FinalProject11 xIND-299FinalProjecttemplate1 xStrengths_Weaknesses_AdvocateINFJPersonality_16Personalities1 WorkplaceHabits_AdvocateINFJPersonality_16Personalities1 .crdownloadCareerPaths_AdvocateINFJPersonality_16Personalities1 IND299FinalProjectGuidelinesandRubric111
Create an academic plan of study that will explain and support your intention to earn a Bachelor of Arts in General Studies degree. Begin by forming an achievable goal statement. Then, discuss your prior and planned academic learning and how you can use it to direct your academic and professional planning. Finally, build a case for your plan of study by articulating its value to you moving forward. Remember that this is a formal, professional document that must be formatted and presented in a manner appropriate for academic and professional audiences. See all files for more details (Final Project (which is what shout be rewritten, feedback from the professor, final project template, personality test result, Final Project Guidelines, and Rubric)
Final Project
Bachelor of General Studies with a
in International business
Expected date of graduation: May 2020
Southern New Hampshire University
Table of Content
1. Introductions ………………………………………………………………….
of Study………………………………………………………………
. General Studies Concentration……………………………………………….
4. Coursework…………………………………………………………………..
5. Academic Rational…………………………………………………………….
6. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….
7. Reference (APA)………………………….…………………………………..
As long as I can remember, I’ve always dreamed to work in the health field. At seventeen years old, I thought that I would either be a physician or a pharmacist. Little did I know that this dream would change after life experiences. When I started college, I was a chemistry major. I really enjoyed the first two years, however I slowly realized that maybe this major wasn’t it. I then switch to biology. The first semester was great then suddenly life started giving me lemons. With financial, family and other personal issues, I started having very poor grades. On my senior year, I decided to take a break from school and move back to Haiti to recalibrate myself. Meanwhile, with all my credits from school, I was able to find a position as a Sensory Coordinator in the Coca-Cola bottling plant located in Haiti. In this position I had to manage the microbiology and sensory lab. I enjoyed what I was doing but I was still determined to work in the health field. I decided that I would go back to school. I started taking classes at SNHU to have a degree in Health Information. I wasn’t satisfied with my choice and felt something was missing. As I was taking classes at SNHU, I was taking other courses for my job to obtain certificates. I was striving in those courses but not the ones from SNHU. I slowly realized that my love for health have changed to manufacturing.
Although for the last six years working in the manufacturing field, I’ve gained my way up from being a sensory coordinator to a management system manager then now to a production manager, I find it important to obtain my bachelor’s. First reason is for me; I will feel accomplished. Second reason is for my husband and my almost six-month-old baby boy. Finally, the third reason is because I am moving back in the United Stated. I would like to improve my skills and be able to find a good position at a company. Obtaining a BA.GS with a concentration in International Business will help me attain my goal quicker. With a concentration in international business I will have a basic knowledge in business which will help me earn my certificate in Operations and Supply Chain management with ease.
At thirty-two years old, I never imagined that I would still not have a bachelor’s degree. In order to reach to my goal, there are strengths and weakness that I will leverage. One strength that I will leverage is passion and determination. I am very close to the finish line now that I have two classes left to obtain my BA.GS. I will use all the necessary resources either inside or outside of SNHU to help me succeed. My sensitivity has caused many negatives impact into my life. It affected my ability to take the right decisions for me. I tend to question my motives and don’t like criticism. I will learn to take criticism positively. This will be me grow and see things in another perspective I will also work on believing in myself and following in instincts.
With two classes left I will be completing my BA.GS degree after term 5 which will end in June. I will start right away with the courses for the operations and supply chain management certificate which I will complete in June 2021.After completing this program, I will, right away, start looking for a position in the US.
With the completion of the operations and supply chain management certificate, I will have more opportunities to obtain management positions like Supply chain analyst, Logistics manager, consultant, and more. In order to organize my amenities into specialized skills, there are three domains that will help me.
With the completion of the operations and supply chain management certificate, I will have more opportunities to obtain management positions like Supply chain analyst, Logistics manager, consultant, and more. In order to organize my amenities into specialized skills, there are three domains that will help me.
