NewEssayRequirements xNewEssay-RubricGillian x
Detailed essay topic: Many ancient Greeks saw the Trojan War and its aftermath as the beginning of their national history. How does the Troy saga reflect a transition from a mythological to a historical world? Do you believe that these stories contain a sense of Greek national consciousness? You should base your response on the Iliad and Odyssey but you may also bring in other texts related to the Troy saga. The other instructions were given as ″New Essay Guidelines Gillian Glass″. I′d be genuinely happy if you follow the all instructions! Also pls take a look at the comments that are inside of the draft.
Essay Requirements
Assignment: Write an original research paper, with a clear thesis/argument, critical engagement with both primary and secondary sources, and a clear conclusion. The paper is due on Monday November 18. No further extensions will be granted (except in the case of documented illnesses or emergencies, as laid out in the syllabus).
You may write on any of the paper topics provided on the syllabus, or a question of your own devising. However, any topic you come up with on your own must be cleared with either the Professor or the appropriate TA (the TA for your discussion section) in writing, a minimum of one week before the submission deadline.
Sources: Your paper should both engage with the primary sources (the ancient texts), and secondary sources (scholarly articles or books), which the student will find during their research. You may use both primary sources from the course readings, as well as any other primary sources that might be relevant to your topic you wish to consult. You should have a minimum of 4-5 scholarly/secondary sources, also relating to your chosen topic. Please note that non-scholarly sources such as Wikipedia, online dictionaries and non-scholarly/peer-reviewed publications such as magazines and blog entries do not count as credible sources for this assignment.
Format: The essay should be 6-7 pages in length, about 1500 words, not counting the bibliography and title page, double spaced, Times New Roman font, with ordinary margins. It should have a title page, page numbers, a clearly laid out bibliography, a word count, and be thoroughly proofread before submission. Reading your paper out loud to yourself or to someone else can be a helpful technique for aiding clarity and proofreading.
Citation style: Any citation format is acceptable, as long as you are consistent. MLA, APA, and Chicago are all perfectly acceptable. Footnotes, Endnotes, or in text citations are all fine, again as long as you are consistent. A good resource for how to cite things properly is Purdue OWL, an online writing and citation resource that provides up-to-date style guides for most citation formats.
Marking Criteria: The essays will be marked for the quality and strength of your argument, how clear your thesis is, relevance to the topic/course, critical thinking and originality, depth and carefulness in the research demonstrated, clarity, consistency in citation and formatting, appropriate length, and punctuation, spelling, and grammar. There will be a deduction of 5 marks per day for lateness.
The essays are marked out of 30 marks, and account for 30% of your final grade. In general, a paper will demonstrate a strong, original thesis, clear arguments, an appropriate number of sources, both primary and secondary, a clear conclusion, and demonstrate few to no spelling or grammar errors.
Plagiarism: This course has a zero tolerance policy for any form of plagiarism. Any assignment containing plagiarism will receive a mark of zero. See the links on the syllabus for further details.
Essay Marking Rubric
/2 — Spelling & Grammar
/3 — Organisation
· Title page includes: essay title, student’s full name, student number, due date, course title, section number (see example)
· Clear introduction with a “purpose” statement
· Sensible paragraph breaks
· Conclusion
/10 — Argument
· The purpose statement is argumentative
· Use of sceptic evidence and quotes to support the argument
· Clear rhetorical flow
· Originality (worth 1 pt. at most)
/15 — Content
· Use of 2-3 primary sources (if available), or comprehensive use of a single, long text
· Use of 4-5 secondary sources
· Proper use of quotes
· Proper use of citations
· Well formatted bibliography
· Each paragraph has a purpose, no “fillers”
· Factuality
/30 — Total
CLST 105 003 Essay Criteria and Evaluation
Essay Requirements
Assignment: Write an original research paper, with a clear thesis/argument, critical engagement with both primary and secondary sources, and a clear conclusion. The paper is due on Monday November 18. No further extensions will be granted (except in the case of documented illnesses or emergencies, as laid out in the syllabus).
You may write on any of the paper topics provided on the syllabus, or a question of your own devising. However, any topic you come up with on your own must be cleared with either the Professor or the appropriate TA (the TA for your discussion section) in writing, a minimum of one week before the submission deadline.
Sources: Your paper should both engage with the primary sources (the ancient texts), and secondary sources (scholarly articles or books), which the student will find during their research. You may use both primary sources from the course readings, as well as any other primary sources that might be relevant to your topic you wish to consult. You should have a minimum of 4-5 scholarly/secondary sources, also relating to your chosen topic. Please note that non-scholarly sources such as Wikipedia, online dictionaries and non-scholarly/peer-reviewed publications such as magazines and blog entries do not count as credible sources for this assignment.
Format: The essay should be 6-7 pages in length, about 1500 words, not counting the bibliography and title page, double spaced, Times New Roman font, with ordinary margins. It should have a title page, page numbers, a clearly laid out bibliography, a word count, and be thoroughly proofread before submission. Reading your paper out loud to yourself or to someone else can be a helpful technique for aiding clarity and proofreading.
Citation style: Any citation format is acceptable, as long as you are consistent. MLA, APA, and Chicago are all perfectly acceptable. Footnotes, Endnotes, or in text citations are all fine, again as long as you are consistent. A good resource for how to cite things properly is Purdue OWL, an online writing and citation resource that provides up-to-date style guides for most citation formats.
Marking Criteria: The essays will be marked for the quality and strength of your argument, how clear your thesis is, relevance to the topic/course, critical thinking and originality, depth and carefulness in the research demonstrated, clarity, consistency in citation and formatting, appropriate length, and punctuation, spelling, and grammar. There will be a deduction of 5 marks per day for lateness.
The essays are marked out of 30 marks, and account for 30% of your final grade. In general, a paper will demonstrate a strong, original thesis, clear arguments, an appropriate number of sources, both primary and secondary, a clear conclusion, and demonstrate few to no spelling or grammar errors.
Plagiarism: This course has a zero tolerance policy for any form of plagiarism. Any assignment containing plagiarism will receive a mark of zero. See the links on the syllabus for further details.
Essay Marking Rubric
/2 — Spelling & Grammar
/3 — Organisation
· Title page includes: essay title, student’s full name, student number, due date, course title, section number (see example)
· Clear introduction with a “purpose” statement
· Sensible paragraph breaks
· Conclusion
/10 — Argument
· The purpose statement is argumentative
· Use of sceptic evidence and quotes to support the argument
· Clear rhetorical flow
· Originality (worth 1 pt. at most)
/15 — Content
· Use of 2-3 primary sources (if available), or comprehensive use of a single, long text
· Use of 4-5 secondary sources
· Proper use of quotes
· Proper use of citations
· Well formatted bibliography
· Each paragraph has a purpose, no “fillers”
· Factuality
/30 — Total