Older population assignment
InterviewGuide for N317 Interview Paper
Use the following suggested questions as you conduct your N317 interview. Please see
the paper guidelines and rubric for more specific information related to this assignment.
Demographic Information:
• What year were you born?
• Tell me about your education. Schools attended? Ethnic origin?
• What gender is the interviewee?
• Tell me about the jobs you’ve had since you first began working until your
• Are you presently managing your own financial affairs?
• Are you having any difficulty in this area?
• Do you go to any particular church?
• Participate in religious activities?
• Have you had any serious illnesses in the past?
• Are you presently seeing a doctor on a regular basis? If so, for what
• What types of medications are you currently taking? (include over the counter).
• How do you compare yourself physically and mentally to other adults your age?
• What is your definition of health?
• Does the client have any obstacles to performing the Instrumental Activities of
Daily Living?
• Does the client use any assistive devices?
• How would you describe yourself?
• What things in life are now especially important to you?
• What do you consider the most significant events in your life? (Example:
Marriage, first job, birth of children, winning an award).
• What have been the pleasant “surprises” in your life?
• What have been the unexpected events that had a major impact on who you
Social Support:
• About your family, do you have any living children?
• Do you have any living brothers or sisters?
• Is there anyone whom you can talk to when you have worries or
difficulties? (Determine who and the relationship)
• Whom do you rely on for help? (What is the client’s mode of transportation)?
• Is there anyone who helps you with grocery shopping, getting to appointments,
getting prescriptions filled?
Home Environment:
• Do you live alone or with others? (Describe)
• Describe the living facilities, space, satisfaction with living arrangement, actual or
potential safety hazards, exposure to stressors and hazards.
• Describe for me a typical day for you.
• What kinds of things do you do to pass the time? (Example: employed (full or
part time), attend senior activities, gardening, painting, handwork, visit with
• Do you have a favorite activity that you like to do most?
• How often do you get together with friends? family?
Life Satisfaction:
• What do you enjoy most about this stage of life?
• Compared with your younger years, how would you rate your present level of
happiness and satisfaction?
• What are your future plans or goals?
N317 Interview Paper Grading Rubric
Content |
Points Possible |
Points Earned |
Clearly introduce paper, its purpose, and the planned organization of content. |
5 |
Condense interview information to present an overall profile of the community dwelling older adult. · See the interview guide for suggested questions to address during the interview. |
15 |
Reflect on your interview and address the following questions: · What were your concerns prior to the interview? · With what areas of the interview were you the most and the least comfortable? · What would you differently in a second interview? |
20 |
Apply the nursing process: · Based on the interview data that you collected, identify 2 nursing diagnosis for your interviewee. · Identify at least 4 (2 for each nursing diagnosis) evidenced-based interventions (include appropriate citation) that you could teach your interviewee based on the identified nursing diagnosis. Cite diagnoses and interventions. Place in table format versus narrative format. Nursing Diagnoses Nursing Interventions 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 1. |
Discuss the extent to which the interview will influence your nursing practice with older adults. Describe specific practices you will utilize in caring for older adults. Provide rationales and citations based on textbook readings. |
Provide an overview paragraph of what you achieved and learned by completing this assignment. |
5 | ||
Organization, grammar, and APA style. |
15 | ||
Deductions a. Five points will be deducted for each page exceeding the page limit (excludes title and reference page). b. Papers submitted after the due date and time will be subject to point deductions as outlined in the late policy guideline per the course syllabus. |
Grade |
100 |
N317: Fundamentals of Nursing in the Context of the Older Adult
Assignment: Interview Paper Guidelines
Purpose of Assignment: The Interview Paper provides the learner with opportunities to:
· Interview an older adult to examine their life and daily activities.
· Apply theories of communication and interpersonal relationships.
· Reflect on the interview and its effect on your future nursing practice.
· Use the nursing process to identify nursing diagnosis and interventions.
Outcomes: The learner will:
· Write a formal paper addressing the elements/topics listed above.
· Evidence skills in communication and writing in a critical, reflective manner.
· Submit a paper that conforms to the specified guidelines and requirements.
Guidelines: To prepare for the Interview paper assignment, the learner will:
Identify an older adult (70 years of age or older) and conduct a face – to – face interview (Video conference/virtual platform during the COVID-19 pandemic). State age range in paper.
· Grant permission from the older adult to record (audio recommended) interview information.
· Maintain HIPPA requirements and do not use interviewee initials (Do not record identifiers manually or via audio).
· Destroy all notes and audio recordings upon completion of the assignment.
· Understand that the “N317 Interview Paper Rubric” will be used to evaluate/grade the paper.
· Utilize correct APA format/style and correct grammar/syntax/spelling in writing paper.
· Ensure the paper is at least 4 pages and no more than 6 pages in length (double-spaced); this count excludes cover and reference pages.