The first domain is business. With many countries in competition with each other, it is important to have a basic knowledge in internationally business, which is my choice of concentration. Everything is globally evolving. The International Business concentration is divided in two parts. There are two business and two management courses. I have previously taken the Introduction to International Business,
International Management
and Principles of Management. This classes have helped me gained more understanding in the international financial environment.
The second domain is communication. In all the roles mentioned before, communication is one of the most important domains. For example, a Purchasing Manager needs to have very good communication skill. The role of the Purchasing manager is to buy products for a company to use or resell. The Purchasing Manager as direct contact with the suppliers. Negotiate contracts, evaluate suppliers and review product quality. In order to better my communication skill, I have taken Communication elective and college English composition classes.
Given that I majored in Biology from another instruction, all my credits were transferred to SNHU. When I started SNHU, I majored in Health Information BA.GS. After changing to the BA.GS, I had 18 credits left to obtain my degree. Twelve of those credits are 4 courses from my chosen concentration which is International Business. The remaining 6 credits are the
Strategies for Spec Planning
course, and one integration cluster course to be chosen from IDS-400 (401,402, 403, and 404). I have decided to choose
Global society. I have always been interested in gaining more knowledge in facts and issues that are going globally, I feel like this course will help me gain that knowledge and also strengthen my critical thinking skills which is needed for long term goal. This course will count toward the four courses at the 300 or 400 level. The other 3 courses will be chosen from the courses that are at level 300 and up listed in the International Business concentration. So far, I have already taken 3 out 4 courses from my concentration which are:
Intro to Int’l Business,
Legal Environment of int’l Bus, and
Principles of Management.
As I mentioned early, I majored in Biology and Health Information Management before deciding to change to BA.GS which resulted to me never taking any business classes. When I started with the Health Information Management degree, I felt like something was missing. I needed to go back to the basic for a refreshing training. Most of the skills that I gained in management were throughout my path and experience in the manufacturing industry. Wanting to gain knowledge in what is going globally, it was not hard for me the choose International Business as a concentration. The 3 courses that I have taken so far, my abilities to plan, organize and prioritize have much improved. Those skills are crucial to achieving of my long-term goal to obtain a certificate in Supply Chain and Operations management. I have outlined a list of my degree requirements. In this table, you will see all the courses that I have completed and that I planned on taking.
Course Number |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term/Date Completed |
Concentration or Domain |
IND-299 | Strategies for Spec Planning | 3 |
20EW3 /IP |
Domain |
INT-315 |
International Management |
20EW4/ PR |
Concentration | ||||||||||||||
IDS-401 |
Global Society |
20EW5 /PR |
Domain | ||||||||||||||
INT-113 |
Intro to Int’l Business |
19EW6 |
Concentration | ||||||||||||||
INT-309 |
Legal environment of int’l bus |
18EW5 |
OL-215 |
Principle of management |
CR |
ENG120 |
College Composition I |
TE |
ENG121 |
College Composition II |
MAT-240 |
Applied Statistics |
HUM100 |
FAS202 Introduction to Humanities II |
HUM200 |
LAN- ELE Language elective |
SCS100 |
ECO 201 Microeconomics SOC-112 Intro to Sociology |
3 3 |
SCS-200 |
IT-201-Computer Platform Tech Bio-210 Intro to Anatomy and Phy |
14EW2 15EW3 |
HIS 100 & HIS 200 |
HIS-200 Applied History HIS-113 U.S. History 1 |
18EW5 TE |
SNHU-107 |
HCM-200 Introduction to health IT |
15EW5 |
IDS-100 |
Coding & Classification System |
Free Electives |
63 |
After completing the IND-299 course, I will have two more courses to obtain my degree.
Running Head: IND-299 FINAL PROJECT 1
IND-299 Final Project
Name (First Last)
Bachelor of General Studies with a Concentration in [insert concentration]
Expected date of graduation: Month Day, Year
Southern New Hampshire University
Month 00, 2019
Table of Content
1. Introductions ………………………………………………………………….3
2. Domain of Study………………………………………………………………3
3. General Studies Concentration………………………………………………..4
4. Coursework…………………………………………………………………..4-6
5. Academic Rational…………………………………………………………….6
6. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….7
7. Reference (APA)………………………….…………………………………..8
Your Title Goes Here
Introduce yourself as a professional and restate your professional and/or personal goal statement. Make sure to incorporate feedback throughout the course when finalizing your statement. The statement needs to be supported with all aspects of SMART goal planning that specifically relates to your academic plan of study. Provide a short statement (approximately three to four sentences or one complete paragraph) that details the opportunities that await you once you achieve your goal(s). The introduction should be concise and written effectively for a professional audience. This sections should be at least seven to ten sentences.
