10 slides power point presentation on disease Lower extremity swelling make a diagnosis and 3 diferential diagnosis
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Lower Extremity Swelling
United State University
Common Illness Across the Lifespan Clinical Practicum: FNP :xxx
Good Morning Professor Elgin Lisa and classmates. My topic for this week presentation is on Lower extremity swelling and 3 most common related problems or associated differential diagnosis and treatments for each.
There are different conditions that are closely associated with lower extremity swelling.
These conditions include:
1. Peripheral edema
2. Secondary lymphedema
3. Lipedema
Associated Differentials
Peripheral Edema
Leg swelling is a condition that generally occurs due to fluid build up in the tissues of the lower extremity. This condition is regarded as peripheral edema (Goyal et al., 2020).
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Causes and Signs of Peripheral Edema
Peripheral edema may be caused by some simple issues such as remaining seated for long or standing for long.
The condition may also be triggered by an imbalance of fluids in the body hence the swelling of the lower extremities (Goyal et al., 2020).
Bruises, sprain, strain or leg fractures may also lead to swelling or pain.
The conditions symptoms vary accordance to the underlying factors. Mostly, the affected areas seem swollen and puffy. One may also feel heavy and itchy (Goyal et al., 2020).
Treatment of Peripheral Edema
The treatment course of the condition is dependent upon the underlying factors. If the condition was triggered by another condition, then the course of treatment will be initiated in respect to the condition (Goyal et al., 2020).
Edema caused by lifestyle or temporary conditions can be regulated through some mechanisms that will offer relief.
The patient can embark on exercise which will help to keep the muscles moving. The physician can recommend specific exercise (Goyal et al., 2020).
Patients should also be encouraged to take breaks if they have to remain seated or stand for long.
The doctor may also recommend wearing of a compression stocking on the affected leg.
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The condition is triggered by an acquired defect in the lymphatic system hence resulting to swelling of the lower extremities (Akgul, 2020).
It is closely correlated with obesity, infection, neoplasm, trauma and some therapeutic modalities.
The conditions may also be contributed by intravenous drug abuse.
Secondary Lymphedema
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Causes of Secondary Lymphedema
Secondary Lymphedema is commonly caused by distortions of drainage in the lymphatic system, and they are common with trauma (Akgul, 2020).
In the United States, cancer treatment is the prevalent contribution to the damage of the lymphatic system (Akgul, 2020).
The conditions may also easily affect persons affected by hypertension, diabetes, and an irregular cardiac functioning (Akgul, 2020).
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The conditions signs and symptoms include swelling of the extremities including the fingers and the toes (Akgul, 2020).
The condition also triggers a feeling of tightness or heaviness (Akgul, 2020).
The condition limits one’s range of motion.
Triggers hardening and thickening of the skin(Akgul, 2020).
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The condition has no specific course of treatment. Therefore, physicians/ Family nurse practitioners (FNP) focus on the reducing the swelling and bar more complications (Akgul, 2020).
The physician or FNP can prescribe antibiotics to regulate skin infections.
Therapies with specialty on the field may recommend exercise, manual drainage of lymph, use of compression bandages and garments, and sequential pneumatic compression (Akgul, 2020).
If the condition is complicated, surgical procedures may be undertaken.
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Lipedema is a condition caused by excess fat buildup in the lower extremities (Bauer et al., 2019).
The condition often affects the buttocks, thighs and calves.
The condition may also spread and affects the upper arms (Bauer et al., 2019).
The condition does not impacts the hands or feet.
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Causes of Lipedema
Lipedema and lymphedema are often confused, but the two conditions vary. However, lipedema may lad to the rise of lymphedema if uncontrolled (Bauer et al., 2019).
The condition is caused by fat build up in the buttocks, thighs, calves, and at times the upper arms.
The condition may be genetic where it may be passed form one generation to the other. The condition is prevalent in women, and worsens at pregnancy, puberty, or menopause. Therefore, the condition is also closely linked to hormones action (Bauer et al., 2019).
The condition manifests in stages.
The condition has emotional symptoms where mostly patients feel ashamed.
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Management and Treatment
Lifestyle changes are recommended such as a heart healthy diet since it would help slow advancement of lipedema(Bauer et al., 2019).
Decongestive and compression therapies such as manual lymphatic drainage therapy and complex decongestive therapy.
Invasive therapies may also be recommended such as liposuction may be applied to demean the amount of fat deposits (Bauer et al., 2019).
For obese patients, they may be recommended for bariatric surgery.
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Akgul, A. (2020). Future Concepts: Lymphangiogenesis in Lymphedema Therapy. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 145(1), 214e-215e.
Bauer, A. T., von Lukowicz, D., Lossagk, K., Aitzetmueller, M., Moog, P., Cerny, M., … & Machens, H. G. (2019). New insights on lipedema: the enigmatic disease of the peripheral fat. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 144(6), 1475-1484
Google. (2021). Lower Extremity Swelling Images. google images. Retrieved November 9, 2021, from https://www.google.com/search?q=Lower+Extremity+Swelling&rlz=1C1BNSD_enKE958KE959&hl=en&sxsrf=AOaemvLSaNffMwpto4bW-GBOKuFb5Gi-BQ:1636483089705&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi9g_jJ9ov0AhUNoRQKHajPB8gQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1517&bih=730&dpr=0.9
Goyal, A., Cusick, A. S., & Bansal, P. (2020). Peripheral Edema.