Explain categorization and the two main types of categories—natural categories and artificial categories. Describe how the prototype theory explains the formation of categories.
Explain the difference between a script and a schema. Describe two scripts you use to perform two different everyday activities. Explain why you think these scripts help you perform the tasks.
Cite any sources you use using the APA format on a separate page.
Most cognitive psychologists are of the opinion that there are multiple types of memory. Explicit or declarative memory contains factual information that can be recalled at will. In contrast, procedural memory is a form of implicit memory that records performance of actions. This information is difficult to recall consciously.
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Analyzing Schemas
• Concepts help define categories and contribute to schemas. Schemas are organizations
of related concepts.
• What comes to your mind when you think of the concept travel? You may think of objects
such as cars, airplanes, suitcases, tickets, hotels, and different cities. Each of these
objects is included in your schema for travel and each object may have its own schemas,
• The content of schemas depends on your experience. For example, if you are a pilot,
then your schema of travel may include more details related to flying than a nonflyer’s
• Schemas can project relationships between concepts and between the attributes in a