Domain of Study
Provide your three major domains of study that illustrates the value of the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) that you have gained throughout your academic journey and how these KSAs can be applied to your professional and/or personal goals. Domains of study refer to categories that compartmentalize different areas where you have gained or intend to gain KSAs. These domains could be as broad as “critical thinking” or “technical writing,” or they could be as
specific as “child psychology.” Each domain should be supported with at least three courses in your academic plan that highlight the development of the KSAs associated with the specific domain of study. Explain how any prior or planned academic learning relates to your strengths and weaknesses. Be sure to refer to the specific domains you are developing. Support your response using research. Explain how any prior or planned academic learning connects to your goal statement and academic plan of study. Be sure to address why this knowledge is valuable to your goals and how will it help you plan your future. This will be the largest section of your paper with a paragraph for each domain of study. This sections should consist of three to four paragraphs at least four to five sentences.
General Studies Concentration
Identify and defend your chosen concentration in the General Studies program and provide a short description of how the concentration will help you achieve your professional and/or personal goals. Based off of your research (citations are required) share your discovery of the KSAs that align the chosen concentration. This sections should be at least four to five sentences.
Provide a list of all coursework completed to date (either in previous institutions or at SNHU) and all coursework you plan to take in future terms equally 120 credit hours. Align the relevant courses to your domains of study or concentration, and the planned term of enrollment. Every course does not have to align with a domain of study and/or concentration. This section may be presented in a table. Then add a brief annotation, one to two sentence statement, that summarizes why the courses listed in your academic plan of study are applicable to your personal or professional goal statement.
If you have more than 10 remaining courses and you do not know the terms you will be completing your coursework in, then provide a written statement following the chart that explains your plan. For example: The 12 planned courses, 36 hours are needed to complete the degree, listed in the chart have not been scheduled beyond the next three terms. The plan is to complete two courses, six credit hours, per term. By following this plan 18 credit hours will be completed each academic year, which will meet the requirements for the anticipated graduation date of May, 30, 2018. Remember that you have to have a plan to change one.
Table 1
Coursework Listing of Complete and Anticipated Classes
Prior Coursework (Transfer and/or Completed SNHU Courses)
Course Number
Course Title
Term/Date Completed
Self-Designed Degree Program Planning
Planned Coursework
Course Number
Course Title
Planned Term
Academic Rationale
Articulate the value of the BA.GS degree using research and specific examples to illustrate the benefits of completing your degree plan. Specifically, your rationale should accomplish the following: Provide a detailed rationale of how your degree in general studies meets your personal and professional goals. Discuss the larger relevance of the general studies degree to achieving your goals. Be sure to address the benefits of your general studies degree and the value of a diverse education to achieving your future goals. Incorporate research (e.g., course resources, scholarly articles, networking sites, webinar opportunities) that will support you in achieving your goals. The rationale should be a full page in length.
In your conclusion, summarize your experiences in this course. Highlight key traits that you will use to achieve your personal and professional goals.
Your completed academic plan of study and academic rationale should be a professionally written document suitable for an academic audience. Your submission should be free of any grammatical, spelling, and stylistic errors. The completed proposal should include a cover page with your name, degree concentration, and expected date of graduation; a table of contents; and a references/works cited page using APA or MLA citation format accurately. Before submitting this assignment review the assignment guide and grading rubric to maximize your points for this assignment. If you have any questions, please contact your instructor.
SNHU. (2017). Academic course catalog. Southern New Hampshire University Retrieved from
2/28/2020 Strengths & Weaknesses | Advocate (INFJ) Personality | 16Personalities 1/6
02Strengths & WeaknessesAdvocate Strengths
Romantic Relationships
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Creative – Combining a vivid imagination with a strong sense of
compassion, Advocates use their creativity to resolve not technical
challenges, but human ones. People with the Advocate personality
type enjoy �nding the perfect solution for someone they care
about. This strength makes them excellent counselors and
Insightful – Seeing through dishonesty and disingenuous motives,
Advocates step past manipulation and sales tactics and into a more
honest discussion. Advocate personalities see how people and
events are connected. They are then able to use that insight to get
to the heart of the matter.
