BSD105: Assessment Task 3
Task overview
Assessment name: Strategic response report
Task description: You will select one of the scenarios developed in Assessment Task 2 and provide a strategic response. You will consider the feasibility, viability and desirability of your strategic response for the business. This process will develop the Action phase of the Awareness, Acceptance, Action framework.
For this assignment, you’ll prepare a 1,600- to 1,800-word illustration essay based on your graphic organizer (prewriting assignment attached)
; do not switch topics.
While you’re waiting for your prewriting to be evaluated, you should
Use the topic and graphic organizer you completed for your prewriting assignment (prewriting assignment attached); do not switch topics. You’ll develop your essay from your graphic organizer. Your topic should be one of the following:
· A generalization about effective or ineffective parenting
· A generalization about your current or future career
· A generalization about your age group, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and so on
You may write in first-person or third-person point of view. You are writing for an audience unfamiliar with your topic, so your goal is to use examples and language your readers are familiar with and can relate t
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Use the guided writing assignment you began with your prewriting. Steps 7 to 9 will help you build on your outline or graphic organizer to draft and revise your
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You may find that you need to do more research; if you include more sources or use different sources in your essay, remember to use the correct parenthetical citation and add them to your list of references.
Exam Format
Format your prewriting and essay exams according to the following instructions. Refer to the sample APA-style essay in your text (p. 639).
1. Start with a title page that includes your
· Title
· Name
· Student ID
· Address
· Email address
2. Use the header function to insert your page number in the top right margin of your document.
· You do not need to include your essay title in the header.
3. Begin your document on page 2 after the title page.
· Start page 2 with your title
1. Do not include abstracts in your essays.
· Use transitional words, phrases, and sentences (p. 149) to guide your reader through your essay.
1. Do not use headings in your essay.
4. Include your references list on the last page of your document.
1. Do not submit it separately.
CMSC 495 Week 1 Discussion:
For this week’s conference, respond to the following:
● Find an article in an IEEE or ACM journal about project management, read and summarize it, and give us your reactions to the article. Be sure to include a good citation to the article.
● What do you propose to do in case one or more members of your group make no significant contributions to your project.
Note that reasonable ideas may be used in determining project grades!
● Describe some problems that might arise in a group project and suggest one or more strategies for dealing with those problems.
● You are welcome to comment (nicely!) on the postings of other students.
CMSC 495 Week 2 Discussion:
For this week’s conference, respond to the following:
● Find an article in an IEEE or ACM journal about requirements analysis, needs assessment or specifications. Read and summarize the article, and give us your reactions to the article. Be sure to include a good citation to the article.
o IEEE Computer Society Digital Library
o IEEE – The world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology
o ACM Digital Library
o Access full text of these journals through the Library link in Tycho.
● What are some important issues a project specification should address?
● You might find outside references about project management and software engineering helpful. If you use them, please cite them.
● You are welcome to comment (nicely!) on the postings of other students.
CMSC 495 Week 3 Discussion:
For this week’s conference, respond to the following:
● What is version-controlled software? What is it for? What is the trunk? What is a branch? Describe the main operations (commit, merge, check in, check out).
● List some DOs and DON’Ts when doing a peer review.
● Briefly describe the Scrum process of the Agile technique, and indicate its potential advantages and disadvantages.
● Make sure that you list your sources of references.
CMSC 495 Week 4 Discussion:
For this week’s conference, respond to the following:
● Find an article in an IEEE or ACM journal about technical documentation. Read and summarize the article, and give us your reactions to the article. Be sure to include a good citation to the article.
● You are welcome to comment (nicely!) on the postings of other students.
CMSC 495 Week 5 Discussion:
For this week’s conference, respond to the following:
● Find an article in an IEEE or ACM journal about open source software, or division of labor. Read and summarize the article, and give us your reactions to the article. Be sure to include a good citation to the article.
● You are welcome to comment (nicely!) on the postings of other students.
CMSC 495 Week 6 Discussion:
For this week’s conference, respond to the following:
● Find an article in an IEEE or ACM journal about security. Read and summarize the article, and give us your reactions to the article. Be sure to include a good citation to the article.
● You are welcome to comment (nicely!) on the postings of other students.
CMSC 495 Week 7 Discussion:
For this week’s conference, respond to the following:
● Describe an ethical conundrum found in a magazine or newspaper article, and your own thoughts.
o Give good citations, of course.
● You are welcome to comment on the postings of other students.
SDEV 460 Week 1 Discussion:
The OWASP readings mention the following in the first couple of chapters from this week’s readings:
…”Tools do not make software secure! They help scale the process and enforce policy”…
Using your experience from using automated tools such as ZAP in other SDEV courses or other tools you have encountered and from research articles you have read, discuss the trade-offs between automated and other more manual approaches to testing.
Be sure to reference your sources.
Respond to at least 3 other students post with additional facts, tips or considerations that might have not been addressed by the student.
SDEV 460 Week 2 Discussion:
Software security checklists and best practices are common for most programming languages.
Pick your favorite programming language and list 2 security checklist or best practice items that have not already been listed by another student.
Be sure to explain the items you listed and discuss issues associated with non-compliance with the recommendations.
Respond to at least 3 other student with additional information related to the topics they presented.
Be sure to reference your sources.
SDEV 460 Week 3 Discussion:
The username/password scenario is quickly becoming limited with algorithms that attempt to guess them.
Using your own experience with UMGC or other accounts you have; how easy would it be for someone to guess your username? How about guessing your password (Please don’t tell us your password.)
What approaches should you use to help reduce this issue?
What other solutions to Username/Password credentials exist? Have you tried any of these alternative approaches? What is your impression so far of these new approaches.
Respond to at least 3 other students post providing additional thoughts, concerns of discussion.
Be sure to reference your sources.
SDEV 460 Week 4 Discussion:
Pick an Input validation issue (e.g. SQL injection, Cross Site Scripting …) from chapter 4 and display at least two test scripts that you could run to test for the existence of the vulnerability.
Describe the test script and be sure to mention what the test results would be if you discovered a vulnerability and how you would fix it.
Note: This will take some additional research and perhaps even some small development to demonstrate your script works. So keep it simple where possible.
Experiment with at least 3 other student’s scripts and provide comments and test results where applicable.
Please answer the six questions for each of the artists (you will answer 12 questions in total). Please respond to each of the questions listed below. You will need to do research on the artists that are in the questions, as well as refer to the previous chapters in the book that we have read through. Please use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, and complete sentences. Points will be deducted for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. *Make sure you complete 12 questions- 6 for each of the two artists you choose. Please cite your sources.
Use the 6 questions below for two artists- you will answer a total of 12 questions.
1. Write a brief (200 word) history on the artist and their education.
2. What is the context in which the artist creates their message? Ex- are they from a different country? Are they a minority? Are they from a wealthy family/ upbringing? Are they part of a religious group with views different than your own? (100 words)
3. Write about a historic event that happened during the time period the artwork was created- example- was there a recession, war, election, social conflict happening? (100 words)
4. Describe the two artworks (from the same artist) using the formal language (from module 1), this is to show your understanding of art and design concepts. (100 words)
5. Describe how the two artworks (from the same artist) are similar and how are they different? Scale, Color Scheme, Materials Used, Abstract or Realistic, (50 words)
6. What do you take away from the experience in looking at these artworks? Do they make you feel a certain way? Do they make you think of a memory? Is this an artwork you enjoy? (100 words