Topic 1. Installing GUI Hash Generator
Storing passwords and ensuring non-repudiation using strong hashes prevents an attacker from cracking passwords or impersonating an individual.
1. Explore the world of Hashing. Complete the Hands-On Project 3-3 “Installing GUI Hash Generators and Comparing Digest” from the textbook.
2. Describe the results of various hashing algorithms that are in use today.
3. As you go, take instructional notes and screenshots that will help to reproduce your process using the “Report Template,” located in the Class Resources.
TOPIC 2. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Sending e-mail traffic across a public network is fraught with danger. Utilizing strong encryption technology is an important step in ensuring CIA.
1. Download and install the Thunderbird E-Mail Client on your VM.
2. Configure the e-mail client to use digital certificates to send encrypted emails.
3. Share your public key with another student in the class.
4. Exchange an encrypted email with the same student.
5. As you go, take instructional notes and screenshots that will help to reproduce your process using the “Report Template,” located in the Class Resources.
Then, at the end of the report, write a 250-word essay describing:
1. The basic elements of a cryptographic system and the appropriate application of different types of cryptography to internet security, computer security, and communications security, including privacy/confidentiality, authentication, integrity, non-repudiation, and key exchange.
2. Two techniques used to preserve message confidentiality: symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms. Specifically address the differences between the two and how to assign some measure of strength to cryptographic algorithms and the associated keys.
3. How cryptography can be used for data security or infiltration, focusing on strengths and weaknesses, modes, and common pitfalls, as well as issues that must be addressed in an implementation.