Inspiring and Convincing – Speaking in human terms, not
technical, Advocates have a �uid, inspirational writing style that
appeals to the inner idealist in their audience. Advocates can even
be astonishingly good orators, speaking with warmth and passion.
This is especially true if they are proud of what they are speaking
Romantic Relationships
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Decisive – Advocates’ creativity, insight, and inspiration are able to
have a real impact on the world. This is because they are able to
follow through on their ideas with conviction, willpower, and the
planning necessary to see complex projects through to the end.
People with the Advocate personality type don’t just see the way
things ought to be; they act on those insights.
Determined and Passionate – When Advocates come to believe
that something is important, they pursue that goal with a
conviction and energy that can catch others o�-guard. Advocates
will rock the boat if they must. Not everyone likes to see this, but
their passion for their chosen cause is an inseparable part of the
Advocate personality.
Altruistic – These strengths are used for good. Advocates will not
engage in any actions or promote beliefs just to bene�t
themselves. They have strong beliefs and take the actions that they
do because they are trying to advance an idea that they truly
believe will make the world a better place.
Advocate Weaknesses
Romantic Relationships
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Sensitive – When someone challenges or criticizes Advocates’
principles or values, they are likely to receive an alarmingly strong
response. People with the Advocate personality type are highly
vulnerable to criticism and con�ict. Questioning their motives is the
quickest way to their bad side.
Extremely Private – Advocates tend to present themselves as the
culmination of an idea. This is partly because they believe in this
idea, but also because Advocates are extremely private when it
comes to their personal lives. They use this image to keep
themselves from having to truly open up, even to close friends.
Trusting a new friend can be even more challenging for Advocates.
Perfectionistic – Advocate personalities are all but de�ned by
their pursuit of ideals. While this is a wonderful quality in many
ways, an ideal situation is not always possible – in politics, in
business, in romance. Advocates, especially Turbulent ones, too
often drop or ignore healthy and productive situations and
Romantic Relationships
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Romantic Relationships
relationships, always believing there might be a better option down
the road.
Always Need to Have a Cause – Advocate personalities get so
caught up in their pursuits that any of the cumbersome tasks that
come between them and their ideal vision is deeply unwelcome.
Advocates like to know that they are taking concrete steps toward
their goals. If routine tasks feel like they are getting in the way – or
worse yet, there is no goal at all – they will feel restless and
Can Burn Out Easily – Their passion, impatience for routine
maintenance, idealism, and extreme privacy tend to leave
Advocates with few options for letting o� steam. People with this
personality type are likely to exhaust themselves in short order if
they don’t �nd a way to balance their ideals with the realities of
day-to-day living.
Romantic Relationships
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2/28/2020 Workplace Habits | Advocate (INFJ) Personality | 16Personalities 1/5
07Workplace HabitsAdvocates have pretty tall demands when it comes to a satisfying work
environment. Not only do those with this personality type need to be able
to express their creativity and insight, they also need to know that what
they are doing has meaning.
2/28/2020 Workplace Habits | Advocate (INFJ) Personality | 16Personalities 2/5
People with this personality type need to know that their work helps
people and promotes their own personal growth. Their work must be in
line with their values, principles, and beliefs all the way.
Oftentimes, the best way for Advocate personalities to achieve this is not
to have to answer to others’ rules at all. Instead, they should strive to be
their own boss, neither above nor below anyone else, just directly
interacting with the people and ideas that are important to
All that being said, Advocates are a clever and inspired group. With a few
of the right conditions, almost any position can be made to work for
Advocate Subordinates
As subordinates, Advocates are likely to do poorly with strict rules, formal
structures, and routine tasks. People with the Advocate personality type
value cooperation and sensitivity. The more open-minded and personal
their manager’s style is, and the more they feel their personal input is
considered, the happier they’ll be.
