In this module, you were introduced to a variety of case scenarios — some were brief, while others explored psychological disorders in greater depth. For this assignment, you will need to write 3 short case scenarios.
For each of the 3 case scenarios, invent and describe an individual who has 1 of the 6 afflictions listed below. Each case should focus on 1 diagnosis and each of your 3 cases should focus on a different diagnosis.
1. Psychosis
2. Schizophrenia
3. Delirium
4. Amnesia
5. Dementia
6. Dissociative Disorders
Each of your case scenarios should be brief (1-2 paragraphs), but they need to include sufficient information so that the appropriate diagnosis would be reached. For example, if something needs to be present for 6 months in order to be diagnosed, be sure your case study says that.