The executive summary should be a brief introduction to your marketing proposal and highlight the sections that will be found in greater detail later in your proposal. You want to grab the reader’s attention and get them interested to read further. Unsure what an executive summary is? Start by reviewing the Harvard Business Review monthly publications; each article typically has an executive summary. The executive summary should include the following sections: -Product/Service: describe your brand’s product and its unique features. Also, why/how is your brand considered a “millennial targeted brand.” -Research Problem and Objectives: briefly introduce the problem and marketing objectives. -Market: introduce the market and what are the advantages of pursuing this market. Discuss how you will reintroduce your brand’s product to them in order to gain market acceptance. -Competition: introduce your brand’s competition. -Funding Request: how much money you are requesting to fulfill the outcomes your company is proposing.
HM 376 – Hospitality Marketing and Service Management
Group Marketing Proposal Project
Dr. Giffen – Spring 2020
Brief Overview of Project
Your team of 4-6 students represents a well-known, elite marketing firm that provides consultation to
limited-service millennial-mindful brand hotels (i.e. Tru Hotels, James, Proper, Aloft, Surry, Moxy, etc.)
or millennial targeted restaurants (another article on millennial targeted restaurants). Your team will
develop a well-constructed marketing proposal in order to: (1) define a problem and establish research
objectives; (2) develop a research plan; (3) collect and analyze data (via primary and secondary
resources); (4) interpret and present findings.
You may choose any hotel or restaurant brand that meets the criteria in the links provided above. The
brand is an actual ‘real’ company you choose. Your findings must be a high-quality professional
document that would be presentable to the brand’s owner, president, or CEO. Please note, real life
marketing executives from Pacific Hospitality Group (PHG) may be in attendance for your presentation.
Page limitations are not provided, as you are the marketing firm; in other words, you know best so “get
the job done.” You will need to use your textbook, databases, library, librarian, brand contacts, and each
other to get through this project. Lastly, please refer to General Guidelines for this project located in
Section III.
I. Written Component of the proposal
Your marketing proposal must include the following sections. All sections should have the subheadings
as listed. Prior to the Table of Contents, please ensure you have a cover page with your group member’s
a. Table of Contents
Table of contents should include all the following sections with appropriate page numbers.
b. Executive Summary (Abstract)
The executive summary should be a brief introduction to your marketing proposal and highlight the
sections that will be found in greater detail later in your proposal. You want to grab the reader’s attention
and get them interested to read further. Unsure what an executive summary is? Start by reviewing the
Harvard Business Review monthly publications; each article typically has an executive summary. The
executive summary should include the following sections:
-Product/Service: describe your brand’s product and its unique features. Also, why/how is your brand
considered a “millennial targeted brand.”
-Research Problem and Objectives: briefly introduce the problem and marketing objectives.
-Market: introduce the market and what are the advantages of pursuing this market. Discuss how you
will reintroduce your brand’s product to them in order to gain market acceptance.
-Competition: introduce your brand’s competition.
-Funding Request: how much money you are requesting to fulfill the outcomes your company is
c. The Company & The Industry
-Company (this is about your brands company/industry). Provide general overview of the company and
why/how your brand is considered a “millennial targeted brand.”
-Background: History of company.
-Current Status: reputation and strengths as a company and brand (hint: use Yahoo Finance).
-Industry: Chief Characteristics and Trends (you need to demonstrate that this is a growing industry, not a
failing one! Find authoritative industry sources and/or quotes that substantiate that your brands industry is
d. Research Problem/Purpose and Objectives. The goal in this section is to demonstrate that you have
established a solid marketing research problem/purpose and have defined adequate research objectives. In
other words, your brand will want to know, “What problem do I have that you can help solve?”
-Research Problem (this should be stated in 1 sentence followed by supporting evidence). A typical
example recommended by Dillman (2008) is to write, “The purpose of our study is…” or “The problem
which we wish to solve is…”
-Research Objectives (establish at least 3 separate yet unique research objectives). “Our research problem
will be supported by 3 research objectives: (1)_____(2)_____ and (3)_____
-Please carefully and thoughtfully read and review Chapter 5 for guidance on defining the problem and
research objectives.
e. Market Analysis. The goal in this section is to show that you understand your brand’s market well.
