NURS 500
Research Proposal: Data Analysis Methodology Assignment Instructions
This assignment continues the development of the methodology section of the research proposal. The analysis of data will be dependent on the type of data you are collecting. A decision matrix is present in your reading. The data analysis description should be specific and detailed. The last sections are based on this assignment and the past assignments. The “anticipated results” is your assessment of what you think the data will show you. This is speculation on your part. Then you will analysis the strength and weaknesses of your study. The final step is to propose what future research should be done.
This paper includes:
a. Data analysis,
b. Anticipated results (based on previous research and own clinical knowledge). Since this study is only a proposal and will not be done, a reasoned outcome should be provided. It is acknowledged that this proposed outcome may be in error or faulty.
c. Strengths and weaknesses of the proposed study
d. Suggestions for future research
2. Write a 3 – 5-page paper, excluding the title and reference pages,
3. Current APA format.
4. Include a minimum of 2 – 3 scholarly references (excluding the textbook and Bible).
Data Analysis
In this section you will describe how you will analyze the data. This information needs to be very specific. It is insufficient to just describe the statistical software package you will be using like SPSS. The analysis of data includes description of (a) preparation of the data for analysis, (b) description of the sample, (c) testing the reliability of the measurement (d) level of significance. In addition, quantitative data always uses descriptive statistics (analysis of the sample) as well as analysis of variables. A rationale should be provided to support the choice of statistical analysis. A full description of the statistical procedures that are used to analyze the variables to be done should be given.
If you have chosen to do a qualitative proposal, a full description of how you would analyze this data should be done. Qualitative data does not use inferential statistics. The analysis of data would also include description of (a) preparation of the data for analysis, (b) description of the sample as well as a full analysis of the data itself.
Anticipated Results
Based on previous research and your clinical experience, what would be the possible anticipated result of the study if it were done? Try to be as specific as possible based on the research question, relationship between variables, and the statistical analysis. What would be your rationale for this outcome? As previously stated, “Since this study is only a proposal and will not be done, a reasoned outcome should be provided. It is acknowledged that this proposed outcome may be in error or faulty.”
Strengths and Weaknesses
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your proposed study. Review your research question and literature. Consider your sampling procedure, sample, sample size, type of research design, extraneous variables, data collection tool used, etc. Also discuss external validity (generalizability) of your proposed study.
Suggestions for Further Research
What would be the next steps in the research of this topic or these variables. Is there a new direction the research should go? Should there be replication studies? Where does the research go from here?
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
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Criteria Ratings Points
30 to >27.
0 pts
Selection of the
statistical procedures is
appropriate for the data
and congruent with the
research question and
the type of data
collected. A rationale for
the statistical procedure
is provided. The
description of the
statistical procedures is
clear and detailed. The
level of significance is
27 to >24.0 pts
Selection of the statistical
procedures is appropriate for
the data and congruent with
the research question and
the type of data collected. A
rationale for the statistical
procedure is provided but not
well explained. The
description of the statistical
procedures is unclear and
does not provided enough
detail. The level of
significance is not included.
24 to >0.0 pts
Selection of the statistical
procedures is in
appropriate for the data
and incongruent with the
research question and
the type of data collected.
A rationale for the
statistical procedure is
not provided. The
description of the
statistical procedures is
clear and detailed. The
level of significance is not
0 pts
30 pts
20 to >17.0 pts
The strengths and
weaknesses of the study
are well articulated.
They are specific and
detailed in both areas.
17 to >16.0 pts
The strengths and
weaknesses of the study are
partially articulated. They
lack specifics and detail in
both areas
16 to >0.0 pts
The strengths and
weaknesses of the study
are poorly articulated.
They are nonspecific and
have few details in both
0 pts
20 pts
for further
10 to >9.0 pts
A reasoned and
appropriate outcome is
described based on
totality of the research
proposal. Suggestions
for further research are
appropriate and based
on the information
9 to >7.0 pts
The outcome is described
loosely based on totality of
the research proposal. The
suggestions for further
research are brief and do not
give enough detail.
7 to >0.0 pts
The outcome is poorly
described and is not
based on totality of the
research proposal. The
suggestions for further
research are not clear.
0 pts
10 pts
Sources 10 to >9.0 pts
All sources (information
and graphics) are
scholarly, current, and
appropriate to the topic
9 to >7.0 pts
Some sources (information
and graphics) are scholarly,
current, and appropriate to
the topic.
7 to >0.0 pts
Sources (information and
graphics) are not
scholarly, current, and
0 pts
10 pts
Research Proposal: Data Analysis Methodology Grading Rubric |
Criteria Ratings Points
30 to >27.0 pts
There are minimal or no
grammatical, spelling or
punctuation errors.
Sources are
documented in current
APA format. Information
is very organized and
has a logical flow. The
page count requirement
of 3-5 pages is met.
27 to >24.0 pts
There are a few grammatical,
spelling, or punctuation
errors. Some sources are
documented in current APA
format. There are less than
scholarly references
24 to >0.0 pts
There are many
grammatical, spelling, or
punctuation errors. The
sources are not
documented in current
APA format and/or there
are 1-4 scholarly
references included.
0 pts
30 pts
Total Points: 100
Research Proposal: Data Analysis Methodology Grading Rubric |