File is attached below.
For this assignment, you will interview one parent/grandparent to learn about their parenting and discipline style. This interview will be conducted and written about separately.
Following the interview, you will summarize and analyze your findings. What parenting style did you recognize? What were the methods of socialization? These and other questions will be answered in your summary and evaluation of the interview.
1. Schedule an interview.
2. Prepare for the interview: determine which questions you will ask and how you will take notes. I have provided you with some suggested interview questions. You don’t need to ask every question!
3. Conduct the interview.
4. Summarize the interview and identify the parenting style and approaches to discipline the parent has.
5. Suggested paper format:
Paragraph 1– About the parent (name, age, marital status, children & ages, city of residence, family structure)
Paragraphs 2-4– Parenting style, methods of socialization, philosophy of discipline, type of discipline used.
Paragraph 5–Reflection on process- What did you learn about parent? What did you learn about parenting from interview? What specific aspects of the parent do you hope to emulate as a future parent/ parent?
6. Format:
· Typed
· Font size: 12-point
· Font: Times New Roman
· Double -spaced
· Submit your interview notes (scan or take a photo)
Assignment -Parent Interview # 1 Date of Interview___________
Parent Name_______________________ City of Residence________________
Gender: Male____ Female____ Family Structure_____________ Age of child (ren) _______________
1. Please describe, from your perspective, the role of parenting?
2. How old were you when you had your first child, second child, etc?
3. In your opinion, do you think there is a “right age” for becoming a parent?
4. What do you like best about becoming a parent?
5. What do you like least about being a parent?
6. How do/did you guide teach and discipline your child(ren)?
7. What age of your child has been the least/most difficult for you so far?
8. Has your child(ren) been in childcare and early education settings?
9. How do you feel about early childhood education settings?
10. Are you happy with your child’s schools? Why or why not?
11. At what age did your child begin to use media such as watch T.V., ipad, phone?
12. Do you think the media programming affects your child’s behavior?
13. Do (did) you limit exposure to television/ music/movies at all? Why?
14. What are three important things a parent can teach a child?
15. Of these three family characteristics that influence socialization of a child (socioeconomic status, ethnicity and religion), choose only one and describe how you feel it affects your child(ren).
16. Are you raising your children the same way you were raised? Why or why not?
17. What advice would you give someone planning to have children?