When looking up the specs for the dell computer select the option to customize.
Add a Dell ST2010-BLK Monitor.
Add a Dell™ AY410 Multimedia Speaker System
Add a Belkin® 8-Outlet Premium Professional Surge Protector
The Price For this machine should be $719.00 after those additions.
System #3. Research components to build a “DREAM MACHINE”. This computer system has an unlimited budget using the same chart for recording the components, specifications, wattage, prices and sources. Be sure to build a complete machine including all the components. Also make sure that you design a functioning system. Be sure to include an OS.
Manufacturer Watts Source/Price 1 Source/Price 2
Quote format: (for all three systems in appropriate page layout with an overall cover sheet)
cover sheet: The cover sheet should contain the following: Your company’s name centered at the top, then in the center of the page your name, the professors name, the course name and the date you submitted the assignment.
The following three sections are needed for each of the three systems that you are quoting:
Summary Page: There will be a summary page for each system. This page will include the following: List of the components and their prices including a total single system price for each of the three systems.
Component explanation pages: Explain why each part that you selected is the best part for the system. Keep this brief, three to four sentences. (I think it’s cool is not a justification) For example the Power supply should include how much power all the components use along with any features you felt were important enough to pay money for.
Bibliography: Include the important specs for each component. Make sure this is well organized with similar text formatting and that charts are not cut off by page breaks.
Questions are always welcome.
Do your research and think of how we use the computers in CST2750 for capability guidelines.
Grading info.
This is worth 100 points.
25 points for hardware component spec sheets.
25 points for the typed summary describing the reason each individual part was chosen.
25 points for the summary cover sheet.
25 points for overall completeness and professionalism.