3000 words
Harvard Style reference
What to include in the Research Project?
Re-instate the finalised aim and 3 objectives (approx. 300 words)
Analysis (approx. 1100-1300 words)
Needs to answer the questions set in your objectives
Use a combination of tables, figures, graphs, stats and text
Discussion (approx. 1100-1300words)
Interpret and explain your findings in in the context of the literature & existing knowledge about the subject
Justify your approach
Critically evaluate your own research (Advantages & Disadvantages)
Conclusion (approx. 550-650 words)
Summarise key findings
Summarise the implications of your findings
Explain why they are important for researchers and in practice
Recommendations (approx. 350-450 words)
Suggestions for further research
Suggestions for practice: policy makers, companies etc
Reference list (min 20 references)