Textbook= An Introduction to the History of Psychology (Henley, T., Hergenhahn, B. R.)
Chapter 15: Early Considerations of Mental Illness
Chapter 16: Psychoanalysis
Articles & Web Pages:
Article: Rosalia H: With Freud a Prelude to Psychoanalysis
Article: Classifying the Personality Theories: Freud, Jung, Adler
What is Psychoanalysis
Treatment of the Mentally Ill in History
After reading and watching the videos discuss the following in 250-300 words
1). What was the significance of Freud’s visit with Charcot for the development of psychoanalysis?
2). What was Freud’s seduction theory? What did Freud conclude his mistake regarding the seduction theory had been?
3). What were Anna Freud, Carl Jung, and Karen Horney’s contribution to psychoanalysis?
Your intext citation and reference page must be the provided textbook