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Unit VII Research Paper
The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to apply the knowledge you have gained toward mitigating the probability of a terrorist attack based on the information provided in the scenario list provided in Unit II. You will assume the position that you are an officer in charge of providing security in the scenario you have chosen. You will analyze the physical location of the scenario, mitigate probable areas of concern, and identify probable targets that may require special attention. It is up to you and your personnel to ensure that terrorists will have no opportunity to disrupt the event or unleash any form of attack. The lives of the participants in the event depend on your ability to predict every given situation and provide security to prevent such attacks. Please identify all weak areas, and provide your analysis of how to protect property and personnel during the event as well as before and after the event. The paper must address the following areas of concern: How does the terroristic act in your paper impact future prospects of terrorism whether by genetic engineering, cyberterrorism, biological warfare, or any other weapons of mass destruction (WMD)? Evaluate the moral and ethical implications of the use of this type of WMD destruction. Assess the capabilities of the WMD portrayed in your scenario, and mitigate counteraction strategies. Please use the scenario you chose in the Unit II assignment that was approved by the instructor. Complete a research paper that must be a minimum of five pages in length, not including the title page and the reference page. The research paper must follow APA guidelines and contain the following components: Title page: The title page must be in APA format, which includes the APA running head and the page number in the header. Abstract: Provide a brief explanation of the purpose of your paper. This must be a minimum of 150 words. This should be similar to the topic description you submitted in the Unit II assignment. HLS 3301, Weapons of Mass Destruction 4
Introduction: Provide a brief review of the scenario you have chosen that was submitted and approved by the instructor in Unit II. Intermediate headings: Intermediate headings help the reader transition from one subject to the next. This is the focus of your research and analysis on the scenario you have chosen, where you identify the risks and mitigate solutions that will provide the appropriate protection as well as provide reactive measures in case terrorists manage to complete an attack regardless of your preventive measures. The content must center on the three areas of concern identified above. Conclusion: Provide a summary of your findings and solutions based on best practices. Reference page: You must include the heading (References) centered above the reference list on a separate last page. You must include the three references selected in the Unit II assignment. All references must be in APA format, and each reference must relate to at least one in-text citation. Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below
I am attaching a copy of my Unit II paper as referenced above. See attachments.
Terrorist Attacks
Troy Mead
Columbia Southern University
Attack during a debate in Atlanta Chastain Park.
Because terror groups are targeting areas with a mass number of people, there is a high probability of experiencing an attack during the event of debate in Atlanta Chastain Park. The paper, therefore, seeks to address various issues concerning the security during the said day. Therefore, the federal government, as well as the state government, should play an important role in security matters during the event to ensure that the people are secure.
There are various federal government agencies that can be used to provide security. They are central intelligence agency (CIA), the Department of Defense (DOD) that includes the army, air force, marines, navy and National Guard. The federal can manage the security by the use of national special security event which is under the arm of United States Department of Homeland Security (Sinai, 2015). Through the use of all those agencies, the federal and the state government can ensure the safety as well as the security of those who are planning to attend the debate event since it is a national event.
As the risk analyst of the physical facilities to be used during the debate, I will recommend various issues that are important in case of an attack. First, creating awareness to the participant on the possibility of occurrence of an attack and inform them of the various measures they can use in case such attack happens. The people need to be aware of the various ways in which the attacks are likely to occur (Mueller & Stewart, 2011). The facility needs to be organized in a way that it is not congested and should have various routes of evacuation. People should not be confined to an area that they are to run for their safety in case an attack occurs. As the risk analyst of the debate event, I would likely say that there is a planned attack on that day in the park. The reason for this is because the park will be hosting many people and that the terror attackers will take it as a chance to undertake their activity (Moore, Bakker, & Hill, 2011). Therefore, security forces need to be reinforced before, during and after the event to ensure enough security to the participants.