-Target Markets and their Characteristics (please identify primary, secondary and tertiary
[pronounced: TER-she-err-ee] markets your brand serves).
-Demographic Information (you need to demonstrate that there is sufficient need that fit your target
-Trends and Growth Potential (show that the primary market is growing, not dying).
f. Products and Related Services
-Your brand’s Product/Service Description
-Your brand’s physical Facility Description
-Your brand’s prospects for Future Development Plans
g. Competitive Analysis you may do this section in chart form if you prefer.
-Must have >2 competitors for the analysis
-SWOT analysis must be provided (for your brand and the two competitors)
-Your brand’s Competitor’s Profile (location, years in business, any background info)
-Your brand’s Product/Service Comparison with the competition
h. Pricing
-Discuss your brand’s pricing strategy and approach(es)
-What factors affect pricing with your brand?
-What price-adjustment strategies does your brand utilize?
i. Promotion Identify your promotion plan to attract each target market. Please list the target markets in order
and outline the promotional methods you plan on using. Your methods may include, but are not limited to
the following:
-Public Relations
-Social Media
-(any additional)
j. Management & Ownership
-Key People & Experience that work at the corporate level (visit the company website and LinkedIn)
-Ownership Distribution (e.g. is there more than one owner of the product?) See the brand’s/company
annual report.
-Does the brand provide management services and/or franchise agreements? Explain.
k. Schedule & Strategic Planning
-Based on your research problem/purpose, what is the schedule/timeline for project completion. In other
words, how much time do you need to truly identify and answer your research problem and objectives?
-Projected budget/funding request (how much money you are requesting from the brand to complete this
marketing research proposal and how it will be used).
l. Reference/Works Cited Page
-If any writing is factual and/or someone else’s idea(s), it is expected that in-text citations with a
reference page will be included.
m. Appendices
– If applicable
II. Presentation
Students will give a 15-minute presentation of their marketing proposal (time subject to change).
Envision your classmates and your professor as the brands of the organization you chose. Job titles
represented in the room are: Owners, Presidents, and CEOs; therefore, your presentation should be
structured accordingly.
PowerPoint, Prezi, (or other visual materials) is a requirement along with participation from all group
members. Project presentations will begin prior to the week of Final Exams. Remember, you must
present during your assigned time slot, your presentations cannot be rescheduled
III. General Guidelines
A reference page, in-text citations, and page numbers are required. One member of the group must submit
the written portion of the proposal and visual presentation under the appropriate link in Beachboard
prior to the due date.
Furthermore, one hard copy is to be submitted in class on the due date (The hard copy must be
professionally bounded either as a coil or comb binding). Projects are due at the beginning of class (see
course schedule for due date). Projects submitted after the due date will not be accepted. No partial
projects will be accepted for grading and will therefore earn a Zero (0).
Code of Conduct for Team Project
• Team pledges to respond to members within 24 hours.
• Team members will offer two ways to be contacted.
• Team members will each contribute their fair share of quality work.
• Team members pledge to meet at least two hours a week outside of class time.
• Team members pledge to deal responsibly with issues as they arise.
• If issues cannot be resolved, the professor will act as an arbitrator.
• Team members pledge to meet team deadlines and deal with constructive criticism with an open mind.
• Team members will have the courtesy to let team members know if they drop the class, or if other issues arise that will directly affect
their ability to contribute to the team.
• The following items have been agreed upon by the team in addition to the above:
Team Member Name Team Member Name
Team Member Signature Team Member Signature
Date Date
Team Member Name Team Member Name
Team Member Signature Team Member Signature
Date Date
Team Member Name Team Member Name
Team Member Signature Team Member Signature
Date Date
Written & Oral Presentation Criteria and Grade Sheet
HM 376– Hospitality Marketing and Service Management
Group Project (Written: 120pts Presentation: 60pts)
Dr. Ryan Giffen
Company: Date:
Ratings (circle the appropriate numbers).
