20180528070257mayrah_interview1 x2018052807025612341 20180528070257appendix_c1
You will write a question based on the subject’s “living with,” or “coping with” the
phenomenon under research, and spend several hours (over a 3-day period) interviewing this
person to attempt to make sense of how and why that person is able to live with, cope with these
conditions in his or her life.
/the title of the interview is (coping with graduate school and family obligations).
- Try to make your an interview (A student who is married and have a children and she is student at grad school).
- In the interview made stories and problem faced by the student.
- I will attach one of the interview example. it has only coding
- I need similar it. Also, I need
- It has coded which mean like general idea.
- the coded will be in the comments.
- after that collect ideas make it as a theme like describes in the books.
- the theme meaning combine many sentences under one idea.
- like time management has three sencense in the interview.
- you will find theme in the book.
- You should tape the interviews and transcribe and code the
- At the end of these sessions and by reading relevant materials on the phenomenological.
approach, how were you able to bracket your own feelings, biases, beliefs about the issue? How
did you decide to structure the write up for this interview? What were the consistencies and
inconsistencies of the stories told to you? How did you keep up with the dialogue without asking
leading questions? How did you code these transcriptions? Use the Merriam chapters as a guide
to your own study.
Write 4-5 pages and include your transcribed discussions in an appendix.
- these re the question
- I already wrote qestios:
- Introduction
- • Tell me about yourself and your background?
- • Why did you choose America to pursue your higher education?
- • How many family members in your family?
- Description
- 1- How do you describe your experiences to being a graduate student at Howard University?
- 2- How you manage your responsibilities to be a graduate student and family obligations at one time?
- 3- How do you feel about the academic expectations in graduate school?
- 4- What type of assignments do you carry out in your program?
- 5- How do you describe your experience of family obligation such as cooking, cleaning, take care f children?
- 7- How do you manage your time between you do your assignments and family obligations?
Interviewer: How do you self-perceive technology skills? Is there a relationship exists between teachers’ self-perceived technology skills and their levels of (educational level, age, experience)?
Interviewee: Yes, I do have the skills to use technology in the classroom, at school, and at leadership conferences. Comment by Nada Hamouh: Have the skills to use technology
When I say skills, I mean keyboard, and other accessible programs for example, PowerPoint, Excel, Word, these program does not need the complex skills to use it. Also, other skills I have like video programs such as media player and Photoshop program. So that means I know just enough to get by and apply these skills within the classrooms. Comment by Nada Hamouh: Applications she used in the classroom.
However, there is a relationship exists between teachers’ self-perceived technology skills and their levels of (educational level, age, experience), if the teacher is younger, most likely she will be able to use more technology in the classroom and their desire plays a big part as well. There is a relationship from the educational level perspective, for example we have a teacher who has a diploma, and only thing she knows is how to turn on and off the computer. Also, level of experience also plays an important role, teachers with above average experience in technological devices tend to apply those experiences and devices within classroom activities. Comment by Nada Hamouh: Relationship between self-perceived technology skills and their levels of (educational level, age, experience), Comment by Nada Hamouh: Age, Young teacher most likely able to use technology. Comment by Nada Hamouh: Education level make teacher most likely able to use technology. Comment by Nada Hamouh: Experiences make teacher most likely able to use technology.
Interviewer: How do teachers currently use and integrate technology for teaching and learning in the classroom? what factors influence this use?
Interviewee: Technology helps teachers within classroom in more than one way, if applied correctly and responsibly. However, the most common technology teachers currently using are projectors, smartboards, Microsoft applications such as Power point, Word and even cellphones to record classroom sessions. I am able to engage more students using these devices and applications. Also, teachers are using Microsoft word to write and prepare objectives for the classroom, evaluate students’ performance. Comment by Nada Hamouh: Technology helps teachers. Comment by Nada Hamouh: most common technology teachers use Comment by Nada Hamouh: engage student to use these app and devices. Comment by Nada Hamouh: Use Microsoft word.
Indeed, there are many factors that affect us as teachers from using technology in the classroom. First, there is not any support from principles to use technology, or support from peers, having desire to learn and improve our technology knowledge, adoption of existing teaching strategies, experience with technology, achievement from using technology environmental support (budget support, support and management of resources and manpower, also as teachers I should keep up with the technology trends to be able to use it. Comment by Nada Hamouh: Comment by Nada Hamouh: Factors affect using technology.
However, I always keep in my mind that not all the students have internet access at home and some even without computers. Also, public library does not have a computer lab for individuals to use. Studying in London, I remember there were number of times I used public library to complete my assignments when I wouldn’t have internet or when my computer was being fixed. I believe that using technology will help students to gain many skills such as research tool, problem solving/decision making. Comment by Nada Hamouh: Not all student has internet at home. Comment by Nada Hamouh: public library does not have a computer lab for individuals to use. Comment by Nada Hamouh: technology improve students’ skills.
In my school, we need more computer facilities (hardware and software), opportunities for in-service training, resource support from the community like what I mention before having access to use the library computers. Comment by Nada Hamouh: Techers need access and train to be able to use technology.
Interviewer: how infrastructures support integrating instructional technology that teachers use?
Interviewee: For me, to integrating instructional technology into the classroom, I need time, more computer facilities (hardware and software), opportunities for in-service training, resource support from the community, preparation time to incorporate technology. As a teacher I also need support from the school principal by providing myself and like-minded teachers with better computers, more technological devices, and not just projectors, school should also offer computer labs for the unfortunate students. Providing technology will help students to be able to review appropriate Internet sites and discussion groups, assessing the value of technology on improving the quality of learning that the student is receiving the material’s. Comment by Nada Hamouh: She is willing to use technology Comment by Nada Hamouh: She needs principal support. Comment by Nada Hamouh: Students gain skills
Interviewer: How was your integrating instructional technology into classroom experience to you?
Interviewee: I used computer to get more information about lessons, look up new techniques that can simplify my lessons to meet the student needs. In my previous school they offered iPads for each student to be used within classrooms, but in my current school there isn’t anything more than a projector and few computers that haven’t been updated in the main office. Comment by Nada Hamouh: She used computer. Comment by Nada Hamouh: Previous school offer IPad for student. But current school just a projector.
Interviewer: Is there anything you would like to consider?
Interviewee: The use of technology should be a priority moving forward to keep up with the rest of the world on educational fronts. It is our ideology that is holding us back not necessarily the funding’s, money is there yet lack of investments into the educational institutions possibly due to cultural reasoning’s is holding us back. Comment by Nada Hamouh: Should use technology on education. Comment by Nada Hamouh: Funding is not the issues, its cultural reason.
Younger generations are exposed to technological devices, but it starts from the schools and teachers being modernized technologically and teacher’s beings properly trained to ensure next level of learnings. Comment by Nada Hamouh: Younger generations are exposed to technological devices Comment by Nada Hamouh: Teacher should began train how to use technology