AquinasandMachiavelliessay x
Aquinas and Machiavelli essay
Aquinas and Machiavelli essay
Prompt: When is it permissible to violate the law according to Aquinas and Machiavelli? In particular, what types of actions are allowed to preserve the state, one’s self, one’s property, etc. under what legal legitimacy? (For Aquinas, think especially of the different types of law and how they relate to each other hierarchically.) How is this associated with their respective views of such activities as war, rebellion, tyranny, national defense, common good, etc. which might require solutions that could perhaps be morally questionable under other circumstances? Are their certain things that should be held as greater than law and morality, when and why?
Please follow the guidelines to the letter (very important)
· At least THREE citations (with page number) per page on average, in-line, with author and page number, e.g. (Smith 215) or (Hayek 121), not (pg. 3) or (Manifesto, pg. 313). Quotes included due to importance of specific language as evidence to support your argument. (If you are using a different edition than the one in the syllabus, use the smallest possible identifier, e.g. book/chapter, Stephanus/Bekker number, etc., instead of the page number where applicable.)
· No work cited or bibliography page needed
· Argument based directly on the books I’ve provided, not outside readings/ sources at all.
· Introduction based on clear thesis statement making specific argument ABOUT the text, not just a book report repeating what the author says. Contains no extraneous information, e.g. “Marx was a 19th century German Jewish philosopher whose works have been influential on the modern world”, etc. but gets directly to what you are trying to prove and how.
· Main body of paper stays on topic with a clear structure, each paragraph building on one before with logical transitions. Every sentence is justified as providing evidence of your thesis, containing analysis, critique, exposition, etc. Free of personal opinion, unrelated material/anecdotes, sentence fragments, incoherent phrasing, other grammatical issues. All text original, not lifted from Wikipedia, web sites, book introductions, etc.
· Well-defined conclusion, showing how material you presented proved the introductory thesis, not end abruptly, present personal opinions, or talk about broad and unrelated ideas.
· Must have a well-rounded and central thesis, a narrow and specific question/argument, that you are trying to answer through out the essay (you must develop the thesis form the prompt)
· The essay must not have a confusing structure, unconnected paragraphs, difficult to follow, content otherwise unclear writings.
The only two books you can use:
1. Niccolò Machiavelli, “Discourses on Livy”
· Link for this book:
2. Thomas Aquinas, “On Law, Morality, and Politics”, 2nd edition
· I do not have the like for this book, so you must find it yourself (because you must site directly for the book)