Another risk analysis should be done to the security personnel, and their equipment to ensure they are set for the event before the start. Such analysis identifies loopholes in the security category and tries to eliminate or make them at early stages. Therefore, to ensure full security enforcement, there should be strict entry and exit in and out of the park to make sure that there are no terror suspects who enter the park. Before the event, also there will be a thorough investigation to curb any possibility of planted explosives by the attackers that they might use during the event (Matthews, 2010). Security personnel will be placed in the park one week before and three days after the event to ensure total security for the participants as they move in and out of the park.
As far as the existence of terror activities that are witnessed during various events, other threats might pose during such events. The participants are likely to become violent and cause harm to one another. They might be angered by the behavior of some politician who is participants in the debate and tries to demonstrate that can cause violence. Other possible threats that are likely to occur are violent crimes amongst the participants, calamities occurrence, gate crashers, equipment and personal property theft (Haveman, Shatz, & Vilchis, 2015). During such an event the security details will ensure that the participants are protected from any possible threat that can be prevented by use of workforce. Preparedness of the security details is the key to the safety of the participants.
With the knowledge that any attack will be undertaken in the Atlanta Chastain Park, there is a need for preparedness towards such an attack. The security detail can develop a plan to counter the terror attack, and the plan can be in various measures. The plan can entail checking of air conditioning ducts to prevent gases from being released and removing the unused equipment in the park which can be used as hiding areas by the attackers. The plan will also include the installation of crash tested barriers to prevent vehicles from using pedestrians to ferry in explosives into the venue (Levitin & Hausken, 2010). The plan will also involve the united nation global counter-terrorism strategy. The strategy has four strong pillars that if well applied by the security details will curb the security threats during the events.
The first pillar involves addressing the conditions conducive to spread of terrorism. Which looks at the causes of terrorism and the factors that accelerate the activities. The second pillar is on preventing and combating the terrorism. It is the essential pillar to be applied at this event. The protocols involved need to know in various ways on how to prevent the attacks. Thirdly, there is a need to build on states capacity and strengthening the role of the United Nations in curbing terrorism.
Haveman, J. D., Shatz, H. J., & Vilchis, E. I. (2015). An Overview of US Port Security
Programs. The Economic Impacts of Terrorist Attacks.
Levitin, G., & Hausken, K. (2010). Resource Distribution in Multiple Attacks Against a Single
Target. Risk Analysis, 30(8), 1231-1239. doi:10.1111/j.1539-6924.2010.01410.x
Matthews, P. S. (2010). Nuclear Deterrence of Terrorist WMD Attacks. doi:10.21236/ada520082
Moore, W. H., Bakker, R., & Hill, D. W. (2011). How Much Terror? Dissidents, Governments,
Institutions and the Cross-National Study of Terror Attacks. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Mueller, J., & Stewart, M. G. (2011). Terror, Security, and Money.
Sinai, J. (2015). The Terrorist Threats Against Russia and its Counterterrorism Response
Measures. Connections: The Quarterly Journal, 14(4), 95-101.
Unit II Research Paper Topic HLS 3301, Weapons of Mass Destruction 2
The purpose of this assignment is to help you decide which scenario you want to address and to help you prepare for your Unit VII Research Paper. Choose one of the three scenarios (see scenario list below) for your research, which must relate to how terrorism, genetic engineering, genocide operations, biological warfare, or cyberterrorism may affect our efforts to mitigate future attacks globally or internationally, as well as the moral and ethical implications of the use of such WMD in a terrorist attack of this magnitude. Additionally, the paper must address the capabilities and design of future attacks and the strategies we must develop to prevent or diminish the impact of such attacks. You are encouraged to truly think outside of the box to predict potential terrorist strategies that are new in nature, rather than just repeating previous efforts from terrorist organizations. From the retrospect of intelligence officers with the Central Region Command in Afghanistan, you can be assured that, in addition to infrastructure attacks, terrorist organizations focus their attacks against educational and religious systems that they deem evil from their perspective.
