Read the textbook chapter and lecture notes on creating an outline, and then use your annotated bibliography to create an outline for your research project. Click on the link to review a sample outline.
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I. Introduction
Thesis statement: Climate change and the devastating effects on the environment are a direct result of human behavior.
II. Background
A. Existing research finds that there is very strong evidence that the climate is changing, that these changes are driven primarily by human activity. (Baum, Haqq-Misra, & Karmosky, 2012, p. 404)
B. We are facing rapid changes in the global climate, and these changes are attributable to human behavior. Humans produce this global impact through our use of natural resources, multiplied by the vast increase in population seen in the past 50 to 100 years. (Swim, Clayton, & Howard, 2011, p. 251)
C. We must face the reality of climate change (“climate change is real”) and anthropogenic climate change (“climate change is caused by humans”). (Milfont, Milojev, Greaves, & Sibley, 2015, p. 17)
III. Climate change is a global phenomenon.
A. The global climate is rapidly changing.
B. The effects of these changes are irreversible.
IIII. Human beings are responsible for climate change.
A. Human activities have resulted in damning consequences for climate change.
B. Population growth and climate change.
1. Human beings have contributed to climate change by their alarming consumption of natural resources.
2. The Astronomically increasing rates of the population of human beings will see even more natural resources being used.
IV. Human beings and the need for efficiency.
A. Industrialization and its impact on climate change.
B. The actions of humans may be altering the global climate system via emissions of greenhouse gases is quite extraordinary. (Baum, Haqq-Misra, & Karmosky, 2012, p. 393)
1. The sources of greenhouse gas emissions
2. Effects of greenhouse gas emissions on climate change.
3. The dangers of burning fossil fuels.
V. Environmental impacts of climate change are severe.
A. Temperatures continue to rise at alarming rates
B. Research indicates that observed temperature increases are human-driven. (Baum, Haqq-Misra, & Karmosky, 2012, p. 393)
C. Evidence of changes in weather patterns due to climate change
1. Drought in California attributed to human induced climate change. (Cheng et al., 2016, p. 111)
2. Warm temperatures causes rapid melting of ice caps which mean rising sea levels.
VI. Climate change is a pressing issue facing our planet and its inhabitants. (Swim et al, 2009)
A. The human factor in causing climate change is undeniable.
B. Human behavioral patterns have caused irreparable damage to the environment due to their contributions to climate change.
VII. Conclusion
The environmental effects of climate change results directly from human behavior. Human beings need to be more cognizant of the fact that due to their actions the planet and environment is suffering tremendously. The actions of human beings can mean destruction for the earth in years to come. Therefore, persons should be made aware of the consequences their actions have on the environment and seek to amend their behaviors. Little changes can prove to be helpful in the fight against climate change.