An annotated bibliography is a list of sources on a specific topic that includes a brief desсrіption of the information found on each source. Click on the link to read a short article about the purpose of an annotated bibliography. Link 1. Your annotated bibliography is due by the end of the day (11:59 pm) week 13. Must have a Cover Page (Title, Your Name, Date, Class, and Instructor’s Name). 2. Make a list of five (5) resources ( two websites, one book, and two peer review articles) in alphabetical order following the APA format for references. Beneath each source, write an annotation. 3. The annotation should not be more than ten sentences; for example: use two to four sentences to summarize the main idea of the source, one or two sentences to compare and evaluate the reliability of the source and one or two to explain how this source is helpful to your project. 4. Do not wait until last minute, start now and have it ready for the due date. You can use this video as a guide: