Annotated Bibliography
Goal: Compile an annotated bibliography. Your bibliography should be based on the Weekly Article Summary related to clinical practice from week 1 through week 6 and should include the following:
1. a template to document useful data.
2. a brief overview of each article, including the research type, major findings, and conclusions.
3. a description of relevance of each article for clinical practice.
Submission Instructions:
- The bibliography should be original and logically organized.
- The bibliography should follow current APA format for citing and documenting references.
- The bibliography should be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
- Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) references from peer-reviewed journals.
Article summary1
The article focuses on the use of evidence-based practice service as a way of increasing
patient satisfaction. The purpose of the research conducted was conducted to determine the
impact of using evidence-based practice in emergency department and the resultant impact it has
on patient satisfaction. In determining the link between evidence-based practice and patient
satisfaction, a service nursing bundle as a quality improvement (QI) initiative was implemented.
With the bundle, it was easier to determine the change in overall quality of care in terms of
ratings and rankings (Skaggs et al, 2018).
The article is based on a quantitative study in that it focuses on the use of quantitative
data and collection methods in collecting information used in making decisions. Quantitative
research is distinguished by logic, data, and an objective viewpoint. The focus of quantitative
research is on numerical and static data, as well as detailed, converging reasoning, as opposed to
divergent thinking, which is the spontaneous, free-flowing generation of numerous ideas about a
research issue (Guetterman & Fetters, 2018). In collecting data, random sampling was used in
selecting samples from which data was collected. Observation audits were conducted on quality
improvement initiative where all the nursing services were evaluated. Also, phone surveys were
conducted to determine patients; feedbacks from the services offered.
The research question used in the study includes: Does implementation of quality
improvement initiative yield to increased patient satisfaction? The quality improvement (QI)
represented the evidence-based nursing practice while offering services within the emergency
department. From the organization of the research study, a conclusion can be made that validity
and reliability were attained. The principles of validity and reliability are often employed to
gauge the effectiveness of a study. They give an indication of how accurate a method, approach, or test is. Reliability refers to the measure’s consistency, and validity refers to the measure’s
correctness (Peeters & Harpe, 2020).
Guetterman, T. C., & Fetters, M. D. (2018). Two methodological approaches to the integration of
mixed methods and case study designs: A systematic review. American Behavioral
Scientist, 62(7), 900-918.
Peeters, M. J., & Harpe, S. E. (2020). Updating conceptions of validity and reliability. Research
in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 16(8), 1127-1130.
Skaggs, M. K. D., Daniels, J. F., Hodge, A. J., & DeCamp, V. L. (2018). Using the evidence-
based practice service nursing bundle to increase patient satisfaction. Journal of
emergency nursing, 44(1), 37-45.
Weekly Article Summary 4
The article Barriers and facilitators of following perioperative internal medicine recommendations by surgical teams: a sequential, explanatory mixed-methods study is a write-up that examines the impact of patients undergoing perioperative consultation on treatment outcomes in patients preparing for surgical procedures. The study was a mixed-method study comprised of qualitative and quantitative research models. The purpose of the investigative study was to deduce the kinds of recommendations that healthcare providers usually fail to adhere to, to determine the intervention that will enhance the quality of care that patients receive postoperatively (Flemons et al., 2022). It aimed to answer an important research question: What types of recommendations are not followed during postoperative care, and what are the barriers and facilitators of this trend?
The method that the author used in the investigative study was a mixed model that examined the chart audits of over 250 patients and carried out semi-structured interviews on eighteen healthcare professionals. The authors incorporated an equal number of male and female participants and a substantially large number of participants. The purpose of encapsulating these measures was to ensure that the research was dependable (Damasceno, 2020). The result of the study showed that the healthcare providers fail to follow protocols recommended during the preoperative period, such as the prescribed anticoagulation management and cardiac biomarker surveillance process (Flemons et al., 2022). Further, the study results also indicated that failure to adhere to the recommended protocols was due to individual-level reasons such as the failure to examine notes made during preoperative consultations and system-level reasons such as failure to define the individuals tasked with implementing different roles in the clinical setting.
The study results caused the authors to conclude that only half of the recommendations made are usually followed, causing a significant gap in the quality of care that the patients received. Therefore, it is necessary to address the factors that contributed to the failure to follow the recommendation to increase healthcare providers’ adherence.
Damasceno, B. (2020). Research Methods and Designs. In Research on Cognition Disorders (pp. 123-137). Springer, Cham.
