HOSP-1011: Front Office
Assignment 1: Classify Accommodations
Due Date: See LEARN Calendar for Due Date
Assignment Type: Partner
Objective: Using detailed guest profiles, apply classification of hotels to the local market.
You have received information on how to classify hotels in Canada through lecture and textbook. We looked at it in terms of size, type of hotel, level of service, and ownership. We also looked at the preferences of certain types of guests.
The Assignment
1. Each partner will create a guest profile with a unique reason for travel: Provide detailed information on this particular guest (think of someone you know). The guest profile should be two paragraphs.
2. Each partner should source three properties that would meet their guest’s needs based on the profile and reason for travel. Two properties must be in Manitoba and one from anywhere else in Canada. There will be six properties in total. Create a table to show each classification criteria to compare and contrast. Make sure to include room rates on your desired travel dates in your table. One table for each guest profile.
3. Once you have reviewed your partner’s findings, discuss with your partner your process and understanding of what you learned from this exercise about defining your guest and classifying accommodations. Compare your processes; How did you each go about creating your guest profile? What sources did you use for finding the required information? Was the information complete from the original source or did you seek out additional information? What hotel would you choose for your guest out of the three properties, explain your reasons? Include any other insight learned from your discussion and findings.
4. As a potential hotel guest, what sources of rating information would you use to select accommodations? Explain your position why is this resource better for you? How does it compare to other rating sources give specific examples to illustrate your point (One paragraph for each partner)?
Assignments will be formatted using the program’s structuring assignment standards (Introduction, Body, Conclusion) on the due date provided by the instructor in the LEARN calendar. Completed assignments will be uploaded to the assigned drop box in LEARN (One submission per partnership and ensure both names are on the submission).
Due date:
Late assignments will be deducted 10% per day (weekend counts as 2 days).