i have an exm of two hours of subject Component-Based Architecture
There are 4 questions and 40 marks available. Each question is worth 10 mark.
150-170 words each questions so total will 600-700 words.
no plagiarism please
Please check details carefully, if you 100% sure you can handle it please then place your bid. read the sample question first and solution outline answers as a sample.
I need highest marks in the subject it very important for me. no plagiarism please.
This assessment is a time limited assessment that requires you to demonstrate your
understanding of the theory and practice covered in the module: in particular the
material covered in the first half of the module, but also from the second half that
reinforced that and provided a wider context. This includes material from both lectures
and labs, along with the directed/suggested reading.
This will be in the form of a 2-hour timed assessment – open for a 48 hour window.
Once you start the assessment, you will have two hours# in which to complete it.
You have ONE attempt at this quiz and you are required to answer all
There are 4 questions and 40 marks available. Each question is worth 10
Canvas automatically saves your work at regular intervals. You may check your
answers by revisiting the questions and answers by using the scroll bar or
next/previous buttons to navigate back and forth through the quiz. When you
have finished your quiz you must click submit to submit your answers for
This quiz is timed and you must complete it in one sitting without logging out of
#Students allowed extra time in exams will have additional time added to their
attempt: contact the module staff if there are any problems with this.
This is an open book assessment – you may use lecture notes, text books (physical or
online), as well as web sites. However, it is time limited so you do not have an
extensive time in which to research answers: this is to enable a better reflection of
your knowledge, and complements the longer earlier coursework in the module.
Your answers should be your own wording/paraphrasing – in the event that you are
copying anything verbatim (exact copy) from a source (lecture material, websites or
books) ensure you place it in quotation marks AND include the reference.
This is an individual assessment: the questions come from a bank of potential
questions, so you must not collude or share the questions or answers with others.
To enable you to prepare for the assessment, the questions will be of a similar nature
to earlier sessions’ exam questions: copies of previous exams and outline solutions
will be provided on the module Canvas site, as well as an explanation in the week 6
lecture and workshop, and a final revision/preparaton lecture & workshop in week 12
(timetable week 15).
Sample Questions (there was a larger pool for each topic area).
Principles of Component Architectures
Pick 1 questions, 10 pts per question
Each question has 3 sub questions: answers are marked with 3 to 4 marks per answer (reflecting
the indicative answers below), capped at a maximum of 10 marks.
Components and Objects have some similar features, but also exhibit some fundamental differences.
Give a description of Object Oriented Programming and also of Component Based Programming.
Compare and contrast object oriented programming to component based programming.
Explain how the two approaches can complement one another, and in particular their use in .NET.
Answers anticipated to include comparison of
White box vs black box approaches;
Structures – deep hierarchy of inheritance in OOP, contrasted to the flatter structures encouraged
by component solutions.
The .NET framework enables components to be developed using OOP approaches.
Details of Component Architectures
Pick 1 questions, 10 pts per question
Each question has 3 sub questions: answers are marked with 3 to 4 marks per answer (reflecting
the indicative answers below), capped at a maximum of 10 marks.
Outline the key differences between value and reference data types in a general programming context.
Describe the role of Boxing in .NET.
Identify the positive and negative aspects of Boxing, and provide an example/examples where Boxing
could be reduced through appropriate programming. Explain why this is beneficial?
Outline Answer
Expected to explain the distinction between heap and stack based memory, and the mapping from
high level data types to machine level (with corresponding performance impacts).
The forcing of boxing through assigning a value to a reference style operator, and then the later use
of the boxed version.
Intermediate Languages and Types
Pick 1 questions, 10 pts per question
Collapse group Add question to this group Edit group details Delete group
Each question has 3 sub questions: answers are marked with 3 to 4 marks per answer (reflecting
the indicative answers below), capped at a maximum of 10 marks.
Describe the role of Intermediate Languages with regards to virtual machines, and in particular the role of
intermediate language in the .NET framework.
The Common Intermediate Language can be summarised as an object orientated assembly
language for a stack-based machine. Provide your own explanation of this description and provide
some examples of why a virtual stack machine such as this is beneficial in terms of processing and/or
memory management.
Software developers typically produce code in a high level language. When working with a platform
which supports virtual machines the target of compilation of the high level language is to an
Intermediate Language – in .NET the CIL/MSIL which is designed to be compatible with the design of
the virtual machine. Generally, the IL is a bytecode which can be run on the virtual machine. In the
case of .NET this is run by invoking the JIT compiler considered in the next question.
Virtual machines themselves provide a way to separate the run time behaviour of software from the
individual characteristics of specific hardware.
In the .NET framework, the MSIL/CIL is then supported in the Common Language RunTime
LSEP and Component Based Software Engineering
Pick 1 questions, 10 pts per question
Each question has 3 sub questions: answers are marked with 3 to 4 marks per answer (reflecting
the indicative answers below), capped at a maximum of 10 marks.
Component based software engineering is a key part of distributed solutions, such as cloud-based
services. Component based software offers various benefits to application developers for desktop and
other platforms, in particular the use of web services or cloud based support.
Describe and explain how Component Based approaches are relevant to the architectural principle of
Separation of concerns and why this is relevant to such cloud and other distributed solutions.
Discuss some of the professional and legal issues this raises when considering distributed applications,
and how they can be addressed through suitable system design and/or tools.
Students should explain the way that components can interface with other software, on local or
remote platforms. They could include aspects of secure calling of remote procedures (delegate
pointers in .NET), as well as the challenges in terms of protecting user data, taking account of
different regional data issues etc.