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Readthe question carefully. You can receive full credit only by directly answering all aspects of the question. You must answer the question in essay form. An outline or bulleted list is not acceptable. (Note: This exam uses the chronological designations B.C.E. (before the common era) and C.E.(common era). These designations correspond to B.C. (before Christ) and A.D. (anno Domini), which are used in some art history resources.)
The work shown is the , designed by Leon Battista Alberti in Florence, Italy, c. 1450 C.E.
Describe at least two architectural elements of the Palazzo Rucellai.
Using specific visual evidence, explain how Alberti both references and departs from earlier architectural traditions in the Palazzo Rucellai.
Using contextual evidence, explain how Alberti’s references to earlier architectural traditions express the ideals of the Italian Renaissance