20181015222508rebuttal__3_to_against_legalization_of_recreational_mj x
Respond to peers who are against legalization of recreational marijuana. The rebuttal must be in at least 200-350 words
Katrina Oliver
1 posts
Re:Recreational Marijuana Legalization Debate: Against Legalization
Hello Everyone,
The question of marijuana legalization has been a hot topic that has refused to die off in public debates. The marijuana debate has generated a lot of sensationalism with a significant number of people or across the world pushing for its legalization. It is evident that the utility of the plant continues to diversify in its scope and more people are turning to it for one reason or another. Despite being illegal statistics show that marijuana is one of the most popularly used and accepted drug all across the globe. Not everyone is using it for recreational purposes but a good number of users attribute it to more constructive more so, medical applications and the base point is that it seems to be working just fine for them. Whether to legalize marijuana or not, hard facts have to be reviewed to establish what is already known about the drug and whether it will serve a greater good With a more liberalized use or will it be detrimental to the society.
Benefits of Legalization
An important thing to note is that marijuana despite being illegal is still a recreational drug of choice to millions of users and continuous to find its way in society despite the efforts of the government. For many multiple suppliers are always available round the clock just about in every corner. Legalizing marijuana can go a long way to dismantle the black market and other criminal related activities. Right now when the drug is illegal it is the organized crime lords such as the mafia and cartels benefiting the most from dealing in marijuana. With legalization, the utility of the drug can be controlled and it would go a long way to put many criminals out of viable business with clearly regulated marijuana dispensaries issued with licenses.
A New Revenue Stream
The government benefits more from the legalization of marijuana as opposed to demonizing the drug while at the same time allowing for the proliferation of even more harmful drugs in the society. Currently, the government is on the losing end as accruing marijuana is as easy as getting groceries even more so to the underage school-going population. With a structured system it is easier to exercise quality control over marijuana and at the same time raising billions of money yet helping multiple patients suffering from different medical conditions. in the current state all the huge profits generated from the sale of marijuana go to criminal organizations who use the money to disorient order in the society and terrorize those opposed to the ideology.
Broad Medical Applications of Marijuana
Marijuana unlike many controlled substances is not processed but occurs in its natural element. Compounds such as THC and CBD have a genuine medical potency to treat and manage a wide range of complications. such include: epilepsy, migraines, sclerosis, effects of chemotherapy, Crohn’s disease, post-traumatic stress disorders, used in managing cancer, relieves chronic pain, reduces anxiety, cures insomnia, stop seizures, manages high blood sugar, reducing psychosis, inflammation, boosts one’s appetite, facilitates strong bone development and so much more. These are not just assumptions but many patients have come forward to attest how medical marijuana helped them manage their condition. Legalization of marijuana Infringes on corporate interests as better and affordable health through the natural process would run many big corporations out of business. Government policy is greatly leveraged by big corporations and that’s why many false campaigns are proliferated in the media about marijuana.
Arguments against Legalization of Marijuana
Some people are vehemently opposed to the idea of legalizing marijuana and term it to be preposterous. They disregard the medical applications of the drugs and say that there is not enough evidence brought forward on the claims of pain relief. Furthermore, they argue that there are reasonable alternatives for reducing chronic pain and that this is just a scapegoat for people to abuse drugs. There has been an allegation that continued use of marijuana impairs your cognitive faculties which can lead to short-term memory loss. Marijuana is also said to be highly addictive and proven to be a gateway drug that orients a person to more hard drugs. All this will lead to a substandard quality of life of slackers and zoned out people often characterized by lack of ambition, inclined to Huey theories and always in financial straits.
The debate on the legalization of marijuana has become a difficult question for marijuana users and lawmakers to establish a common stand. Recently the push for its legalization has erupted to the extent where awareness is carried out in the month of April this is as per the National Cannabis Awareness Month. A survey on the legalization of both the medical and recreational stands on marijuana suggest that out of seventy people sixty will fully support the argument and the rest deny it. Nevertheless, marijuana is used in the medical department for medical conditions but there have debates amongst the health experts both having remarkable reasons for voting against and up for its legalization. Personally combing through the presented facts, the good outdo the bad when it comes to the usage of cannabis. It is true that the drug is not for everyone as many will not enjoy it or improve their quality of life by continued use. For the majority, however, without the recreational aspects of it, Marijuana plays a major role to improve the quality of the life they live. Some legal drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol have extended repercussions that impact your health more negatively than Marijuana. The people should seek to be more informed about the politics and propaganda around Marijuana and push for its legalization.
Choo, E. K., Benz, M., Zaller, N., Warren, O., Rising, K. L., & McConnell, K. J. (2014). The impact of state medical marijuana legislation on adolescent marijuana use. Journal of Adolescent Health, 55(2), 160-166.
Caulkins, J. P., Kilmer, B., Kleiman, M. A., MacCoun, R. J., Midgette, G., Oglesby, P., … & Reuter, P. H. (2015). Considering marijuana legalization: Insights for Vermont and other jurisdictions. Rand Corporation.
Cerdá, M., Wall, M., Keyes, K. M., Galea, S., & Hasin, D. (2012). Medical marijuana laws in 50 states: investigating the relationship between state legalization of medical marijuana and marijuana use, abuse and dependence. Drug and alcohol dependence, 120(1), 22-27.
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