Scenario 1: The election year is heating up w with every new debate. You are the police chief of Atlanta. A debate has been scheduled in the Atlanta Chastain Park, which is the largest city park in Atlanta and consists of 268 acres of open terrain. The park is located near the northern edge of the city. The debate w ill be held at the Chastain Park Amphitheater, which is designed to hold just under 7,000 people, not including the politicians and their personnel. You can search the Google Maps (https://www.google.com/maps) website for a map location of Chastain Park. Your research must identify what federal and state agencies w ill be assisting you w ith the security for the event. You have been assigned the duty to provide a risk analysis of the physical facilities and to provide your opinion of the probability of terrorist attacks against the politicians, the 7,000 participants w ithin the amphitheater, and the untold numbers that w ill be in the park surrounding the theater. You must ensure the safety of everyone attending the debate and those visiting the park. Your mitigation plan must address ingress and egress to and from the park and the amphitheater before, during, and after the event. Additionally, you must identify possible existing threats as well as the terrorist groups responsible for those threats. You must identify any and all probable avenues of attack and develop a plan to prevent such attacks. Keep in mind, you must prepare for the worst-case scenario, which can consist of any form of an attack, including an attack from the ground or air, long-distance attacks, or preplanted improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Consider that thousands of people may die or be or be seriously injured if your plan fails to recognize all relevant scenarios or threats.
Scenario 2: You are the head of a Department of Homeland Security investigative task force assigned to mitigate threats or possible terrorist attacks against the port area of San Diego. This includes numerous U.S. naval vessels, untold numbers of oceanic freighters, local fishing vessels, and countless pleasure yachts. You have received a threat from an unknown source stating that coordinated attacks are going to be launched against military and civilian targets in and around the San Diego area. The threat alludes to the use of nuclear missiles launched from vessels off the coast of San Diego. The source of the threats remains unknown, but intelligence (INTEL) points toward North Korea and Iran. Your job is to identify the probable source of the threats and to mitigate the numerous scenarios of attack that could stem from the Pacific Ocean, the Baja Peninsula, the roadways entering San Diego from all directions, or from w ithin San Diego. No specific terrorist group has given any notice of an attack. You must identify all probable sources from which a nuclear missile could be launched. Since INTEL advises that North Korea nor Iran have long-range capability, your search must relate to the immediate area. Additionally, all you know is that the attack is scheduled to occur sometime this month. Identify all possible sources that could launch a nuclear missile, and determine countermeasures that w ill empower your personnel to defeat the attack or attacks before they occur. Your plan must include a worst-case-scenario response plan to enable you to properly respond and deal w ith the blast effects from the attack should your personnel fail to stop the attack(s).
Scenario 3: You are a senior officer in the U.S. Border Patrol, and your INTEL group has received a warning that a terrorist cell is planning to launch a biological aerial attack across the southern borders of the United States, but the information you received does not identify a specific border-area crossing point. Therefore, you must mitigate a plan to identify all probable entry points along the massive stretch of land that borders along Mexico and the United States. Additionally, you have to mitigate how the attacks w ill occur. Numerous scenarios can be identified, which include by air, land, or by preplanted IEDs, as well by other methods designed to release the biological hazard into the air or the local water supply systems. Your job is to identify all of these possible situations and to provide a plan that w ill efficiently inspect and monitor each threatened area and possible sources of attack. Can you simply shut down all small plane traffic in the area? Could the biological hazard already be in place? Could the biological hazard be transported across the border through tunnels? What cities are probable targets for such attacks? What plans can you develop to ensure protection for all of these cities? How far north can such attacks penetrate? Your plan must include identification of all possible scenarios, and you must include a response plan based on the worstcase scenario, which provides proper response to the area or areas suffering from the attack and how you plan to protect first responders and healthcare facilities during and after the attack. Also for this assignment, you must include three sources that will be used for researching the Unit VII Research Paper. You are required to submit the scenario topic for the VII Research Paper for approval. Provide a description of your topic and the focus of your paper in at least 150 words, and provide a list of references you intend to use in your research. This may be subject to change since your topic and references will need approval by your instructor.