Flemons, K., Bosch, M., Coakeley, S., Muzammal, B., Kachra, R., & Ruzycki, S. M. (2022). Barriers and facilitators of following perioperative internal medicine recommendations by surgical teams: a sequential, explanatory mixed-methods study. Perioperative Medicine, 11(1), 1-12
Weekly Article Summary 5
The article named Patients’ and healthcare workers’ recommendations for a surgical patient safety checklist – a qualitative study articulates the essentiality of healthcare professionals using surgical checklists to ensure patients’ safety. It is a qualitative study aiming to pinpoint the views of ailing individuals and medical practitioners on the most significant components that should be encapsulated in the safety checklist (Harris et al., 2020). The primary research question that the study seeks to answer is: What risk factors and essential components should be included in a safety checklist designed for use before and after a surgical procedure?
The methodology that Harris et al. (2020) used in the study is a qualitative research design based on an exploratory model. Subsequently, it used a set of focus groups to compile the information needed to answer the research question. The use of focus groups in the study was significant because it ensured in-depth exploration of the issue to unearth meaningful content (O. Nyumba et al., 2018). The groups used informal interviews to compile the data, which was later documented and analyzed to find the critical elements identified in the study that answer the research question.
The themes that emerged from the study included the fact that the vital elements components that should be encapsulated in the checklist for use before surgical procedures should include availing the number of an individual who should be contacted in case an emergency arises and documenting the health status of the patients. On the other hand, the proposed information on postoperative checklists includes any complications that the surgical procedure may precipitate and any activities that the patient should avoid (Harris et al., 2020). Subsequently, it consists of the proposed strategy for ensuring medication safety and adequate pain relief. The patients and healthcare professionals also emphasized the need to make sufficient preparations before and after the surgery.
The information compiled from the study led the authors to conclude that creating a surgical checklist is a significant factor determining the outcomes of the surgical procedures. The list should incorporate all the vital components to help remember all the essential processes that should be performed to reduce cases of complication or unprecedented errors that undermine the quality of care that patients receive.
Harris, K., Søfteland, E., Moi, A. L., Harthug, S., Storesund, A., Jesuthasan, S., … & Haugen, A. S. (2020). Patients’ and healthcare workers’ recommendations for a surgical patient safety checklist–a qualitative study. BMC health services research, 20(1), 1-10.
O. Nyumba, T., Wilson, K., Derrick, C. J., & Mukherjee, N. (2018). The use of focus group discussion methodology: Insights from two decades of application in conservation. Methods in Ecology and evolution, 9(1), 20-32.
Weekly Article Summary 6
The article Environmental Needs, Barriers, and Facilitators for Optimal Healing in the Postoperative Process: A Qualitative Study of Patients’ Lived Experiences and Perceptions is investigative research whose purpose is to determine the needs of environmental needs of ailing individuals who have undergone surgical procedures, and the factors that bar or facilitate their chances of experiencing optimal healing (Hesselink et al., 2020). The query that the article aims to answer is: What are the environmental requirements of ailing individuals during post-operative care and what barriers and facilitators impact these needs?
Hesselink et al. (2020) use a qualitative research design to determine the impact of patients’ environment during the post-operative period on the speed with which they recuperate. They used the purposive sampling model to select a total of twenty-one patients. The purpose of using the sampling design was to ensure that the selected participants could provide the factual data needed to answer the research question. Subsequently, the diversity present in the population was also considered to ensure that the outcomes of the study did not have any biases that limit its credibility (Tracy, 2019). With adequate consent, the authors collected data by interviewing the patients to get their views on the aspects that impacted their healing process.
The outcomes compiled from the investigative research presented several noteworthy themes. Firstly, they perceived the ability to have adequate control over different aspects of the treatment process such as privacy as a significant aspect that determined the treatment outcomes (Hesselink et al., 2020). Subsequently, the presence of positive distracting features was identified as a significant aspect that hastened the healing process. A therapeutic healing environment further enhanced the healing process. On the other hand, barriers such as monotony and lack of control over the systems disrupted the healing process, while aspects such as involvement in the treatment process and adequate accommodations enhance the healing process.
The outcomes of the article lead the authors to conclude that the environment that patients stay in during the post-operative period has a significant impact on their healing. Therefore, healthcare providers should provide a positive environment to elicit positive outcomes in the treatment process.
Hesselink, G., Smits, M., Doedens, M., Nijenhuis, S. M., van Bavel, D., van Goor, H., & van de Belt, T. H. (2020). Environmental needs, barriers, and facilitators for optimal healing in the postoperative process: A qualitative study of patients’ lived experiences and perceptions. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 13(3), 125-139.
Tracy, S. J. (2019). Qualitative research methods: Collecting evidence, crafting analysis, communicating impact. John Wiley & Sons.
