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Adult Health 2: Stroke
It is essential to the success of your simulation experience that everyone is prepared. You will discuss your answers to the following questions during pre-briefing. This is an individual assignment to be submitted in your course on Brightspace and must be printed or available via phone/tablet as your “ticket” to enter the simulation center.
You must have this completed assignment with you to participate in simulation.
Preparation Guidelines
Course textbook, UpToDate, and stroke.nih.gov. (UpToDate is available through the library website databases.)
Ticket to Enter
1) Describe the pathophysiology of Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA). What are the signs and symptoms?
2) List possible risk factors for stroke.
3) Describe the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS).
4) Research the possible medications for treating an acute stroke and identify contraindications for thrombolytic therapy.
5) Describe “permissive hypertension.”
6) Research the pharmacology of intravenous Labetalol. What would be the indicated use of this medication for the acute stroke patient? (Hint: BP parameters)
7) Name three nursing diagnoses and related interventions specific to the care of the stroke patient.
8) What signs and symptoms may alert the nurse that the stroke patient might have difficulty swallowing and is therefore at risk for aspiration? Should nurses assess all stroke patients for swallowing ability?
9) Identify at least four interdisciplinary team members involved in the care of stroke patients. (Consider acute and long-term care)