Check Point Exercise – The Vanishing Line Video Study Guide Worksheet
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Check Point Exercise: “The Vanishing Line Video”
: As you watch the video, please complete the study guide. Then use Microsoft Word to type your answers to the questions below and submit it via the drop box for this assignment. Type your answers in single spaced, 12” regular (not bold) blue colored Arial font. Thank you!
1. What is the significance of the title of the video – “The Vanishing Line?”
2. What problems can arise in patient care/communication at the end-of-life phase due to physicians’ lack of training in death and dying?
3. Why did the resident physician say, “I felt helpless while watching the patient die alone in the room?”
Child in the Bed in PVS State: Provide arguments for and against the medical team working to resuscitate the near-drowning victim for 45 minutes.
5. Describe how the medical system can sometimes be at odds with the desires of the patient/family.
6. Describe why some patients and their families can feel “intimidated by the health care system.”
7. Provide arguments for and against extending a person’s life via medical technology when the patient is diagnosed as “terminally ill.” What would be your wishes if you were in this situation? Why?
8. What could Jim and Kaye have done differently to ensure that Kaye’s end of life wishes for medical care would have been followed? What three documents delineate patients’ wishes for end-of-life medical care?