Article summary1
The article focuses on the use of evidence-based practice service as a way of increasing
patient satisfaction. The purpose of the research conducted was conducted to determine the
impact of using evidence-based practice in emergency department and the resultant impact it has
on patient satisfaction. In determining the link between evidence-based practice and patient
satisfaction, a service nursing bundle as a quality improvement (QI) initiative was implemented.
With the bundle, it was easier to determine the change in overall quality of care in terms of
ratings and rankings (Skaggs et al, 2018).
The article is based on a quantitative study in that it focuses on the use of quantitative
data and collection methods in collecting information used in making decisions. Quantitative
research is distinguished by logic, data, and an objective viewpoint. The focus of quantitative
research is on numerical and static data, as well as detailed, converging reasoning, as opposed to
divergent thinking, which is the spontaneous, free-flowing generation of numerous ideas about a
research issue (Guetterman & Fetters, 2018). In collecting data, random sampling was used in
selecting samples from which data was collected. Observation audits were conducted on quality
improvement initiative where all the nursing services were evaluated. Also, phone surveys were
conducted to determine patients; feedbacks from the services offered.
The research question used in the study includes: Does implementation of quality
improvement initiative yield to increased patient satisfaction? The quality improvement (QI)
represented the evidence-based nursing practice while offering services within the emergency
department. From the organization of the research study, a conclusion can be made that validity
and reliability were attained. The principles of validity and reliability are often employed to
gauge the effectiveness of a study. They give an indication of how accurate a method, approach, or test is. Reliability refers to the measure’s consistency, and validity refers to the measure’s
correctness (Peeters & Harpe, 2020).
Guetterman, T. C., & Fetters, M. D. (2018). Two methodological approaches to the integration of
mixed methods and case study designs: A systematic review. American Behavioral
Scientist, 62(7), 900-918.
Peeters, M. J., & Harpe, S. E. (2020). Updating conceptions of validity and reliability. Research
in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 16(8), 1127-1130.
Skaggs, M. K. D., Daniels, J. F., Hodge, A. J., & DeCamp, V. L. (2018). Using the evidence-
based practice service nursing bundle to increase patient satisfaction. Journal of
emergency nursing, 44(1), 37-45.
Weekly Article Summary 4
The article Barriers and facilitators of following perioperative internal medicine recommendations by surgical teams: a sequential, explanatory mixed-methods study is a write-up that examines the impact of patients undergoing perioperative consultation on treatment outcomes in patients preparing for surgical procedures. The study was a mixed-method study comprised of qualitative and quantitative research models. The purpose of the investigative study was to deduce the kinds of recommendations that healthcare providers usually fail to adhere to, to determine the intervention that will enhance the quality of care that patients receive postoperatively (Flemons et al., 2022). It aimed to answer an important research question: What types of recommendations are not followed during postoperative care, and what are the barriers and facilitators of this trend?
The method that the author used in the investigative study was a mixed model that examined the chart audits of over 250 patients and carried out semi-structured interviews on eighteen healthcare professionals. The authors incorporated an equal number of male and female participants and a substantially large number of participants. The purpose of encapsulating these measures was to ensure that the research was dependable (Damasceno, 2020). The result of the study showed that the healthcare providers fail to follow protocols recommended during the preoperative period, such as the prescribed anticoagulation management and cardiac biomarker surveillance process (Flemons et al., 2022). Further, the study results also indicated that failure to adhere to the recommended protocols was due to individual-level reasons such as the failure to examine notes made during preoperative consultations and system-level reasons such as failure to define the individuals tasked with implementing different roles in the clinical setting.
The study results caused the authors to conclude that only half of the recommendations made are usually followed, causing a significant gap in the quality of care that the patients received. Therefore, it is necessary to address the factors that contributed to the failure to follow the recommendation to increase healthcare providers’ adherence.
Damasceno, B. (2020). Research Methods and Designs. In Research on Cognition Disorders (pp. 123-137). Springer, Cham.
Flemons, K., Bosch, M., Coakeley, S., Muzammal, B., Kachra, R., & Ruzycki, S. M. (2022). Barriers and facilitators of following perioperative internal medicine recommendations by surgical teams: a sequential, explanatory mixed-methods study. Perioperative Medicine, 11(1), 1-12
Weekly Article Summary 5
The article named Patients’ and healthcare workers’ recommendations for a surgical patient safety checklist – a qualitative study articulates the essentiality of healthcare professionals using surgical checklists to ensure patients’ safety. It is a qualitative study aiming to pinpoint the views of ailing individuals and medical practitioners on the most significant components that should be encapsulated in the safety checklist (Harris et al., 2020). The primary research question that the study seeks to answer is: What risk factors and essential components should be included in a safety checklist designed for use before and after a surgical procedure?
