its about Paul, Barnabas, and John Mark and when you get to the Response section it needs to be 3 paragraphs and follow the grading rubic
EDUC 746
Biblical Critique Assignment Instructions
During this course, you will complete 4 Biblical Critique Assignments (see chart below). For each critique, you will read, reflect, and respond to the assigned Bible character(s) and verses. Each Bible character(s) and verses correlate to a conflict. Studying these conflicts can help us understand how to honor God during conflict and seek reconciliation. The crux of this assignment is located in the Respond Section on the Biblical Critique Template.
In order to complete each critique, you must utilize the Biblical Critique Template. Each critique must include an introduction and conclusion. Between the introduction and conclusion, you will complete three sections:
1. Read
2. Reflect
3. Respond
Read Section
In this section, you will read the assigned verses. After reading though the verses, reread the passage and note all the facts of the verses. In this section, you will not provide any personal analysis or critique. You will only list the facts straight from the Bible with the corresponding verse. You should aim for 10-15 facts from each passage. You must provide at least 10 facts, but less than 15 facts. This section on the template is a short chart. You must complete the chart on the template.
Reflect Section
In this section, you will reflect on the facts of the passage and reread the passage. This time, look for places in the passage that reveal the character of God and/or man, or point to Jesus. This section should not provide any personal analysis or critique, but should come straight from the Bible with corresponding verses to support where you found the character of God and/or man or point to Jesus. This section on the template is a short chart. You must complete the chart on the template.
Respond Section
In this section, you will reread the passage this time noting how this passage applies to the current world, your personal situation, and conflict resolution. This is where you provide your personal analysis and critique of the passage. Make sure you identify whether or not the character in the passage from the Bible honored God during the conflict and how this passage shows you how to honor God during the conflict. This section should be at least three complete paragraphs and must include support from your textbook and/or scholarly journal articles published in the last five years.
All Biblical Critique Assignments must follow current APA style. No direct quotes are permitted unless quoting from the Bible.
All Biblical Critique Assignments must utilize the assigned character and passages for each assigned module below:
Module: Week
Biblical Critique Character(s)
Biblical Critique Passages
Module 2: Week 2
2 Samuel 11
Module 4: Week 4
Exodus 2
Module 5: Week 5
Paul, Barnabas, and John (also known as Mark)
Acts 13: 1 – 13, Acts 15:36 – 41
Module 6: Week 6
Candidate’s Choice
Select the character and passages you want to critique.
If you are unfamiliar with biblical conflicts, you are welcome to select one of the options below:
· Israelites: Joshua 22:1 – 34
· Jacob and Esau: Genesis 25:19 – 34
· Abraham, Sarah and Hagar: Genesis 15 – 17, 21:1-21
· Cain and Abel: Genesis 4:1 – 12
· Hellenistic and Hebraic Jews: Acts 6: 1 – 7.
· Ananias: Acts 9: 1 – 22
Biblical Critique: [Character]
School of Education, Liberty University
Author Note
I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
Biblical Critique: [Character]
Use this space to give a short introduction to the character, passage, and the purpose of the paper. For the Biblical Critique: Candidate’s Choice, you ensure you introduce the character and passage for your audience. This should be a minimum of five sentences. You will need to follow all APA guidelines for citations. Citations should include the author’s last name, comma, and the year of publication.
(Smith, 2010). Do not include a page number. You are not permitted to use any direct quotes on this assignment unless from the Bible. If you quote from the Bible your citation must include the version, original and republished years, and then the book title, chapter, and verse. Example: (New American Standard Version, 1960/1995, Philippians 1:3). Do not abbreviate the version of the Bible you are using.
[Insert 10 – 15 facts from the passage below and list the verse that supports the facts. You may add more rows, as needed. Delete these instructions.]
Fact |
Verses |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
[List the places you see
God’s character
, man’s character or how the passage points to
in the chart below. You must at least identify two of the three. List the verses that support what you see. Delete these instructions.]
What do you see in the passage that relates to God’s character, man’s character, or Jesus? |
God’s character |
Man’s character |
Jesus |
[In this section, you will reread the passage this time noting how this passage applies to the current world, your personal situation, and conflict resolution. This is where you provide your personal analysis and critique of the passage. Make sure you identify whether or not the character in the passage from the Bible honored God during the conflict and how this passage shows you how to honor God during the conflict. This section should be at least three complete paragraphs of at least 5 sentences and must include support from your textbook and/or scholarly journal articles published in the last five years. Do not use any direct quotes unless from the Bible.]
[Insert your conclusion that summarizes your paper. Do not include any new concepts in this section. Do not use any direct quotes unless from the Bible.]
You will only include references that you cited. At a minimum you should include the Bible and your textbook. Make sure all references utilize a hanging indent and follow all current APA standards.
Authorlastname, A. B. (2019). Book title in italics with only the first word and proper nouns, like Christian, capitalized: If there is a subtitle, the first word is capitalized. Publisher.
Authorlastname, A. B. (2019). Article title in regular font with only the first word and proper nouns and proper adjectives, like European, capitalized: Subtitles may or may not be used. Journal Titles and Volume Numbers Are Italicized, 15(2), 41-50.
