I am a PE and health teacher as well as a football and basketball coach. I work for ECPPS school system in Elizabeth City NC at the local middle school.
- Are there still examples of TTWWADI (That’s The Way We’ve Always Done It) in your current situation? If so, what are they, and how will you begin to move in a new and better direction? If not, why?
- How do you model a vision for excellence, innovation, and creativity during the COVID era with our students, staff, parents, and the community?
- Changing behavior begins with changing our own mindset first. Identify an aspect of your professional practice that might be held back by a fixed mindset approach. What steps do you need to take to move your thinking in a different direction?
- As leaders, we are never truly comfortable where we are professional in terms of our classrooms/department, schools, and district. Are there 2 specific opportunities for growth for each of the following: 1). your classroom/department, 2). schools in your district, and 3). the district as a whole in terms of moving towards optimal change and achieving maximum results?
For each question, integrate each of the following in your answers:
- Theory and facts including the philosophy/utopian view of how the concept should be used or incorporated into education into a highly effective school
- A personal connection with the concept and justify your rationale
- As a leader, how will you maximize this within your school? Give specific examples.
- How should this concept look from a leadership standpoint i.e. what would you do as a leader to maximize this concept at your school?
- How would you assess the effectiveness of your initiative or vision with the key stakeholders (students, staff, and parents)?