Can you help i have to write a 3000 word resaerch proposal and I don’ now were to start I have been given a template that i have attached help me plaese I want to do some resaerch on people who teach priosners as my degree is education but not in schools thank you
Template for a research proposal
Research title
This will be a working title which is best worded as a question which should be in two parts, the first part is a statement of the topic and the second part is the research question
This is an overview of the contents of the proposal and should be 100-150 words. Imagine that you have to describe your research to someone in 30 seconds.
This section introduces the research area/topic and briefly states the aims of the research, the rationale for the research and the main research question and sub questions, which can be a bullet point list.
This section is where you define the key concepts that are part of your research, you can also include references to the key theories in this section.
Professional Context
This section is relevant if the research is related to your professional practice as a practitioner, for example as a teacher or a manager in a setting or as a volunteer. In this section you can refer to yourself as I, if this section is not relevant to your research then do not include it.
Organisational Context
This section is relevant if the research is related to, or being carried out in a specific organisation, e.g. a school or college. You should include a brief description of the setting, without naming it, and what its purpose is, if this section is not relevant to your research then do not include it.
Policy Context
This section is relevant if the research is related to a specific policy or group of policies which can be cited. If this section is not relevant to your research then do not include it.
Research design
This is the section where you outline which model the research will be based on along with the methods and data collection strategies that will be used. You also need to include details of who the participants will be, how they will be chosen and why as well as considering some of the limitations of the research and the ethical aspects of the research. Each of these research decisions will, be dealt with quite briefly in order to stay within the word limit but each one needs to be justified with references to research theory and practice that are to be found in research texts. Subheadings can be used, as in the example below, to give structure to this section but are not compulsory.
Examples of subheadings for the research design section
The research model
This is the ‘ology’ section it only needs to briefly state which model will be used and why
The most appropriate method to adopt for this research will be qualitative as this …
The participants will be …. The data will be collected through semi-structured interviews because… Reliability and validity will be ensured by ….
The results may not be generalizable because…
Ethical issues
Ethical considerations will include….
This is a list of all the texts and sources that you have cited in the proposal, it must conform to the University of Hull guidelines provided on Canvas