- Answers must:
Be 300 words or more
Use the stand English grammar and spelling
References are cited APA style
NUR4636– Community Health Nursing
Case Study
Chapter 23
Adult Women and Men
The school nurse is preparing for a week long community health nurse rotation. The
preparation includes reviewing and preparing a brief summary about common
issues affecting adult women and men. The community health nurse is going to ask
the student key questions to ensure that proper preparation for the rotation has
been completed.
1. The 20th century saw a shift in the leading causes of death from
communicable diseases to noncommunicable diseases. Currently, what are
the five leading causes of death in adults?
2. Chronic illness is an issue of increasing concern for both men and women as
life expectancies increase. What are the three levels of prevention and
activities that community health nurses should consider in order to promote
health across the adult women and men life span?
3. The student nurse visits a woman’s home with the community health nurse.
What are some important facts that the community health nurse and student
nurse can share with this woman to help raise awareness regarding heart
4. The community health nurse has to do a short program in the local senior
center on mortality from unintentional injuries in the United States. The
student nurse shares some key facts about mortality from unintentional
injuries in the United States based on age. What is the top unintentional
injuries mortality among adult groups?