casestudyquestions assessmentnote casestudy2anemia
Anemia in pregnancy
El’alaate t&e paiient’s admittitg hislory and physical. \l-hai are the signs and,/or strryioi-.?< of patienr a.-
that supporr the di.agnosis of anemia? fiease research and provide reierences io slrpport -r-our aasrvers)
\rVhat laboratcry values Gr other tests $lppo$ this diagaosis?
a- L.isi all abr:*rmal t alues and explain the likely cause for each abaorrnai value. (Ptease r’*seasch
and provide references to suppofi your ansrvers)
7 . lder*i
L Assess ]t4rs. h4orrls’s
9. Cireck Mrs. Marris’s prepregnancy weigh{-
a. Is hei weight gain adoquate?
b. Hor,v does her.rveight gai:r compare to the current recomrnendations?
c. Was t}rc weight gair fi’om her previous pregnaacies WNL?
{P1ease research and provide references to support your answefs}
’10. Calculate her energy, protein. aad fluid requirements, Explain the rationaie for the msthod you used to
calc-ulate these require*reats. (Shorv calculations fqrr fuli credit;-
(‘,\ L wai( itvn
1?. It{rs. h{orris was discharged oa 40 n:g of ferroi:s suiiate three tirnes daily.
a. Are there potential side effects fr*m this n:edicatioa?
b. Are there any drug**utrient interactions?
c. &’hat instructioas might you give her to maximize the benefit of her iron supplementation?
{Please. resealch a*d provide referixces to support;’our ansrvers)
Part 2 i57o of erade: lil* pointsi
i3′ Complete an #&*E r.te for this.lalrent’
uf q-i-[{* Gn 0-ssessvx-ryc# !’I o{-‘-a. R*fer to gradir:g r*bric for fiirmat. vv r r \ \
r.nd explain four pctential risk faclo:s for &e devel*pa:eat of iro*-deflciency aneada from Mrs.
L Assess ]t4rs. h4orrls’s
9. Cireck Mrs. Marris’s prepregnancy weigh{-
a. Is hei weight gain adoquate?
b. Hor,v does her.rveight gai:r compare to the current recomrnendations?
c. Was t}rc weight gair fi’om her previous pregnaacies WNL?
{P1ease research and provide references to support your answefs}
’10. Calculate her energy, protein. aad fluid requirements, Explain the rationaie for the msthod you used to
calc-ulate these require*reats. (Shorv calculations fqrr fuli credit;-
(‘,\ L wai( itvn
1?. It{rs. h{orris was discharged oa 40 n:g of ferroi:s suiiate three tirnes daily.
a. Are there potential side effects fr*m this n:edicatioa?
b. Are there any drug**utrient interactions?
c. &’hat instructioas might you give her to maximize the benefit of her iron supplementation?
{Please. resealch a*d provide referixces to support;’our ansrvers)
Part 2 i57o of erade: lil* pointsi
i3′ Complete an #&*E r.te for this.lalrent’
uf q-i-[{* Gn 0-ssessvx-ryc# !’I o{-‘-a. R*fer to gradir:g r*bric for fiirmat. vv r r \ \
t Sample Nutrition Assessment:
Nutrition assessment for 52 YOM admitted with CHF exacerbation and hyperglycemia. He has a
PMH significant for type 2 diabetes and hypertension.
Anthropometrics: Pt is 5′ 9″ with a current body weight of 215 pounds. His IBW is 160 pounds,
and he is currently 1,34% of his lBW. Pt reportsthat his usual bodyweight is around 220 pounds
(about l- month ago); he is at 98% of his usual body weight with a weight change of about 2%in
a L month time period. His current BMI is 31-.7 which puts him in the obese class l category.
Nutrition-related medications: Pt is currentlytaking Metformin bid. He has been placed on
sliding scale insulin during admit for glycemic control. Also noted that pt is on solu-medrol
which may contribute to hyperglycemia.
Biochemical data: Glucose at admission was elevated at 315 mg/dl. Pt’s most recent Hgb A1C
was elevated at7.7%. BS Glucose x 24 hours: 98-207 mg/dl. Pt reports that at home, his glucose
typically runs from around 90-150 mgldl.
Pt’s estimated energy needs are 1800-2100 kcals/day (25-30 kcal/kg IBW). Protein needs are
estimated to be 58-73 e/day (0.8-1 em/ke IBW). Noted that MD placed patient on a 1.5 L fluid
restriction. His current diet order is: 1800 calorie carb controlled Diet.
