Whether fracking for fuel should cease and we should shift to alternative fuel methods or it should continue with increased safety measures.
Pros and Cons List: Continue Fracking with System Improvements vs. New Fuel Sources
Proposal I
-economy is supported strongly by methane and shale gas and new fuel source would only upset economy
– fuel source is already proven effective and is current mainstay and research shows that with some method improvements it would be much less problematic to gather.
– few recorded examples of direct pollution through use of fuel without faulty elements at stake
– considering recent updates fracking is currently the fastest and most practical method of obtaining this fuel type.
– Improvements would necessitate more thorough supervision and the strengthening for these new methods would take a while to apply as well as put a lot more pressure to get it right.
– the environmental concerns
– while it employs people at home and abroad, the companies would be thrown into greater competition concerns and potential for harm to employees can result
– the clashes with opponents discredit the practice publicly and cause further disputes, maybe putting some out of jobs or undoing funds to other fuels.
Proposal II
– easier to gather new fuel sources
-more renewable and potentially less harmful in use if used the right way.
– opening up new economic rises and more considerate and thorough process that benefits new customers
– appeases environmentalists and lessens competition eventually
– jobs would be lost in transferring to new process and source.
– new fuel sources could be just as potentially wasteful if handled badly.
– the tax required to update the system effectively along with new source would upset widespread populace.
Write an essay that answers the question
of whether fracking for fuel should cease and we should shift to alternative fuel methods or it should continue with increased safety measures. Use both essays for our texts on this topic from the articles provided See outline examples or advice about how to structure your argumentative essay
Make sure your essay has a clear audience.
I. Intro.
A. Issue and Info.
B. The Differing Texts and my position
1. Thesis
II. Info. on Issue
A. Info. that pertains to issue and my view on it.
III. Analysis of texts – Opposing Position
A. Opponent’s text and views
1. phrasing dealing with argument and challenging of views
IV. View I Support
A. Info on View I support against and overturning opposing view
B. Use of Sources, Examples, Experiences, and Analysis of Text to Back up position
1. Point – Counterpoint Method, Unbiased, yet decided argument position
2. My views and bigger implications
V. Conclusion
A. Summing up
B. Legacy of issue
C. Reflection on what I have learned and concluding statement
Example Structure
Set-up: The difficulties of fracking crises, and the proposition of altermative fuel sources
Fracking vs. Alternative fuel gathering
Article vs. article
Based on the two articles, Do the benefits of fracking outweigh the costs?
Info on situation and Analysis of texts and standpoints
Info. on fracking vs. alternative methods and alternating views
The strengths of my preferred text over the weaknesses
(Ex. Despite the environmental concerns of fracking pollution and new fuel methods, the efforts to cease fracking and shift to new fuel sources are unrealistic and far too expensive. Furthermore, the true erroneous factor leading to pollution is the flawed safety measures of fracking that could be reasonably adjusted. As Scott McNally establishes, …”)
(Ex: While some have suggested that fracking for gas abroad and at home is an inherrently necessary procedure, shifting to more environmentally safe fuel sources is not only a more considerate plan for the future but also a progressive and thoroughly feasible concept. Accordingly, Thomas Friedman verifies that…” )
Debating the Standpoints
Back and forth comparison of texts
Arguing Your View against Alternative Views
1. Use of Sources, Examples, Experiences, and Analysis of Text to Back up position
2. Point – Counterpoint Method, Unbiased, yet decided argument position
IV. Conclusion and Reflection
Example of organization and Phrasing
(346) – When doing research, consider all points of information. Remember, books and articles written by experts and intelligent scholars look prestigious and show that you know what you’re talking about.
Use Online catalogs that you will find on library websites or reference works or check out books, don’t necessarily make random websites your first choices.
When using search engines, use general short terms that sum up your topic
Finding Sources
Fuel Source Article examples
Benefits of hydraulic fracking – American Enterprise Institute
The economic benefits of fracking – Brookings Institution
– Pros and cons of fracking: 5 key issues
-The Facts on Fracking – The New York Times
Natural gas: The fracking fallacy : Nature News & Comment
In California, Study Finds Drilling and Fracking into Freshwater Formations
In California, Study Finds Drilling and Fracking into Freshwater Formations
Debate: For and against fracking
The Environmental and Social Impacts of Natural Gas Fracking
Be sure to assess the credibility and comprehensiveness of your source and author and its relevance to your argument. Use checklists and Compare the information
Peer Review: Be sure to go over article and make sure the author speaks intelligently and effectively makes his point. Just as you review, you will be reviewed.
Pay special attention to the bibliographical information in order to cite sources, and make notes of it.
Also be certain of objectivity, the more clear and unbiased, the better.
Make sure your source is up to date and info is not outdated.
Avoid confirmation bias
Evaluating Sources and Peer review
Citation Methods – MLA Format
Use of sources and citations: MLA format
When quoting other texts, put the titles in italics
Citing beside quotes and direct pieces of information – “ ” (author, page).
Works Cited page
Book: Author. Book title. Publishing company: City, year. Print.
Book excerpt: Author. “Excerpt Title.” Book Title. Pub. Comp.: City, year. Pgs. Print.
Article: Author. “Article title.” Journal. Vol. number: Issue number, year. Print.
Website: Author. “Title.” Website, year. Date of posting. Address. Date of access. Web.
Film: Title. Dir. Writer. Studio, year. Film.
TV Show: “Episode Title.” Show Title. Dir. Writer. Studio, year. TV.
Video Game: Game Title. Game Designer. Studio, year. Video Game.
MLA Website:
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Homework – Read Ch. 11 “Avoiding Plagiarism”
Also, read over the articles for your essay