HumanRights33 x
Do we have moral obligations to future generations? That is, are we under a moral obligation to restrict rights in the present so that people in the future will be able to have basic human rights? If such an obligation exists, how would it challenge the individualistic basis of liberalism and the sovereignty of the State?
Tanaijah Carrafiello
Professor Rukgaber
May 13th, 2019
Obligations to Future Generations
As humans, we must make decisions for the future. Our thinking cannot be limited to those presently living. Throughout history, people before us have fought for changes like equality for women, freedom of slaves, etc. Yes, it was derived from their current state of that time but they knew the effect they would have on those coming up after them. Women knew that their daughters and granddaughters to come deserved to have equal opportunities as their male peers. One day most people will have children, and their children will have children, so we must make moral decisions that benefit the future, not just the present.
We must get away from communitarian morality and shift to what Thomas Hurkka calls universalist morality. He points out that there is a problem with the communitarian view because it focuses on the “embedded self” argument. This is that humans strive for improve themselves, and part of that is their cultural identity. If this is justified, it suggests that one is justified in pursuing the betterment of their group above others. In the face of morality, one can say that this is wrong. It is normal for people to want better for their own “kind”, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of another. This falls into the moral obligations that we must have for future generations. A major issue that we need to consider forward thinking on, is the state of our environment. The rights that they have must be considered.
Edith Weiss states that they are in a way entitled to what we call group rights. Weiss believes the present generation has this right currently as individuals, and individually have obligations to preserve the earth for the future. All humans rely on the environment, resources, ecosystem, etc. These things are considered a public good, therefore the right to these things is a right of the whole group, as well as the future group. More importantly, it’s the current generations moral obligation to secure the planet for the future. The present should consider their family’s future. They would do anything to secure a future for their unborn kids, or grandchildren, by saving money for college