Final Hybrid Argument and Extended Research Paper
Assignment Sheet and Grading Rubric
We have learned about warrants and claims, about audience and tone and voice,
about logos, pathos, ethos and kairos, about evaluating sources. We’ve analyzed other people’s
written arguments in the form of published opinion pieces and editorials, and both read and
performed rhetorical analysis. We’ve conducted research, assessed that research, and cited that
research. Now it’s time for you to unleash this new skill set on perhaps the most significant task of the
semester: the final extended research and argument.
For this assignment, you will be crafting a hybrid argument over a topic of your choice. This
assignment will be research driven and will develop over the remainder of this course. You would be
advised to include a variety of source styles to provide sufficient grounds for your argument.
Choosing a Topic
1. Your thesis will argue a position, present a policy proposal, or explore an inquiry that connects to
your life personally or socially. This may be an issue we explored in class or a new issue you are
curious about.
2. Think about your interests, your current major, and arguments that you have some vested interest
in. Read the newspaper; talk with people. Consider, for example, the broad categories of
education, environment, privacy vs. security, immigration law, or even proposed bills in the City
Council, State Legislature, or U.S. Congress. This paper should deal with something you care
about and something on which reasonable people can disagree.
Technical Requirements
• Your paper must meet length requirements; 2000 words, not counting the works cited
• Your paper must include a separate Work Cited page, minimum of 8 sources but more is
encouraged (using a variety of sources, i.e. not just websites—look to peer reviewed journals and
even primary source information if applicable). You are required to use at least 2 journal or peer
reviewed sources.
• You will use MLA formatting and citations throughout
• Your paper will include at least one (1) relevant, original visual, such as a chart or graph (of
course, properly cited). You cannot copy + paste the graphic from another source, you need to
make this graphic. The visual will help support your thesis by making or clarifying a point (not
merely clipart)
Considerations for Organization and Structure
For general organization, follow the explanation of Classical Argument in Chapter 2 (pages 18-19),
using the guidelines for developing such an argument through Part Four of your textbook, Types of
Claims Chapters 11-15 (Definition, Resemblance, Causal, Evaluation/Ethical, Proposal). Classical
argument is particularly effective when you are addressing neutral or undecided audiences. It has a
closed-form structure in which you:
(1) state your proposal/thesis/main claim at the end of the introduction (Also remember that
the beginning of the introduction should be an attention-getter: vivid examples of the
issue are particularly effective)
(2) begin body paragraphs with clearly stated reasons (they serve as the topic sentence for
the paragraph),
(3) develop the paragraphs with evidence presented in concrete language and specific
(4) use effective transitions throughout to keep your reader on track,
(5) consider the order in which you present your reasons and the impact that order will
have on the reader,
(6) summarize anticipated objections to the writer’s argument and respond to them.
(Chapter 6 gives a detailed explanation with examples of how to respond to objections
and alternative views.)
See page 18 for a diagram of a classical argument; review Chapter 2 for more details on a classical
structure argument.
Below Expectation
Meeting Expectations
Demonstrate an understanding of claim types, argumentation, and writing for a
specified audience Utilize at least two claim types: Causal, Proposal, Evaluation,
Ethical, or Definition argument to form a Hybrid Argument. Claim is clear and
arguable, Argument matches the claim, and Claim is appropriate for intended
__/ 10
Demonstrate an understanding of library and database researching, information
literacy, and detecting bias. 8-10+ separate sources well integrated throughout the
paper, At minimum, 2 peer reviewed sources used, Original research prioritized over
commentary, Variety of source types
__/ 5
Demonstrate the ability to flesh out ideas and support them with sources
Examples and sources support the claim, Balance of quotes and paraphrases, Strong
source integration, Strong introduction that familiarizes audience with topic, Strong
conclusion that goes beyond merely restating the introduction; rather leaving the
audience with a new perspective on the issue
__/ 10
Appropriate Tone is used throughout and Academic register is maintained
Academic Perspective is maintained no I, you, or we narrative portions or hooks and
Reasonable attempt is made to utilize at least 2 Rhetorical Appeals (Logos, Ethos,
Pathos, Kairos)
__/ 5
Demonstrate meaningful and logical organization, Clear supporting reasons for claim,
Clear connection between paragraphs, Clear organization within individual
__/ 10
Demonstrate attention to editing and proofreading, Varied sentence constructions,
Attention to word choice, Avoidance of vague, tired, or overgeneralized phrasing,
Conventions and Grammar are consistent, Spelling errors and typos are minimal,
Correct Punctuation throughout
and Citation
Demonstrate citation and attribution skills, In-text citations always provided, and every
source is attributed, Correct info included for citations, Varied citation style
throughout, Correct formatting for citations
Demonstrate knowledge of MLA style • Header (Last Name #), Heading Matter, Title
is centered and original, TNR or similar, 12pt Font, No extra or manipulated spacing,
Meets word count requirement 2000 words before works cited
Demonstrate the ability to produce a complete and correct works cited page, Correct
heading, Double Spacing Throughout, hanging indent, Alphabetical order, Correct info
included, Web URLs, permalinks, or DOIs included but not hyperlinked, Correct MLA
formatting (including capitalization and italics)