A. Table of contents 1. Well organized with page numbers
2. correlated with document
1 3 5 7 10
B. Executive Summary
Brief, pithy, and direct. Includes the following
Funding Request
1 3 5 7 10
C. The company & Industry Company
Current Status
1 3 5 7 10
D. Research Problem/Purpose
and Objectives
Research problem clearly stated and defined
Research objective: 3 clearly stated and defined
1 3 5 7 10
E. Market Analysis Target Markets and Characteristics
Demographic Information
Trends and Growth Potential
1 3 5 7 10
F. Products and related services Product/service description
Facility description
Prospects for future development
1 3 5 7 10
G. Competitive analysis SWOT (brand and 2 competitors)
Competitor profile
Product/Service description comparison
1 3 5 7 10
H. Pricing Pricing strategy
Internal and external factors discussed
Price adjustment strategies
1 3 5 7 10
I. Promotion Promotion method(s) align with each target market
1 3 5 7 10
J. Management & Ownership Key management/executives
Ownership distribution
Business structure (i.e. franchise, LLC, Sole-proprietor,
1 3 5 7 10
K. Schedule & Strategic
Schedule/Timeline for project completion to meet
research objectives
Projected Budget/funding request based on research
1 3 5 7 10
L. Other requirements must be
met to avoid point deduction
-Cover Page (-5)
-Table of contents (-5)
-Pagination (-5)
-Appropriate APA reference page/in-text citations (-10)
-Professional Binding (-10)
-Grammar/Spelling (-10)
-Organization of Document (-10)
1 3 5 7 10
DELIVERY Description
1. Organization of Presentation
and Presenters
Organization of presentation including # and sequencing
of slides. Outline and flow of the talk.
1 3 5 7 10
2. Professionalism of
presentation and Presenters
Professionalism of presentation including poise,
persuasiveness, appearance, self-confidence, posture,
eye contact, and enthusiasm revealed. Appropriate
dress conducive to environment.
1 3 5 7 10
3. Visual Support/Presentation
Use of visuals and color including power point,
handouts, sample product display, and videos
1 3 5 7 10
4. Communication Skills of
Communication skills of team including use of uhm’s
and uh’s and “reading” and voice tone, speed, and
1 3 5 7 10
5. Timing of Presentation
Use of time including whether too brief or too long. 15
minute limit with a 1 minute grace period before and
after. Thus, presentations must be within 14-16 minutes
to avoid point deduction.
1 3 5 7 10
6. Q&A from Audience
Handling of questions including nature and extent of
interaction with audience during question/answer time
1 3 5 7 10
WRITTEN Total: / 120
Coiled/Comb/Book Bounded? (-10) if Not
HM 376 – Hospitality Marketing and Service Management
All members of a presenting team are granted the same grade on their written and presentation outcomes. However, if it appears
that a student was unable and/or unwilling to contribute to development of the presentation materials and analyses, individual
grades may be adjusted. On occasion Dr. Giffen will increase a student’s grade if it appears they were the clear leader. Peer
scores on these forms are confidential and we encourage handwritten comments.
Do not put your name at the top of this form, but do put your name in the spaces provided below. This semester you worked with
three other students on preparing a comprehensive case analysis. Please rate yourself and your team members on the relative
contribution made to preparing and presenting the case. Your ratings will be confidential and anonymous. Be honest on this
In rating yourself and your team members, use a one- to five-point scale, where 5 = superior, 4 = above average, 3 = average, 2 =
below average, and 1 = really weak. Add the scores to obtain a total score for yourself and the other group members. Put any
comments you like on the bottom or back of this page. Fold this sheet when you complete the ratings below. Provide written
comments on the back regarding your team members’ performance.
Put your name AND your team members’ names below, one name at the top of each column.
On time for all group meetings:
Helped keep the group cohesive:
Number of useful ideas contributed:
Quantity of work done:
Quality of work done:
+ + + + +
Add Total Scores Here: