20181022235125step_1_b x
Choose your favorite two questions from the list below to address in your post in this week’s discussion. Remember to incorporate concepts from assigned readings to clearly demonstrate that you read and understood them.
1. What kinds of conversations are difficult for you at work? Do you see any patterns in the kinds of conversations that are hard for you? With authority figures? Saying no? Talking about money? Negotiating for yourself (as opposed to on behalf of someone else)? If you do see a pattern, where does it come from and how can you use your awareness of this pattern to become more effective?
2. What was your reaction to reading about the feelings conversation? To what extent is it a relief? What feels uncomfortable about it? In professional work setting, do you see yourself addressing the feeling component of a difficult conversation? Why or why not?
3. When identity is on the line: How do you know when you’ve lost your balance in a conversation – when you are experiencing an “identity quake”? Physically what do you feel? What are you thinking? How do you work to regroup yourself and regain balance?
4. What should be the criteria for deciding whether to have a difficult conversation at work?
5. Incorporating lessons from the two chapters about culture from the Handbook of Conflict Resolution, what additional challenges difficult conversations with members of other cultures (broadly defined) bring and which strategies discussed in the chapters do you find most promising in constructive approach to difficult conversations in multicultural setting?
Write 250 words for each of those two questions you have to choose. And using APA style also using appropriate text citation
In preparation for this discussion, reflect on the content of the book Difficult Conversations by Stone, Patton, and Heen and the two book chapters from the Handbook of Conflict Resolution assigned for week 10 (download from Human Factors guide)
.STEP 1: Your original post:
Choose your favorite two questions from the list below to address in your post in this week’s discussion. Remember to incorporate concepts from assigned readings to clearly demonstrate that you read and understood them.
1. What kinds of conversations are difficult for you at work? Do you see any patterns in the kinds of conversations that are hard for you? With authority figures? Saying no? Talking about money? Negotiating for yourself (as opposed to on behalf of someone else)? If you do see a pattern, where does it come from and how can you use your awareness of this pattern to become more effective?
2. What was your reaction to reading about the feelings conversation? To what extent is it a relief? What feels uncomfortable about it? In professional work setting, do you see yourself addressing the feeling component of a difficult conversation? Why or why not?
3. When identity is on the line: How do you know when you’ve lost your balance in a conversation – when you are experiencing an “identity quake”? Physically what do you feel? What are you thinking? How do you work to regroup yourself and regain balance?
4. What should be the criteria for deciding whether to have a difficult conversation at work?
5. Incorporating lessons from the two chapters about culture from the Handbook of Conflict Resolution, what additional challenges difficult conversations with members of other cultures (broadly defined) bring and which strategies discussed in the chapters do you find most promising in constructive approach to difficult conversations in multicultural setting?
Write 250 words for each of those two questions you have to choose. And using APA style also using appropriate text citation.
In preparation for this discussion, reflect on the content of the book Difficult Conversations by Stone, Patton, and Heen and the two book chapters from the Handbook of Conflict Resolution assigned for week 10 (download from Human Factors guide)
I would like you to read those instructions and using those references links on the attachment. As I mention Write 250 words for each of those two questions you have to choose. And using APA style also using appropriate text citation.
In preparation for this discussion, reflect on the content of the book Difficult Conversations by Stone, Patton, and Heen and the two book chapters from the Handbook of Conflict Resolution assigned for week 10 (download from Human Factors guide).
Using this link
Conflict Styles
· Peng, S., He, Z., & Zhu, J. H. (2000).
Conflict management styles among employees of Sino-American, Sino-French, and state-owned enterprises in China
. Intercultural Communication Studies, 9(2), 33-46.
· Kim-Jo, T., Benet-Martínez, V., & Ozer, D. J. (2010).
Culture and interpersonal conflict resolution styles: Role of acculturation
. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 41(2), 264-269.
· Morris, M. W., Williams, K. Y., Leung, K., Larrick, R., Mendoza, M. T., Bhatnagar, D., … & Hu, J. C. (1998).
Conflict management style: Accounting for cross-national differences
. Journal of International Business Studies, 729-747.
· Wei, W. U. (2001).
Individualism-collectivism and conflict resolution styles: A cross-cultural study of managers in Singapore
(Doctoral dissertation, Department of English, City University of Hong Kong).
· Saeed, T., Almas, S., Anis-ul-Haq, M., & Niazi, G. S. K. (2014).
Leadership styles: Relationship with conflict management styles
. International Journal of Conflict Management, 25(3), 214-225.
· Daly, T. M., Lee, J. A., Soutar, G. N., & Rasmi, S. (2010).
Conflict‐handling style measurement: A best‐worst scaling application
. International Journal of Conflict Management, 21(3), 281-308.