In this module, you will explore transnational organized crime in Oceana. Oceana is a region that encompasses 25 island nations and is divided into four regions: Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. Each of the island nations varies concerning culture, economy, political makeup, and prevalent legal systems.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
- Explain the most predominant organized crime groups in Oceana
- Analyze why transnational crime networks are more likely to operate in PICS
- Analyze the predominant illegal activities associated with organized crime in Oceana
Instructions are attached.
DUE: February 26, 2022 by 10 a.m. (Eastern time) on Saturday.
Criteria Ratings Points
19 to >16.
0 pts
The introductory
paragraph contains a
strong thesis statement,
research question (s),
and/or statement of
research purpose and
provides an overview of
the paper.
16 to >14.0 pts
The introductory paragraph
contains a moderately
developed thesis statement,
research question(s), and/or
statement of research
14 to >0.0 pts
The thesis statement,
research question(s) and
overview of the paper need
0 pts
19 pts
20 to >18.0 pts
The topic is clearly
presented and
discussed in detail. Key
terms are defined as
needed. Complex issues
are navigated with
18 to >16.0 pts
The topic is presented and
discussed appropriately.
Key terms are defined as
needed. Complex issues
are recognized.
16 to >0.0 pts
The topic is unclear or fairly
clear but discussed too
broadly or does not meet
expectations. Contextual
factors are weakly
considered and lacking in
some significant areas.
Complex issues are
overlooked or handled
without care.
0 pts
20 pts
Research &
19 to >16.0 pts
• Sources are evaluated
critically for applicability
in the paper.
• Research may
incorporate multiple
viewpoints of complex
issues. • Arguments
are correctly supported
with research.
16 to >14.0 pts
• Sources are used
correctly. • Research is
aware of multiple viewpoints
of complex issues.
• Research is aware of
multiple viewpoints of
complex issues.
• Arguments are correctly
supported with research.
14 to >0.0 pts
• Sources are used but not
critically evaluated.
• Arguments incorporate
limited research but often
include personal opinion
without appropriate support.
• Sources are, at times,
not used appropriately.
• Research is not aware of
multiple viewpoints of
complex issues.
0 pts
19 pts
15 to >13.0 pts
The conclusion is strong
and clearly summarizes
the research presented
in the body of the paper.
13 to >11.0 pts
The conclusion summarizes
the research presented in
the body of the paper.
11 to >0.0 pts
The conclusion does not
adequately summarize the
research presented in the
body of the paper.
0 pts
15 pts
Research Paper Grading Rubric | CJUS810_B02_202220
Criteria Ratings Points
15 to >13.0 pts
Creates Christian
Worldview (CWV)
Section and applies
CWV elements and
support in explanation of
the training program with
specific biblical
references (book,
chapter, and verse).
13 to >11.0 pts
Creates Christian
Worldview Section and
applies general CWV
elements and support in
explanation of the training
program with global
referencing to biblical
references (reference does
not have book, chapter, and
verse, rather, “the Bible
says type of references).
11 to >0.0 pts
Christian Worldview
mentioned. No specific
section in the paper. Only
general CWV elements and
support in explanation of
the training program with
global referencing to biblical
references (reference does
not have book, chapter, and
verse, rather, “the Bible
says type of references).
0 pts
15 pts
12 to >10.0 pts
• No grammar, spelling,
or punctuation errors are
present. • Voice and
person are used
correctly and
consistently. Writing is
precise. Word choice is
appropriate. • Student
has proper page count.
6-8 double-spaced
pages (or more if page
count waived by
instructor) not including
title page, abstract, or
reference section.
10 to >9.0 pts
• Few grammar, spelling, or
punctuation errors are
present. • Voice and
person are used correctly.
Writing style is sufficient.
Word choice is adequate.
• Student has 70% of the
proper page count of 6 page
double-spaced pages not
including title page,
abstract, or reference
9 to >0.0 pts
• Several grammar,
spelling, or punctuation
errors are present. • Voice
and person are used
inconsistently. Writing style
is understandable but could
be improved. Word choice
is generally good.
• Student has less than
70% of the proper page
count of 6 page
double-spaced pages not
including title page,
abstract, or reference
0 pts
12 pts
13 to >10.0 pts
• Citations and format
are in current APA style.
• Cover page, abstract,
main body, and
reference section are
correctly formatted.
• Paper is
double-spaced with
1-inch margins and
written in 12 point Times
New Roman font.
10 to >9.0 pts
• Citations and format are
in current APA style with few
errors. • Cover page,
abstract, main body, and
reference section are
present with few errors.
• Paper is double-spaced
with 1-inch margins and
written in 12 point Times
New Roman font.
9 to >0.0 pts
• Citations and format are
in current APA style though
several errors are present.
• Cover page, abstract,
main body, and reference
section are included though
several errors are present.