Food/Nutrition-related history: Patient reports that he typically eats 2 meals per day and
snack at bedtime. He usually skips breakfast because he is too busy to eat in the mornings. He
states that he usually eats lunch at a fast food restaurant and his wife usually cooks dinner.
24 hour diet recall:
Lunch- cheeseburger and medium French fries from fast food
restaurant, large Coke
Dinner- Baked chicken breast (4 ounces), l cup macaroni and cheese
(homemade), buttered peas (7/2 cup),24 ounces sweet tea
Bedtime snack: slice of apple pie
Pt denies having any current Gl issues but does report intermittent constipation. Hetakes
Colace at home when needed for constipation.
Pt reports that he is mostly sedentary and works an office job where he sits at his desk for 8
hours per day. He does take his dog on a walk in the evening most nights, walking at a slow
pace for about 1.5 minutes. He reports that he would like to start exercising more in order to
have more energy and to improve his health. Pt is interested in losing some weight and
improving his blood glucose lab values.
Writing out a Nutrition Assessment Note
lnclude all appropriate ond relevont dssessment inlormation. Remember ABCD inlormation.
L. Current Medical Diagnosis, PMH (Past medical history)
2. Anthropometrics (height, weight, l9w,% lBW, uBW, % uBW, % weight change, BMI) and
evaluation of these values
3. Medications, potentialfood and drug interactions
4. Lab values (are they WNL, Low, or elevated?) lnclude units on the values
5. Estimated nutrition needs: Calories, protein, fluid
5. Dietary information (24 hour recall, diet recall information, nutrition history, etc)
7. Any Gl problems? Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation
8. Physical activity information
*Jr r*,r 4
r,t,,il- fu -it
Ancmia is: Fregnaffic3r
After cr::r:p1* this *:s*, t}:e stud*xt rrrill’bc
*ble t*:
1. *eserib* the p’ih,:,xici*gical rlaa:rges in
Prfgna&{,y aud app”ly th*s* pri*ciples f*r th*
nutriti*n {ere process.
3, il*fine the path*physiolngv clf iron_
cleficier:ry ai:emiil.
3. fir.p.truate the signs *nd symptorns c*:rsistent
** itla i rox -cle:S cie r: c,v an emia.
4. E_valuate a presnant rto::;a*ls *i*tarT intake
fbr adeq*acy, and *iake r*c*mme*da_
tir:ns f*r enharr*ing dietarT ir*x intak* an*
5″ {d*nti$ riskx *f a::emis, {i:r rt:et*r$*l arld
$bta] ir*altl: **tcr:rl*s_
& Devel*p a nutritir:* c*r* pla**rvith *.ppra_
priat* n:easurabl* grals, ir:terve*tk:ns” ar: d
strategi*s f*r m*nitorir:g and eval*ation*
that addresses the nutritior: diagn*s*s f*r
this cxse.
Amb*r h{*rris, a 3l-vear-n}el pregnaut lv$lr:an)
is admitted thr*ugh rhe ER after fatrling or: the
ice. She is *.dmitted to n*e out prernatllre iab*r,
l:ut berause *f her l*rv- herc*gl*birr ier,,els, a
c*mpitte h*matoX*gical w*:rkup is e*n:plet*d.
She is di*gn*s*d rrttl: h1p*chrcmir, micr**..tia
anemia w
?42 Unit Eight ir**rriti*n ll”her*By lor ](er:rat*logi**I Oi*nEders
Marris, A.mber, Feni*i*, 31 ‘Y’c
Atl*rgies; ltllii’
Ft. L*mti*x: )iJ?
C*del FuILL
F?rysi*ian: F. Bt’.vrr*n
ls*iatlen: l*one
Ad*:it Sate: ii1?
