Case study on transnational crime
5CRIM002W, Globalisation, Crime and Control, 2020/21 –
Assessment 2 (Case study – transnational crime)
Deadline: 1pm, 4th January, 2021
Write a 2,000 word answer to the following:
Bowling (2011: 362) argues that ‘transnational criminology is a rapidly developing field
that sets out specifically to understand crime and justice beyond national boundaries’.
Outline the implications of this statement with particular reference to a recent incidence
of transnational (cross-border) crime.
You must cover the following:
1) The nature of the crime (e.g. the harm caused; the social background of the
powerful offenders involved in that type of crime, and their victims; whether the
incident might be defined as a crime according to international law or to
international civil society; its underlying and more immediate causes)
2) The responses to the crime (e.g. the extent to which they were coordinated
between police and other justice authorities in different countries; the extent to
which they involved non-state as well as state actors; their effectiveness).
3) You should also integrate the theoretical framework set out in the lecture slide
presentation for week 7 and summarized below:
Transnational criminology illustrates a blurring of boundaries between the following
4 areas:
1. Transnational criminology questions the distinction traditionally made
between ‘national and international’ and focuses instead on the growing
significance of borderless crimes and borderless justice.
2. Transnational criminology challenges the boundary usually drawn between
crime and war.
3. Transnational criminology challenges the classic distinction between crimes
of the powerful and crimes of the powerless.
4. Transnational criminology questions the distinction usually drawn between
public and private institutions (approaches to transnational crime).
(Aas 2013; Bowling & Sheptycki 2012; Hallsworth & Lea 2011)