• Paper is double-spaced,
but margins or fonts are
0 pts
13 pts
Research Paper Grading Rubric | CJUS810_B02_202220
Criteria Ratings Points
12 to >10.0 pts
• Academic primary and
.gov (when necessary)
are used well and
include a minimum of 11
citations as listed below.
• 8 citation must be
recent (past 10 years
unless waived by
professor). Relevant,
academic (peer
reviewed) journals
preferred. However,
professional journals (no
more than 50%) and
.gov references may be
used for this
requirement. • Must
use at least 2 Holy Bible
citations. • Must use at
least one recent
newspaper article on the
country of study.
• Students may use
additional sources to
support their claims and
may use non-academic
sources as long as the
minimum requirements
above are met. • The
best 11 citations will be
10 to >9.0 pts
• Research is aware of
multiple viewpoints of
complex issues.
• Academic primary and
.gov (when necessary) are
used well and include a
minimum of 70% of the
required 11 citations as
listed below. • 8 citations
must be recent (past 10
years unless waived by
professor). Relevant,
academic (peer reviewed)
journals preferred.
However, professional
journals (no more than
50%) and .gov references
may be used for this
requirement. • Must use at
least 2 Holy Bible citations.
• Must use at least one
recent newspaper article on
the country of study.
• Students may use
additional sources to
support their claims and
may use non-academic
sources as long as the
minimum requirements
above are met. • The best
11 citations will be graded.
9 to >0.0 pts
• Less than 70% of the
Academic sources required
11 citations as listed below
are used. Reliance on
popular sources is evident.
• An incomplete or
inaccurate reference
section is provided. • 8
citations must be recent
(past 10 years unless
waived by professor),
relevant, academic (peer
reviewed) journals
preferred. However,
professional journals (no
more than 50%) and .gov
references may be used for
this requirement. • Must
use at least 2 Holy Bible
citations. • Must use at
least one recent newspaper
article on the country of
study. • Students may use
additional sources to
support their claims and
may use non-academic
sources as long as the
minimum requirements
above are met. • The best
11 citations will be graded.
0 pts
12 pts
Total Points: 125
Research Paper Grading Rubric | CJUS810_B02_202220
CJUS 810
Research Paper Assignment
In developing your expertise in transnational organized crime (TOC) you will be writing a series of research papers. All together the writing contained in all these papers combined would be quite significant project! You will find that in some modules, the research papers mimic our readings with respect to subject matter and some modules, the research papers do not mimic the reading. Again, the goal of these research papers is to stretch the depth and breadth of your knowledge. You should feel well prepared to teach a course in TOCs after completing this course. The research papers and PowerPoints you create could serve as the basis for such class. Additionally, you will find that this course and the course CJUS701 Comparative Criminal Justice Systems complement each other very well.
· Each research paper should be a minimum of 6 to 8 pages.
· The vast difference in page count is because some countries and/or crime/topics are quite easy to study and some countries and/or crime/topics have very limited information.
· In some instances, there will be a plethora of information and you must use skilled writing to maintain proper page count.
· Please keep in mind that this is doctoral level analysis and writing – you are to take the hard-earned road – the road less travelled – the scholarly road in forming your paper.
· The paper must use current APA style, and the page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or any extra material.
· The minimum elements of the paper are listed below.
· You must use a minimum of 8 recent (some countries/crimes/topics may have more recent research articles than others), relevant, and academic (peer review journals preferred and professional journals allowed if used judiciously) sources, at least 2 sources being the Holy Bible, and one recent (some countries/crime/topics have more recent than others) news article. Books may be used but are considered “additional: sources beyond the stated minimums. You may use .gov sources as your recent, relevant, and academic sources if the writing is academic in nature (authored works). You may also use United Nations and Whitehouse.gov documents as academic documents.
· Again, this paper must reflect graduate level research and writing style. If you need to go over the maximum page count you must obtain professor permission in advance! Please reference the Research Paper Rubric when creating your research paper.
These are minimum guidelines – you may expand the topics covered in your papers.
1. Begin your paper with a
analysis of the following elements:
0. Introduction to the country
1. Analyze the nature of organized crime in the assigned area (you may narrow the scope of your analysis through your introduction or thesis statement if needed)
1. Analyze the impact of organized crime in the assigned area on the government.
1. Briefly propose policies that may be helpful in mitigating organized crime in the assigned area.
1. A Holy Bible comparison/analysis of the nature of the organized crime system, the impact on the country, or your proposed policy to mitigate the system.
The following is an outline of the minimum points to be covered in your paper – Crime Typology Topics:
These are minimum guidelines – you may expand the topics covered in your papers…
1. Analyze the nature of assigned crime/issue with respect to (at a minimum):
0. Scope of the crime/issue
0. Financial impact – if possible
0. Human impact – if possible
0. Analysis of various countries laws dealing with the crime/issue.
1. Briefly propose policies that may be helpful in mitigating the crime/topic on a specific country or transnational scale.
1. A Holy Bible comparison/analysis of the crime/topic
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