2/28/2020 Workplace Habits | Advocate (INFJ) Personality | 16Personalities 3/5
Advocates act on their convictions, so when they do something, it’s
something that has meaning to them. If those actions come under
criticism, especially the unwarranted kind, their morale is likely to tank
A manager’s values need to be in line with the Advocate’s for both sides
to work well together. Though usually idealistic, if their work environment
does not line up with their values, people with the Advocate personality
type can become angry and bitter. But if it’s a balance they can handle,
with a little encouragement every now and then, Advocates will work hard
and thrive. People with this personality type are more than capable of
handling tasks and workplace relationships.
Advocate Colleagues
As colleagues, Advocate personalities are likely to become quite popular.
They are likely to be seen as positive, eloquent, and capable friends.
Among their greatest strengths is the ability to identify others’ motives
and defuse con�icts and tension before anyone else even senses a
Advocates are likely to place more importance on working together over
e�ciency, encouraging hard work, and helping others when needed.
While this is usually a strength, there is a risk that others will take
advantage of Advocates’ desire to get things done. Coworkers may do this
– on purpose or without realizing it – by shifting their tasks onto their
more dedicated Advocate coworkers’ desks.
2/28/2020 Workplace Habits | Advocate (INFJ) Personality | 16Personalities 4/5
It should also be remembered that, at the end of the day, Advocates are
still Introverts, and this kind of popularity isn’t always welcome. They will
need to step back and act the lone wolf from time to time, pursuing their
own goals in their own ways. An unhealthy version of this tendency may
pop up if Advocates sense that their values are being compromised by a
more ethically relaxed colleague.
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As managers, Advocates often dislike using their power. Individuals with
this personality type prefer to see those who work under them as equals.
They do this by focusing on coordinating tasks and supervising people,
leaving the facts and details to others. They work hard to encourage
others, not to crack the whip.
That’s not to say that people with the Advocate personality type have low
standards – far from it. The Advocates’ sense of equality means that they
expect their subordinates to be as competent, motivated, and reliable as
the Advocates themselves.
Advocate managers are sensitive, understanding, and fair, able to
appreciate individual styles and to make accurate judgments about
others’ motivations. However, if an employee’s actions or attitude
undermines an Advocate manager’s ethics or values, they will �nd little
comfort in these qualities.
People with this personality type have no tolerance for lapses in reliability
or morality. But, so long as no such lapse occurs, Advocates will work
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Conclusion �B
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2/28/2020 Career Paths | Advocate (INFJ) Personality | 16Personalities 1/6
06Career Paths“It’s better to fail while striving for something wonderful, challenging,
adventurous, and uncertain, than to say, ’I don’t want to try because I may
not succeed completely.’”
Workplace Habits
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Advocates are likely to �nd that most corporate career paths are not
designed for them, but for those focused on their status and material
gain. However, people with this personality are able to �nd work that
suits them in just about any �eld.
In fact, Advocates are likely to face the opposite problem. Many struggle
to begin a career early on because they see ten wildly di�erent paths
forward, each with its own set of rewards. This can be appealing but also
heartbreaking, because picking just one means letting go of so much else.
Truth, Beauty, Purpose
Advocate personalities need to �nd meaning in their work and to know
that they are helping and connecting with people. An Advocate working
as a Ferrari salesperson, for example, is highly unlikely.
Their desire to help and connect makes careers in healthcare – especially
the more holistic varieties – very rewarding for Advocates. Roles as
counselors, psychologists, doctors, life coaches, and spiritual guides are
all attractive options.
Workplace Habits
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Advocates’ needs don’t end at meaning, though – any productive work
can be meaningful, as any productive work helps someone, somewhere.
Advocate personalities crave creativity, too. They strive to use their
insight to connect events and situations, creating real change in others’
Two Roads Diverged In a Yellow Wood
These needs are hard to meet in a corporate environment, where
Advocates will be forced to manage someone else’s policies alongside
their own. For this reason, people with the Advocate personality type are
more likely to �nd independence in a leadership position, or by simply
creating their own business.
If they choose to go the independent route, they will focus on applying
their personal touch, creativity, and altruism to everything they do. This
can be the most rewarding option for Advocate personalities. When they
step out of the overly humble supporting and noncompetitive roles they
are often drawn to, they can move into positions where they can grow
and make a di�erence.
Advocates often pursue expressive careers such as writing, e�ective
communicators that they are, and author many popular blogs, stories,
For Advocates, money and Employee of the Month simply won’t cut
it compared to living their values and principles.
