Outline and critically discuss the ways in which one topic from the module is socially constructed and the influence that this has had on our understanding of deviance. The essay should be followed by a 500 word reflective piece where you consider the ways in which your own values, biography, and social identity have influenced your understanding of crime, deviance, and social control in relation to the topic you have chosen to focus your essay upon,
Topic chosen – the social construction of gender
Part 1
General Information
Outline and critically discuss the ways in which one topic from the module is socially constructed and the influence that this has had on our understanding of deviance
Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate a theoretical understanding of the ways in which crime and deviance are socially constructed.
Consider the role and impact of power on those who are labelled and ‘othered’ within mainstream society.
Compose and communicate (both verbal and written) coherent arguments through the analysis of relevant literature.
0 – 39%
Fail 40 – 49%
Third 50 – 59%
2:2 60 – 69%
2:1 70 – 79%
First 80 – 100%
1 Demonstrate a theoretical understanding of the ways in which crime and deviance are socially constructed.
Little or irrelevant use of theory and/or empirical evidence where applicable. Limited use of theory and/or empirical evidence where applicable. Adequate and largely relevant use of theory and/or empirical evidence where applicable. Sound use of theory and/or empirical evidence where applicable. Comprehensive application of theory and/or empirical evidence where applicable. Clear, comprehensive and detailed application of theory and/or empirical evidence where applicable.
2 Consider the role and impact of power on those who are labelled and ‘othered’ within mainstream society.
Little or no evidence of basic understanding of key ideas and concepts. Basic knowledge of key ideas and concepts. Adequate working knowledge of the key ideas and concepts. Sound knowledge and understanding of most of the key concepts and ideas. Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the topic. Excellent knowledge and understanding demonstrating a deep appreciation of the topic
3 Demonstrate a reflective approach whereby you locate your own values, biography and social identity within your understanding of crime, deviance and social control.
Little or no reflection and a piece of work that fails to adequately respond to the question. Basic attempt at reflection and a piece that only answers the question in the most basic manner. Evidence of reflection, coupled with reading that is used to develop a coherent but largely descriptive piece. Sound attempt at reflection, accompanied by appropriate literature to develop a considered argument. Provides a comprehensive reflective approach with an ample range of appropriate sources to develop a considered and compelling argument. Excellent attempt at reflection, and draws on appropriate sources to develop a nuanced, considered and compelling argument.
4 Compose and communicate (both verbal and written) coherent arguments through the analysis of relevant literature.
Poor presentation, structure, grammar, spelling and referencing. An incoherent piece. Inadequate presentation, structure, grammar, spelling and referencing. A piece with areas of incoherence. Adequate presentation, structure, grammar, spelling and referencing. Can sometimes lacks a little coherence. Sound presentation, structure, grammar, spelling and referencing. A piece that is largely clear throughout. Good presentation, structure, grammar, spelling and referencing. A piece that is clear throughout. Excellent presentation, structure, grammar, spelling and referencing. A piece that is clear throughout.
What is the question asking you to do?
How is your chosen topic socially constructed? How has that shaped your understanding of deviance (make the discussion specific to your chosen topic)?
A suggested approach…
Part One of the Essay – Needs to be Written in Third Person
Think in general terms about what you understand by ‘social construction’
Utilise your Patches – what is ‘deviance’? What is social control?
Main Body
PEE: Point, Evidence, Explain
Do not introduce any new information here
How can I develop a discussion?
How is crime and deviance socially constructed and locate your chosen topic within this? How is your chosen topic socially constructed as deviant in particular contexts
How is power significant in your discussions, who has the power, how are labels generated/assigned, what is the impact of this (think ‘othering’)? Make sure this discussion relates to your chosen topic.
How is ‘behaviour’/the deviant identity regulated (think social control)? Make sure this discussion relates to your area of focus.
How can I maximise my marks?
Follow this guidance, attend to the task, respond to the learning outcomes and marking criteria…simples
Have you demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the relevant authors’ works?
Keep the question/learning outcomes in mind as you make each point – if your points do not clearly relate to these– CUT THEM OUT (or make them link)!
Have you made sure that you have referenced your wider sources correctly?
Have you provided a full list of references at the end? Does it match those in the main body of the essay?
Part 2
Consider how the academic literature narrates the topics of gender and sexuality in relation to the concepts of ‘deviance’ and social control. What role does power play within these discussions?
For all Coursework must be in Arial 11 or Times New Roman font size 12.
Harvard reference
Materials listed in your reference list will not be included in your word count
Everything in your main text including quotations, citations and headings will be included in your word count.
Could include this
, S. (2014) The politics of the toilet: A feminist response to the campaign to ‘
’ a women’s space.
Women’s Studies International Forum.
45, pp. 42-51.
, J.A., et al. (2017). “Maybe She Was Provoked”: Exploring Gender Stereotypes About Male and Female Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence.
Violence Against Women
, 23(1), pp.89-113.