Module 7 Discussion Forum I: Building on (Contrastive) Details
The purpose of this discussion is similar to the previous ones that we’ve done in this series. But it will also help to prepare you for the kind of thinking that you’ll employ in your Five-Paragraph Writing Exercise due in Module 13 because, like it, you’ll be asked to contrast two texts. And like others in this series, you’ll continue to work on situating evidence (i.e. your example), a writing move you’ll be asked to use in your higher-stakes writing. (Again, if you need a refresher, have a look at the page that describes
how to situate evidence
Forum Instructions
In this forum, you will choose a concrete detail from one of Carter’s stories (“The Bloody Chamber,” “The Courtship of Mr. Lyon,” or “The Tiger’s Bride”) on which to focus your analysis, but you’ll choose it because it either rewrites a detail from the fairy tale its based on or adds something new to the story that wasn’t encompassed in its precursor. How does this change or addition contribute to the meaning of Carter’s story? In other words, what’s her purpose in changing or adding this particular detail? It may be useful to bear in mind that Carter is generally understood to be a consciously feminist writer. So it may be useful to consider how this detail serves her feminist message.
Please Order Post in the Following Way:
1. Situate your example (i.e. supply a brief description of the narrative and/or textual context from which you are drawing it). (1-2 sentences.)
2. Convey your example (i.e. quote what is and only what is relevant or provide a concrete and specific description of your example); provide an in-text MLA citation for it.
3. Analyze this example for what it suggests about Carter’s purpose (i.e. what’s its point?). What does it reveal about the characters, plot, or setting? (1-2 sentences)
4. On the basis of your discussion so far, make a further inference about how this moment relates to the broader meaning of the story (and, more specifically, its feminist message). (1-2 sentences)
Additional Instructions
· Length: Your post should be at minimum 150 words.
· Format: You will post your comment directly in the appropriate discussion forum, so use the default formatting (font type, etc.) for the discussion board.
· Citations: Use
MLA in-text citations (Links to an external site.)
for textual evidence that refers to the page numbers in the assigned editions of the standalone texts or the PDF/Word documents posted to Canvas. If you cite a different edition or another source, include an MLA Works Cited at the end of your post.
· You do not have to relate this post to any preceding ones in this forum. In fact, you will not be able to see your classmates’ posts until you’ve posted your own. But since your post will reveal everyone else’s, if you make some sort of mistake initially and have to repost, you are then responsible for reading the entire thread and identifying a unique example that has not been previously mentioned in the discussion.
· Write with clarity (clear sentences and clear and distinct ideas).