The methodology that Harris et al. (2020) used in the study is a qualitative research design based on an exploratory model. Subsequently, it used a set of focus groups to compile the information needed to answer the research question. The use of focus groups in the study was significant because it ensured in-depth exploration of the issue to unearth meaningful content (O. Nyumba et al., 2018). The groups used informal interviews to compile the data, which was later documented and analyzed to find the critical elements identified in the study that answer the research question.
The themes that emerged from the study included the fact that the vital elements components that should be encapsulated in the checklist for use before surgical procedures should include availing the number of an individual who should be contacted in case an emergency arises and documenting the health status of the patients. On the other hand, the proposed information on postoperative checklists includes any complications that the surgical procedure may precipitate and any activities that the patient should avoid (Harris et al., 2020). Subsequently, it consists of the proposed strategy for ensuring medication safety and adequate pain relief. The patients and healthcare professionals also emphasized the need to make sufficient preparations before and after the surgery.
The information compiled from the study led the authors to conclude that creating a surgical checklist is a significant factor determining the outcomes of the surgical procedures. The list should incorporate all the vital components to help remember all the essential processes that should be performed to reduce cases of complication or unprecedented errors that undermine the quality of care that patients receive.
Harris, K., Søfteland, E., Moi, A. L., Harthug, S., Storesund, A., Jesuthasan, S., … & Haugen, A. S. (2020). Patients’ and healthcare workers’ recommendations for a surgical patient safety checklist–a qualitative study. BMC health services research, 20(1), 1-10.
O. Nyumba, T., Wilson, K., Derrick, C. J., & Mukherjee, N. (2018). The use of focus group discussion methodology: Insights from two decades of application in conservation. Methods in Ecology and evolution, 9(1), 20-32.
Weekly Article Summary 6
The article Environmental Needs, Barriers, and Facilitators for Optimal Healing in the Postoperative Process: A Qualitative Study of Patients’ Lived Experiences and Perceptions is investigative research whose purpose is to determine the needs of environmental needs of ailing individuals who have undergone surgical procedures, and the factors that bar or facilitate their chances of experiencing optimal healing (Hesselink et al., 2020). The query that the article aims to answer is: What are the environmental requirements of ailing individuals during post-operative care and what barriers and facilitators impact these needs?
Hesselink et al. (2020) use a qualitative research design to determine the impact of patients’ environment during the post-operative period on the speed with which they recuperate. They used the purposive sampling model to select a total of twenty-one patients. The purpose of using the sampling design was to ensure that the selected participants could provide the factual data needed to answer the research question. Subsequently, the diversity present in the population was also considered to ensure that the outcomes of the study did not have any biases that limit its credibility (Tracy, 2019). With adequate consent, the authors collected data by interviewing the patients to get their views on the aspects that impacted their healing process.
The outcomes compiled from the investigative research presented several noteworthy themes. Firstly, they perceived the ability to have adequate control over different aspects of the treatment process such as privacy as a significant aspect that determined the treatment outcomes (Hesselink et al., 2020). Subsequently, the presence of positive distracting features was identified as a significant aspect that hastened the healing process. A therapeutic healing environment further enhanced the healing process. On the other hand, barriers such as monotony and lack of control over the systems disrupted the healing process, while aspects such as involvement in the treatment process and adequate accommodations enhance the healing process.
The outcomes of the article lead the authors to conclude that the environment that patients stay in during the post-operative period has a significant impact on their healing. Therefore, healthcare providers should provide a positive environment to elicit positive outcomes in the treatment process.
Hesselink, G., Smits, M., Doedens, M., Nijenhuis, S. M., van Bavel, D., van Goor, H., & van de Belt, T. H. (2020). Environmental needs, barriers, and facilitators for optimal healing in the postoperative process: A qualitative study of patients’ lived experiences and perceptions. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 13(3), 125-139.
Tracy, S. J. (2019). Qualitative research methods: Collecting evidence, crafting analysis, communicating impact. John Wiley & Sons.
(1) Review your APA Manual: 9.51 Annotated Bibliographies (p. 307) & Figure 9.3 Sample Annotated Bibliography (p. 308). This is precisely what yours should look like!
(2) Use the primary reference from each of your article summaries (total of 6 references) – nothing new! I know the assignment called for three references plus the six you used – I am only requesting the original six.
(3) Cite them perfectly (please!)
(4) In a few sentences, give me a quick overview of the study. I already have the details in your article summary. This is just a short preview.
(5) Don’t over-complicate it.
(6) Your references will be in alphabetical order.
(7) AGAIN – Cite your references perfectly!!
You do not need a separate reference page.