Leaning in diverse multicultural organizations
Diversity Awareness and Global perspectives ** Signature Assignment**
Length: 5 to 7 pages (excluding the APA formatted Title and Reference pages)
Due: By Sunday (midnight) of Week 7
Value: 300 Points
Post: Turnitin (within the Week Seven Assignments folder)
Focus: Diversity and Global Cultures (Program and Institutional Learning Objectives)
Bucher (2016) notes that Cultural encapsulation begins at a young age. “It is apparent throughout socialization, the lifelong process
of social interaction that enables us to learn about ourselves and others. We are inclined to make friends with other people who are
like us, or at least that is our assumption. In many cases, we attend schools and live in neighborhoods that are racially and ethnically
segregated. Cultural encapsulation prior to college is one of the major reasons why college life can be such an adjustment. After
living in relatively segregated communities, students tend to become much more aware of their cultural identity when they enter
During the last 7 weeks, you have explored cases and engaged in stories of diversity from around the globe. We have reviewed issues of
diversity within the workplace and those on the global stage. Based on what you have learned in this course, consider your perspective
regarding diversity leadership, cross-cultural communications, and cultural intelligence.
Below are elements from the course that you must consider before writing your paper:
o Taiye Selasi’s “Don’t ask where I’m from, ask where I’m a local” (transcript)
o Hetain Patel’s “Who am I? Think Again” (transcript)
o The Week 1 through 7 readings and Discussion Boards.
o Previously reviewed perspectives and reflections, including those from Thandie Newton (“Embracing otherness, embracing
myself” – transcript) and Bassam Tariq’s “Beauty and Diversity of Muslim life” (transcript).
Directions: in your 5 to 7 page paper, address the following questions:
● DISCUSS three critical diversity issues as discussed in this course:
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o Diversity Leadership : What is a diversity conscious leader? Why do you agree or disagree that being a diversity conscious
leader is important to professional and organizational success? Support your analysis with 2 or more sources, and one or more
specific examples.
o Cross-Cultural Communication: What is cross-cultural communication? Why do you agree or disagree that leaders must
communicate inclusively in a diverse and multicultural world? Support your analysis with 2 or more sources, and one or more
specific examples.
o Cultural Intelligence (CQ): What is CQ? What do you agree or disagree that cultural intelligence (CQ) is important to be an
effective leader? Support your analysis with 2 or more sources, and one or more specific examples.
● FORMULATE YOUR VIEWPOINT: Cultural and Global perspectives
o Are cultural differences an important global issue in the workplace? Why or why not?
o Temperaments don’t change but attitudes can. Is being open to differing perspectives, values, beliefs and norms important for
those in leadership roles? Why or why not?
o How has your diversity awareness and your consciousness of global perspectives evolved during this course? In what ways?
How has your recent experiences and learnings from this course challenged Cultural encapsulation in your own life??
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Diversity Awareness and Global perspectives ** Signature Assignment** Rubric
Comprehensively analyzes diversity
conscious leadership by thoroughly
responding to all posed questions.
Supports analysis with 2 or more applicable
sources and specific examples.
Persuasively argues a specific conclusion.
Analyzes diversity conscious leadership
generally responding to all posed questions.
Supports analysis with 2 applicable sources
and examples.. Argues a specific conclusion
providing some justification.
Analyzes diversity conscious leadership
although some responses to posed
questions may be superficial. Uses 1
applicable source, but may not include an
example. States but does not justify a
specific conclusion.
Limited if any analysis of diversity
conscious leadership; may not
respond to all posed questions. May
provide examples but does not include
an applicable source. Unclear
Consistently demonstrates more than one
Comprehensively analyzes cross-cultural
communications by thoroughly responding
to all posed questions. Supports analysis
with 2 or more applicable sources, and
specific examples. Persuasively argues a
specific conclusion.
Sometimes demonstrates more than one
Analyzes cross-cultural communications
generally responding to all posed questions.
Supports analysis with 2 applicable sources
and examples.. Argues a specific conclusion
providing some justification.
Rarely demonstrates more than one
Analyzes cross-cultural communications
although some responses to posed
questions may be superficial. Uses 1
applicable source, but may not include an.
States but does not justify a specific
Does not demonstrate more than one
Limited if any analysis of cross-cultural
communications. May not respond to
all posed questions. May provide
examples but does not include an
applicable source. Unclear conclusion
Demonstrates sophisticated understanding
of CQ as a global issue.
Comprehensively analyzes cultural
intelligence by thoroughly responding to all
posed questions. Supports analysis with 2
or more applicable sources, and specific
examples. Persuasively argues a specific
Demonstrates adequate understanding of CQ
as a global issue.
Analyzes cultural intelligence generally
responding to all posed questions. Supports
analysis with 2 applicable sources and
examples.. Argues a specific conclusion
providing some justification.
Demonstrates partial understanding of CQ
as a global issue.
Analyzes cultural intelligence although
some responses to posed questions may be
superficial. Uses 1 applicable source, but
may not include an. examples. States but
does not justify a specific conclusion.
Demonstrates no greater than surface
understanding of CQ as a global issue.
Limited if any analysis of cultural
intelligence may not respond to all
posed questions. May provide
examples but does not include an
applicable source. Unclear conclusion
Cultural &
Demonstrates sophisticated understanding
of the similarities and differences of cultural
and global perspectives. Comprehensive
analysis that thoroughly responds to all
posed questions. Supports analysis with 2
or more applicable sources, and specific
examples. Persuasively argues a specific
Demonstrates adequate understanding of the
similarities and differences of cultural and
global perspectives. Analysis generally
responds to all posed questions. Supports
analysis with 2 or more applicable sources,
and specific examples. Persuasively argues a
specific conclusion.
Demonstrates partial understanding of the
similarities and differences of cultural and
global perspectives. Analysis somewhat
responds to posed questions although one
may be superficial. Uses 1 applicable
source, but may not include an example.
States but does not justify a specific
Demonstrates surface understanding
of the similarities and differences of
cultural and global perspectives.
Limited if any analysis and/or may not
respond to all posed questions. May
provide examples but does not include
an applicable source. Unclear
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