Using the e textbook: Dynamic Business Law: The Essentials
Required Unit Resources
Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Fundamentals of Dynamic Business Law
Chapter 3: The U.S. Legal System and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Answer the following questions using original writing and if citing a source must include in text information.
Multiple Choice:
What is the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws?
1. A group of experts who develop laws for states to adopt so that laws on specific subjects will be the same from state to state
2. An organization made up of representatives from the legislatures in each state that negotiates changes to state laws intended to standardize state laws
3. A committee of the U.S. Congress whose purpose is to propose how differences in state laws can be resolved
4. A committee of the American Bar Association whose purpose is to recommend to the U.S. Congress how differences in state laws can be eliminated
The primary authority for identifying the relationship between business and government in the United States is:
1. the Commerce Clause.
2. administrative law.
3. executive orders.
4. the U.S. Constitution.
What is the common law?
1. The laws involving the rights and responsibilities in the relationships between private persons and private business organizations
2. State laws that apply to all citizens of the state
3. Laws that involve disputes between private individuals
4. The collection of legal interpretations of laws made by judges in the cases that they decide
The trial courts in the federal court system (i.e., the U.S. district courts) are courts of general jurisdiction, which means the courts have the:
1. authority to consider a wide range of cases and to grant almost any legal or ethical remedy.
2. power to consider any case that is assigned to them by an intermediate appellate court.
3. power to consider any civil case but no criminal cases.
4. authority to make final decisions in cases that cannot be reviewed by other courts.
In arbitration, the parties to the dispute select an independent arbitrator who hears evidence from both parties and decides how the dispute should be resolved. In civil litigation, a judge or jury hears the evidence from both parties and decides how the dispute should be resolved. What are the differences between arbitration and civil litigation? Why is one approach better than the other approach to resolving disputes?
Your response must be at least 75 words in length.
One source of law in the United States is case law, sometimes called common law, which is based on the decisions of courts. The decision of a court resolves the dispute in the particular case that is in the court, but how can decisions of courts create a source of laws that apply beyond the case in which the decision was rendered?
Your response must be at least 75 words in length.