Workplace Habits
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Workplace Habits
and screenplays. Music, photography, design, and art are viable options
too, and they all can focus on deeper themes of personal growth,
morality, and spirituality.
Where Advocates struggle is in work that doesn’t take personal needs
into consideration, is overly repetitious, or promotes con�ict. Jobs with
these traits will leave Advocate personality types frustrated and
unful�lled. They can also struggle under the criticism and pressure that
comes with jobs in corporate politics or sales.
Advocate personalities are clever and can do well in any of these �elds.
To be truly happy, however, they need to be able to work in a way that
aligns with their values and allows them some independence. They need
opportunities to learn and grow alongside the people they are helping
and contribute to the well-being of humanity on a personal level.
Workplace Habits
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206 Comments Sort by
Trey Sykes
This is an incredible breakdown I’m literally blown away it’s like you’ve been follow me for
years studying just me! Y’all did an amazing job on this breakdown!
Like · Reply · 4 · 4w
Intan Syafika
i always crave to read so much about philosophical and inspiring thoughts. it’s like feeding my
soul. this’s just mind blowing facts about me! thank you
Like · Reply · 5w
Jonas Paulsen
so true i finally feel undersood
Like · Reply · 6w
Macy Allen
Right on…thanks
Like · Reply · 7w
Anne Wingate
Uh, yeah.
Like · Reply · 7w
Gabrielle Ann Sales
SO true. I was miserable in politics and retail/sales (I was in it for 3 years and never felt fulfilled
– this was during college times). I’m now a writer and a blogger, which is crazy how that is
mentioned in my personality type.
Like · Reply · 8w
Lyes Manaa
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Ehizogie Oaikhena
Thank you.
Like · Reply · 16w
Iris Nunez
this is so true 😮
Like · Reply · 1 · 21w
TommyMo Tupaea
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This has blown me away. I did not expect to see myself so clesrly described. Amazing.
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IND 299 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
In this course, you will explore the value of the Bachelor of Arts in General Studies (BA.GST) degree and how the vast knowledge gained in this diverse
educational program gives you an innovative edge professionally, personally, and for civic engagement. As you prepare for your future beyond this degree, it is
crucial that you be able to articulate, in a professional manner, how your experience has prepared you for the opportunities you seek. To help you practice the
skill of formally defending your experiences, skills, and goals, you will create an academic plan of study for the final project in this course. In this document, you
will have the opportunity to illustrate your personally designed strategic plan for achieving your goals and earning a BA.GST degree.
Your academic plan of study will begin with SMART goal planning strategies. You will highlight the diversity of knowledge and skills you plan to attain through the
domains of study that supplement the achievement of the goal statement. The next step is defending your concentration, which is a focused area of study and
knowledge that supports your completion of the goal statement. You will then compile a comprehensive list of the completed and planned coursework required
to earn your degree by the anticipated graduation date. Finally, you will present an extended rationale for your goal and the steps you have outlined to reach that
goal. Your perceived professionalism as you present your academic plan is just as important as the content of what you say. Be sure that you cleanly and
professionally format your plan and check your document for any spelling and grammar errors.
The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Three, and Five. The final product will be submitted in Module Seven.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
Illustrate the applicability of academic learning by explaining its connections and value to personal and professional planning
Utilize relevant research in explaining how strengths and weaknesses can be leveraged to achieve personal and professional goals
Employ fundamental writing skills in articulating plans of study appropriate for academic and professional audiences
Apply fundamental goal principles and strategic planning techniques in supporting feasible plans of academic study
Create an academic plan of study that will explain and support your intention to earn a Bachelor of Arts in General Studies degree. Begin by forming an
achievable goal statement. Then, discuss your prior and planned academic learning and how you can use it to direct your academic and professional planning.
Finally, build a case for your plan of study by articulating its value to you moving forward. Remember that this is a formal, professional document that must be
formatted and presented in a manner appropriate for academic and professional audiences.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Goal Statement: In this section, you will introduce the career and/or personal goals related to achieving your BA.GST degree. You will do this in a
brief goal statement (one to two paragraphs). You will then develop a SMART goal related to your academic plan of study. Remember that your
introduction needs to establish the basis of your decisions for your audience.
a) Concisely introduce your academic plan of study with a goal statement that details your career and/or personal goals in a manner
appropriate for academic and professional audiences.
b) Develop a SMART goal related to your academic plan of study.