Fatiext sur*:ewary: F.rrrb*i l”:}*rri* i* * 3l-YeaF*i* pt*sn*fii
wi]’lr3:]’ sla”ii a 3′ pora 2″ rvh* pr*-
s.*nt*d t* ih* *R in i:*r ?3r,J r,ri**k ,:i
*StAti*r-i. 5he h*s *xperi*nc*d
veilin*l s**tting a** s*nt*
ahdominmr p*in, sr* i$ r,*\,.J *ri*iifi+d f*r r:bs*rva”r!*n er:d to r*1* *rir
prgillaiure 1abCIr ‘$cr*ndarY ic
ffi; mr’$ vJ p*f’,ry|qfiil*1,,
L{ist*ry: / ,
CIns*t of dissase: lv1rs. lvl*rris is a 31-yearcid pisunani
rvon:an’i3r av’aflS’ i’i* 1 ,t:1i1t:::::lCInS*t Of diSSaSe: lvlfS. iul*ll”lg :$ A J i-yedl-Ltiu pi’,Ur i$t ‘L !vu.r I ru; r,t =,:
io the S.ft in her ?3ld r,,,,*sk *f gestati*n. Sh* ha* exparienced
nal pair:. slr* is norrn, rdn:i’ited far *bser’,’&lion and tc l”ule nut
prerr’eture labcr se*andaty io her fall
Feti**t ststes ttrat sh* is rnuch morr tir** \tuith i.hi$ $)rssn,ncy but
hes auributed it to having trvo
sr-rreii rhlidr*n. She als* descrihes heing sholi oi i:r*a”t!:.,
T,’hich si:* experienc*d wilh *rh*r preg-
nan*if;s. hurt ii }:as stsf i, ci csriier rr+lth this p{egnanc’y’^
u,,**ri*aj foisr*ry:Tl.t* pr*vious pregnanri*s d*li’.’*r*ri at 38 end
3? r””i**k*’ r*spe*ti”*lY’ l’l* oth*r
{.n * i i ca t i * :t:+ a ; hon:* : I}I *:: atal’r i ta m t ns
-* * #a***cc ‘?-?sdaY
Ai**,h*l use; l’l*ne
Farrrily hisr*ry: x.4*tlrei*t-vpe 2 dlab*t**; feth*r*hi:pe rt*nsi*r:,
Ma rii e t si*it-ts: lv’trarrrec
Years ed*rslion; i3
LartEuaEe: Errglish rnlY
SccirPaiic;:: SiaY-*i-h*il1* fii*il’i
j-isurs *f wc’rl:: l’1&
H*r.rsrft*ld rxe,t.ih*rs. l*ir:Ehanci-ag* 31; $c’ns ag*rJ
1? n”l*rths *n{i 3 v*aI$
f tfo mi*ii}’; rlau*s*ian
ft *,i,gir:us afiriietiar:; l’,il*th *’Ci : r
contribut*rY hi*t*iY
Sr-i.rgr**J i:ist*rv: sln xpp*n*e*t*{-‘1Y *g* 1’J;
A.d r*ltti rtg Fti*t*rVlF1’tysl**l:
illrief **nsplaini: ” i “t’retlt out
t8 ‘
*r::ntrlantsunl of bltsrling when
pair:. 1 call*d mY d*ctcr and the
*EFnernJ ap1a*tan**; 3 1-Yearold
Vital $Ig*sr T*mP: SS.S
BF: 11fi17?
cesareax s*et!c1-!$ m*nlIE$i*r’it:r:slY
g*t rh* n”roil and slipp*ri 0n lh* i*e. Ait*r 1 g*”i i:atk, in l tr*ti***
I r,ve*i tc th* *athr**m. Ov*r th* n*: oifir* said I shculd t*me here t* bs checktci outl’ preililant f*x’ral*, pal*, in no *cute distre*s
Flrlne: 88 Hes0 rate: lv !4*art:Rftfi, h*ari **unds *ctmel
firuor*n ancy wei Y:”,1, Arnber; Femaie, 3t y.o. Cade: FULL fase2t rbrer:riainpre*ns$qf Z4g
lsafation: lr]ane iry55ru7: Head:WNL PEERLA, fundi without lesions
C*r,ruta.IlXil; I Neurolagic: Ale* and criented ymmetricelthroughout
C_hest/lungs: Clear to auscultation and percussion rii;i,l,liii*:+:rxji::l’ii. r1:; ::1:::, ri tiiAbdorninat appearan**,; Stool*onsistenry
cantinence Integumentery
Skin color
(Continued) 7,M Unit Eight lrlnhition Therapl. for ltematological Disorders
{ Allergies: NKA Code: FULL lsolation: None Nursin g Ass*ssment fCo*ti*ueo?
i:lll. fSJ A 3 j$.S e$-S m e l]’i.i.i1.:.i?,;i.+:,:
stin i intact
rvruuuus rnemDranes trntaci, LU=ecchymosi$, A:abrasions, F:petechiae, intact 0thercornponentsofBraden$sore:specialn-ffi 21
Admission Ord*rs: Hadiology: Diet: NPO
Activityl Bed rest
tVFr Lft @ 100 mllhr
I\lutrition: F (
&E Morris, Amber, Fer”lalo, 31 y.o. Code: FULL Case2l *.aemiair Pregnancy ?45
lsolation; None Usualdieiary infake: with meat and vegetabies. Her husband v/orks nights so she doesn’t always cook except 24-haur-recatt (PTA):
AM: ? c Frosted Flakes, Yz c whole milk, biack coffee inari ta:
MD Progress Note: Phvsical Exam Dx: Hypochrcmic Microcytic Anemia; 23-week gestation with narmal ultrasound. Fetal heart PIan: D/C lVF, Begin 4il mg ferrsus sulfate; nuirition consult; discharge to home.
