modeulethree x
Benchmarking Logistics Performance
selected company: he organization that I choice was grocery store (Trader Joe’s).
Module 3 – Background
Benchmarking Logistics Performance
Anonymous (2008 Dec) Time to take stock of the supply chain, Logistics Manager, London: p. 34 [ProQuest doc ID: 219567721]
Chan, F. T. S., Chan, H. K., Lau, H. C. W., &Ip, Ralph W. L. (2006), An AHP approach in benchmarking logistics performance of the postal industry, Benchmarking, Bradford 2006, Vol. 13, Iss. 6, pg 636 [ProQuest doc ID: 217396336]
Gilmour, P. (1999)Benchmarking supply chain operations; International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management; Bradford: 29:4, pp 259-266 (1999). [ProQuest doc ID: 232588675]
Smyrlis, L. (2006 Nov/Dec) Supply Chain Benchmarking, Canadian Transportation Logistics, Don Mills: Vol.109, Iss. 11; pg. 60, 3 pgs. [ProQuest doc ID: 203028299]
Dibenedetto, B, (2007, Apr 23), Keeping SCOR, Journal of Commerce, New York, pg. 1. [ProQuest Document ID: 312979381]
Module 3 – SLP
Benchmarking Logistics Performance
Each SLP assignment consists of two activities. See SLP 1 for a complete description of each.
Activity 1 (Assessment Phase)
Refer to the organization you nominated in SLP 1. Describe and assess how benchmarking is used to evaluate logistics performance in the organization.
Activity 2 (Improvement Phase)
Explore how the organization could improve logistics operations by better use of benchmarking and performance metrics.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Display an understanding of how benchmarking is used to assess logistics performance in the reference organization, to include its implementation, and the use of qualitative and quantitative measures. Provide a critical analysis of whether the reference organization could improve its logistics operations through more effective use of benchmarking.
SLP General Expectations
· Since this is a capstone course, you are expected to make full use of your detailed understanding of the material covered in this course, as well as earlier courses (LOG301, LOG302, and LOG401). You should display highly developed critical, analytical and expository skills.
· Don’t write in checklist form. Integrate the information you find into a well-constructed essay.
· You may not find specific information relating to this assignment. In that case, you will need to “fill in the gaps,” using your understanding of the company you’re analyzing, plus the sources listed on the Background Info page.
· Style and format must comply with the Writing Style Guide. (TUI Guide, n.d.) This is not an English course; however, errors in spelling, grammar and style will be penalized.
· Provide citations and references. Use of APA style is encouraged, but not required. Please see the TUI Writing Guide, or visit the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL, 2015).
· There is no page requirement. Write what you need to write, neither more nor less.
· Upload your SLP before the end of the module.