view the file for assignment!
My topic is below:
Health for children/ children’s health
Public Healthchildren
Assignment: Topic and HotList
Create a Resource
This is your research list of websites, websites that contain the factual information that you are going to include or incorporate into your assigned projects. Write a brief description and justification of the topic. Select your topic carefully, make sure that you will be able to find valid research on the topic, that you can create all the following projects based on your topic: PowerPoint, Newsletter, Flyer/Brochure, Certificate, Excel database or budget. You should have at least 15 websites in this hotlist. Include the http: address of each resource (hotlinked) and write a brief summary of each so that you can remember what the site will provide for you.
The resources from the Internet should be from a reliable source such as: .gov .edu .org
State and Federal websites and well-known Medical Websites are another good source. This is just a suggestion….when you find clip art or graphics that you like for your projects save them in a folder on your desktop for future use….if you do this as you are researching your information it will save you time.
I have provided you samples of all projects that you will be required to create this semester….using only Microsoft Office, the latest version for your computer. Please locate them in the Content section of the course and take a look at the work others have done with the project assignments.