Assignment Overview Two journal articles have been uploaded to Moodle. Rose, N. S., Craik, F. I., & Buchsbaum, B. R. (2015). Levels of processing in working memory: Differential involvement of frontotemporal networks. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 27(3), 522-532. Whalley, M. G., Rugg, M. D., & Brewin, C. R. (2012). Autobiographical memory in depression: an fMRI study. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 201(2), 98-106. Choose one journal article (either the Rose et al. (2015) paper or the Whalley et al. (2012) paper) to complete your assignment. The goal of this assignment is for you to get experience reading a peer-reviewed journal article related to cognitive psychology. The assignment involves reflecting on what was discussed in the journal article, and going beyond what is presented in the article by making connections with concepts discussed in the course. There are four key components that need to be discussed in your assignment: 1) Reflection 2) Connection to theory 3) Limitations 4) Study design Assignment Instructions In paragraph format, address each of the four components in your assignment. You will be graded on the quality of your writing and communication as well as the content of your write-up. You only have two pages double-spaced to discuss your ideas, so be concise (avoid flowery language)! The four components are described in more detail below: 1) Reflection · What are your personal thoughts about this article? · Does the article relate to your personal life or anything that you have read in the media or previous courses? · What questions does this study raise in your mind? · How do the article findings relate to concepts we discussed in class and/or in the textbook? 2) Connection to theory · Explain the study findings from the journal article in relation to a theory relevant to cognitive psychology. · How can the study findings be explained within the context of the theoretical framework? · Do the study findings provide support for the theory or challenge it? · This can be a theory discussed in class and/or the textbook or you research a theory not discussed in class/textbook (as long as it is a theory relevant to cognitive psychology). · Please cite the theory (e.g., if I am discussing The Working Memory Model, I would cite (Baddeley and Hitch, 1974)). 3) Limitations · Identify and explain a limitation not mentioned in the study · Do not choose a generic or vague limitation that can be applied to most research studies (e.g., small sample size; participant dropout rate). The limitation should be unique to the journal article. · How could future research address this limitation? 4) Study design · Design a follow-up study to the study presented in the journal article · What is the research question you set out to answer in your follow-up study? · I realize you are limited in space, so this task will involve a brief summary of your study methods (the task used – what the participants will be asked to do) and a brief desсrіption of your anticipated results Assignment Details · Please submit your assignments by uploading your file to Moodle · Put your name and student number in the header of the document · Deadline: Friday March 29th (11:59pm). Any assignments submitted after 11:59pm on Friday March 29th will receive a 5% deduction per day. · Format: 2 pages double-spaced (1 inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font) · Marks will be docked for exceeding the page limit (5% per half page). · This assignment is worth 10% of your final grade in the course. · The originality of your assignment will be confirmed using Turnitin · Do not use any direct quotations. Everything must be put into your own words. · This assignment is a reflection paper, so there should not be overlap between your responses and those presented in the journal article. · Check the assignment marking scheme to get a better idea regarding how the marks are distributed Psychology 2260N Journal Article Assignment: Marking Scheme Writing Style Overall clarity, continuity, cohesion Grammar, spelling, sentence construction /10 Reflection Personal thoughts expressed in a clear and concise manner Relation of article to personal life, media, and/or previous course State questions raised in response to reading the article Discuss how study findings relate to concepts we discussed in class/text /10 Connection to Theory Appropriate theory chosen (relevant to cognition and journal article) Explain the study findings in the context of the theoretical framework Explain whether findings support or challenge the theory Identify well-thought-out links between components of theory & findings /10 Limitations Identified and explained a limitation not mentioned in the journal article Limitation is unique and specific to the study (not vague and generic) Described how future research could address this limitation /10 Study Design Statement of research question Research question is specific and relevant to the article Designed a follow-up study to the research presented in the article The follow-up study makes sense and is well-thought-out Summary of study methods (e.g., task, stimuli, instructions) Statement of anticipated results /10 Final Assignment Grade /50