II. Domains of Study: In this section, you will connect your academic learning to specific domains of study to determine the value of this knowledge and
how it can be applied to your goal statement. Domains of study refer to categories that compartmentalize different areas where you have gained or
intend to gain knowledge, skills, and abilities. These domains could be as broad as “critical thinking” or “technical writing,” or they could be as
specific as “the history of Massachusetts as a colony.”
a) Identify three domains that define any prior or planned academic learning, and name three courses that support each domain.
b) Explain how any prior or planned academic learning relates to personal strengths and weaknesses. Be sure to refer to the specific domains
you are developing. Support your response using research.
c) Explain how any prior or planned academic learning connects to your goal statement and academic plan of study. Be sure to address why
this knowledge is valuable to your goals and how will it help you plan your future.
III. Concentration: To complete this section, you will need to choose a concentration in the general studies program using the provided list and then
research what knowledge, skills, and abilities you will need to complete this concentration.
a) Defend the concentration you have chosen based on how it will help you achieve your personal or professional goals. Be sure to reference
the knowledge you plan to gain in the concentration.
b) Back up your assertions with research that supports your concentration choice.
IV. Coursework: In this section, you will think about your domains of study and your concentration in relation to your goal, and you will plan out the
coursework for your entire degree program. This should be a specific and detailed outline of the number of credits needed, the courses needed at
each level (200-level, 300-level, etc.), the courses you have already completed, and so on.
a) Provide an organized list of your degree requirements and your completed and planned coursework. Be sure to categorize courses by
domains of study and your concentration where appropriate.
b) Provide a brief annotation (one to two sentences) of each listed course, illustrating why the course is applicable to your personal or
professional goals.
Note: All students are expected to review the academic catalog for prerequisite courses that are required as part of their program. All courses and
their prerequisites must be program applicable for financial aid purposes.
V. Academic Rationale: In this section, you will articulate the value of the BA.GST degree using research and specific examples to illustrate the benefits
of completing this degree plan.
a) Discuss the larger relevance of the general studies degree to achieving your goals. Be sure to address the benefits of your general studies
degree and the value of a diverse education to achieving your future goals.
b) Incorporate research (e.g., course resources, scholarly articles, networking sites, webinar opportunities) that will support you in achieving
your goals.
Milestone 1: SMART Goal
In Module Two, you will introduce the career goals and personal goals that are related to achieving your BA.GST degree. This milestone will be graded with the
Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone 2: Domains of Study
In Module Three, you will connect your academic learning to specific domains of study to determine the value of this knowledge and how it can be applied to
your goal statement. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone 3: Coursework and Concentration
In Module Five, you will select the concentration for your academic plan of study, as well as plan out the remaining coursework for your degree program. This
milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
ACTION: If you have not already done so, be sure to declare your concentration by completing the Undergraduate Program Modification form.
Final Submission: Academic Plan of Study
In Module Seven, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should
reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.
Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading
One SMART Goal Two Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric
Two Domains of Study Three Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric
Three Coursework and Concentration Five Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric
Final Submission: Academic Plan of Study Seven Graded separately; Final Project Rubric
Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your academic plan of study must be 6–8 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and written in APA format. Use double
spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include at least three references cited in APA format.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Goal Statement: Goal
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates sophisticated
ability to detail career and/or
personal goals in a manner
appropriate for academic and
professional audiences
Concisely introduces the
academic plan of study with a
goal statement that details
career and/or personal goals
written in a manner appropriate
for academic and professional
Introduces the academic plan of
study with a goal statement that
details career and/or personal
goals, but introduction is not
concise, is illogical, or is not
written in a manner appropriate
for academic and professional
Does not introduce the academic
plan of study with a goal statement
that details career and/or personal
Goal Statement: SMART
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates an advanced
ability to utilize goal principles in
supporting feasible plans of
academic study
Develops a SMART goal related
to the academic plan of study
Develops a SMART goal related to
the academic plan of study, but
goal is illogical or irrelevant
Does not develop a SMART goal
related to the academic plan of
Domains of Study:
Identify Three Domains
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
makes cogent connections
between domains of learning
and associated courses
Identifies three domains that
define any prior or planned
academic learning, and names
three courses that support each
Identifies three domains that
define any prior or planned
academic learning, and three
courses that support each
domain, but courses do not
logically support the domains, or
identifies less than three courses
and/or domains.