New American Standard Bible. (1995). New American Standard Bible Online. (Original work published 1960)
Criteria Ratings Points
20 to >17.
0 pts
Candidate provides clear,
full introduction and
conclusion paragraphs. The
introduction provides a clear
understanding of the
purpose of the assignment.
The conclusion provides a
good summary of the
assignment and does not
introduce any new
concepts. There are no
direct quotes used unless
from the Bible.
17 to >16.0 pts
Candidate provides
adequate introduction and
conclusion paragraphs. The
introduction provides an
adequate understanding of
the purpose of the
assignment. The conclusion
provides an adequate
summary of the assignment
and does not introduce any
new concepts. There are no
direct quotes used unless
from the Bible.
16 to >0.0 pts
Candidate provides
decent introduction and
conclusion paragraphs.
The introduction
provides an
understanding of the
purpose of the
assignment. The
conclusion provides a
summary of the
assignment and/or
introduces a new
concept. There is a
direct quote used
besides a direct quote
from the Bible.
0 pts
20 pts
10 to >9.0 pts
The candidate completes
the chart in the Read
section with at least 10
facts, but not more than 15
facts. Each fact has listed
the verse to support the
fact. There is no personal
analysis or critique included
in this section. There are no
direct quotes used.
9 to >8.0 pts
The candidate completes
the chart in the Read
section with at least 9 facts
or more than 15 facts, but
less than 17 facts. Each fact
has listed the verse to
support the fact. There is no
personal analysis or critique
included in this section.
There are no direct quotes
8 to >0.0 pts
The candidate
completes the chart in
the Read section with at
least 8 facts or more
than 17 facts. Each fact
has listed the verse to
support the fact. There
is no personal analysis
or critique included in
this section. There are
no direct quotes used.
0 pts
10 pts
10 to >9.0 pts
The candidate completes
the chart in the Reflect
section with at least two of
the following: • God’s
character • Man’s character
• Jesus There are verses to
support the reflection. There
is no personal analysis or
critique included in this
section. There are no direct
quotes used.
9 to >8.0 pts
The candidate completes
the chart in the Reflect
section with at least one of
the following: • God’s
character • Man’s character
• Jesus There are verses to
support the reflection. There
is no personal analysis or
critique included in this
section. There are no direct
quotes used.
8 to >0.0 pts
The candidate does not
adequately the chart in
the Reflect section with
at least two of the
following: • God’s
character • Man’s
character • Jesus There
are no verses to support
the reflection. There is
personal analysis or
critique included in this
section. There is a
direct quotes used.
0 pts
10 pts
Biblical Critique Grading Rubric | EDUC746_B04_202220
Criteria Ratings Points
40 to >36.0 pts
The candidate completely
explains how this passage
applies to the current world,
personal situation, and
conflict resolution. There is
thorough personal analysis
and critique in this section.
The candidate completely
explains how the character
honor or dishonored God.
There is support from the
textbook and/or scholarly
journals published within the
last five years. There are no
direct quotes used unless
from the Bible.
36 to >33.0 pts
The candidate adequately
explains how this passage
applies to the current world,
personal situation, and
conflict resolution. There is
a decent personal analysis
and critique in this section.
The candidate adequately
explains how the character
honor or dishonored God.
There is support from the
textbook and/or scholarly
journals published within the
last five years. There are no
direct quotes used unless
from the Bible.
33 to >0.0 pts
The candidate explains
how this passage
applies to the current
world, personal
situation, and conflict
resolution. There is a
personal analysis and
critique in this section.
The candidate explains
how the character honor
or dishonored God.
There is no support
from the textbook and/or
scholarly journals
published within the last
five years. There is a
direct quote used.
0 pts
40 pts
10 to >9.0 pts
Sentences are well-phrased
and varied in length and
structure. Writing displays
introductory and concluding
sentences that are concise,
interesting and focused.
Each paragraph is at least
five sentences. The writing
is free of errors.
9 to >8.0 pts
Sentences are well-phrased
and there is some variety in
length and structure. Writing
displays clear introductory
and concluding sentences.
Each paragraph is at least
five sentences. There are
1–3 errors, but they do not
represent a major
distraction or obscure
8 to >0.0 pts
Some sentences are
awkwardly constructed
so that the reader is
occasionally distracted.
Writing displays vague
introductory and
concluding sentences.
The writing includes
many errors. Each
paragraph is less than
five sentences.
0 pts
10 pts
and APA
10 to >9.0 pts
The candidate uses the
provided template. APA
formatting is used
throughout for the title page,
headings, citations, and
reference pages.
9 to >8.0 pts
The candidate uses the
provided template. APA
formatting is used
throughout for the title page,
headings, citations, and
reference pages. There is
one error in APA.
8 to >0.0 pts
The candidate uses the
provided template. APA
formatting is used
throughout for the title
page, headings,
citations, and reference
pages. There is more
than one APA error.
0 pts
10 pts
Total Points: 100
Biblical Critique Grading Rubric | EDUC746_B04_202220