What was the secret conflict of Petrarchs cares and how did he seek to resolve it? (1400-1500 words)
The Worlds of Renaissance Italy
Essay I
Source: Petrarch, The Secret Conflict of My Cares (posted on Gauchospace)
I. What was the secret conflict of Petrarch’s cares and how did he seek to resolve it? (Or did he try to resolve it?)
II. How did Augustinus try to cure Petrarch? Was it effective?
This is an ambiguous text and there are many possible ways to address these questions.
Your essay should be 1400-1500 words and is due Thursday Jan. 20 on Gauchospace. There is a link to turn it in on the tile for Jan. 18 and Jan 20. I will accept late papers until midnight Jan. 23 without penalty.
Be sure to cite the source. Use Rampolla’s Guide (posted on Gauchospace) to be sure to write correct citations. Please be very careful to distinguish between the modern introduction (written by Carol Quillen) and the dialogue (written by Petrarch).