Does not identify domains that
define any prior or planned
academic learning, or three courses
that support each domain
Domains of Study:
Strengths and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
makes cogent connections
between prior or planned
academic learning and personal
strengths and weaknesses
Explains how any prior or
planned academic learning
relates to personal strengths
and weaknesses, and refers
to specific domains being
Explains how any prior or
planned academic learning
relates to personal strengths
and weaknesses, but does not
refer to a specific domain, or
response is cursory or illogical
Does not explain how prior or
planned learning relates to
personal strengths and
Domains of Study: Prior
or Planned Academic
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates sophisticated
understanding of how any prior
or planned academic learning
connects to the goal statement
and academic plan of study
Explains how any prior or
planned academic learning
connects to the goal statement
and academic plan of study,
including why this knowledge is
valuable to goals and how it will
help plan the future
Explains how any prior or planed
learning connects to the goal
statement, but not the academic
plan of study, or does not address
why this knowledge is valuable to
personal goals, or explanation is
cursory or illogical.
Does not explain how any prior or
planned learning connects to the
goal statement and academic plan
of study, and does not address why
this knowledge would be valuable
to personal goals.
Concentration: Defend Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
level of support provided
demonstrates thorough
understanding of how the
chosen concentration will help
achieve personal or professional
Defends the chosen
concentration based on how it
will help achieve personal or
professional goals, supporting
the defense by referencing the
knowledge to be gained in the
Defends the chosen concentration
based on how it will help achieve
personal or professional goals, but
defense is cursory or not
supported by referencing the
knowledge to be gained in the
Does not defend the chosen
concentration based on how it will
help achieve personal or
professional goals
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
support provided demonstrates
thorough understanding of
knowledge and skills needed in
chosen concentration
Backs up assertions with
research that supports
concentration choice
Backs up assertions with research
that supports concentration
choice, but research is cursory or
does not adequately support need
to acquire particular knowledge
Does not back up assertions with
research that supports
concentration choice
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
level of detail provided
demonstrates thorough
understanding of all degree
Provides an organized list of
degree requirements and
completed and planned
Provides a list of degree
requirements and completed and
planned coursework, but list is
incomplete or unorganized or
contains inaccuracies
Does not provide a list of degree
requirements or completed and
planned coursework
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates sophisticated
understanding of why each
course is applicable to personal
or professional goals
Provides a brief annotation for
each course listed that illustrates
why the course is applicable to
personal or professional goals
Provides a brief annotation for
each course listed that illustrates
why the course is applicable to
personal or professional goals, but
annotations are illogical
Does not provide a brief annotation
of each course listed that illustrates
why the course is applicable to
personal or professional goals
Academic Rationale:
Relevance of the
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
makes cogent connections
between the relevance of the
degree in achieving goals, the
benefits of the degree, and the
value of diverse education in
achieving future goals
Discusses the larger relevance of
the degree in achieving goals,
including the benefits of the
degree and the value of diverse
education in achieving future
Discusses the larger relevance of
the degree in achieving goals,
including the benefits of the
degree and the value of diverse
education in achieving future
goals, but discussion is cursory or
Does not discuss the larger
relevance of the degree in achieving
Academic Rationale:
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
research provided illustrates a
sophisticated awareness of
research that will support
achievement of goals
Incorporates relevant research
that will support achievement of
Incorporates research, but it is
cursory or not entirely relevant to
Does not incorporate research that
will support achievement of goals
Articulation and
Presentation: Citations,
Grammar, Spelling, or
Has no major or minor errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, and/or syntax that
affect the clarity of the
Has several minor errors and no
major errors related to citations,
grammar, spelling, and syntax that
affect the clarity of the
Has major errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, and
syntax that significantly affect the
clarity of the submission
Articulation and
Presentation: Organized
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates masterful use of
fundamental writing and
organization skills
Is organized in a professional
and easy-to-read format
Is partly organized in a
professional and easy-to-read
format, but some sections are
unclear or illogical
Is not organized in a professional
and easy-to-read format
Total 100%