. E Bowman, MD
?;s 2,*6 UEit Xight $xtxirlon ?herapy for Xearai+Iegice} Fisori!*ro
Monis, Ambel; fumale. Bl y.o” Cede: fULL lsolation: None €,r
Laboratary Hesults
2.ffi.8 r 3C*135 r 2S-125
>55 [ >45 M
t Case ?l Asrexriain?regn$ncy ?qZ
Morris, Amber, Female, Bl y,o, Code: FULL Isslation: No*e Laboratcry fiesult* {Contin u ed} I
2{8 UnitSight Nutritioa Therapy for Senaatolagica} Dieord.ers
Hlorris, Amher, Femaie, 31 y.o Adnrit ilata; Il17 lntake/Output
1/17 *7*1 – 1/18 s7s$
Weight: 142 ibs
t isr tbs
Allergies; NKA
Pt. Location: ?3?
Pl’rysieian: f; Sowr*an
Admit Date:1117
Eyes: Sclera pale,
Ears: Clear
Nose: Ciear
n – *nx crea r with out posrna sa I dra inage
Extremities; No gdema, DTfi 2+ and s,
skin: pale, *.rL *c *rv
Feripherat vascutar: Diminished G; fi;;*ry’
Abdarnen.. nqln,,gl$sg6|L XA
rounded with
ljrine source
L Monis. Ambee Female. G’i y.o.
Pt Location:732
Physicia*: E Bowman
Adrnit Date: 1/17
* : ras h, w:v’reepi ng, s : siou ghi ng. D = d ryness, EX= excoriated, T:iears,
sil:pubcuian*ous emphysenla, B=blistors, v-vesicfes, N -necrosis)
fi:rash, W:weeping, S:sioughing, D :dr,y’ness, EX:excoriated, T:iears,
SE : su bcutaneous em p hVsenra, B : blisters. V *ves,iclpc Nt : nor.rneicl
ture, actirrity, friction/shear t)18:no risk, 1s-ls=low risk, 13-1A:moderete
risk, s12=high risk)
Laboratory: CBC, RpR. Chem 16
Repeat CBC, Aniyiase, Lipase in 1Z hrs
Repeat Chem ? every 6 hrs
Abdominal UIS: Pregnancy ) 1st
Vital $igns: Every 4 hrs
I’donitor fetal heart tones and contr*ciions
fl4ea/ type: NPO
F{uid requirement: 2000-2400 m Uday
flistary: Patient states appetite is good right now. she suffered a {ot of morning sickness during her firsttrimester but is better now. states that there are a lot of foods she doesn’t tike. Describes herself as apicky eeter’ Had been on vYlC during last pregnancy. Doe$ not always take prenatal vitanrins becausethey nrake her stomach hurt. States that she gained 15 lbs with her first pregnanry and almost 20 ri.rithher second.
Allergies: Nl(A
Pt. Laeation: 732
Physician: F. Eowr*an
Admit ilats: 1/17
Alt4: Coffee. cold cereal, cccasionally toast
Lunch: Sa*ciwich 0r soup
Dinner: Casserole such as Hamburger }*elpei, hot dogs, soup; scrfietimes sl”le cooks a f ull meal
on his days off.
Lunch: Hot dog on bun. 1/z * r*acarcni and cheese. iced tea
Dinner: 3 oz Salisbury steak, 1 c green beans, 1 c mashed potatoes with gravy, 1 ra[[with butter,
1/18 0640
Subjeciive: Amber Morris previous 24 hours revielved
Vitafs: Iemp; $8,6 Fulse: 82 ft*sp rate: ZC Bp: iZOIEZ
Urine 0utput:4344 mL iS7.3 mllkg) =_
General:23 *,eek gestetio*-no contractlons; n* furtt-rer vaginal spotiing
Nsck: WNt
Hurt: WNL
Lungs: Clear to auscultatian
sounds Wt!L.
All*rgies: NKA
Pt. l-ocatia*: 732
Fhystcian: f Bowmen
Ad*rrt ilate: tl’l?
4.S-9.0 M
55-170 M,
Allergies: NKA
Pt. Lacati*n: 732
Physician: f; Bawrn*n
Admit Dats: U17
Allergies: NKA
Pt. Location: ?32 lsalation: l’lone