Trustworthiness in research
_____ Addresses credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability.
Ethical Concerns in research
_____ Provides adequate measures for ethical protection of participants.
_____ Includes detailed information about how confidentiality is addressed.
Data Analysis in research
_____ Describes procedures for dealing with discrepant cases.
_____ If a software program was used to aid analysis, clearly describes how it was used.
_____ Gives details about the coding procedure and how themes or categories were developed.
Nvivo, a qualitative research software program will be used to allow the researcher the ability to input interviews and other qualitative data, to assist in the organizing, coding, sorting, and storing of the data that will be collected during the research study. The collection of qualitative data should be in a system that is organized, coded and arranged prior to the collection of data (Berg, 2012).
The method chapter discusses the procedures to be followed in conducting the study (in the final draft, the methods that were followed) and the overall research design.
When conducting research it is important to consider trustworthiness, ethical concerns and data analysis in research.
The following are important when conducting research. Please consider the following and state the importance of each when conducting research.
2 paragraphs each with current references APA 7th .
Trustworthiness in research
_____ Addresses credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability.
Ethical Concerns in research
_____ Provides adequate measures for ethical protection of participants.
_____ Includes detailed information about how confidentiality is addressed.
Data Analysis in research
_____ Describes procedures for dealing with discrepant cases.
_____ If a software program was used to aid analysis, clearly describes how it was used.
_____ Gives details about the coding procedure and how themes or categories were developed.
Nvivo, a qualitative research software program will be used to allow the researcher the ability to input interviews and other qualitative data, to assist in the organizing, coding, sorting, and storing of the data that will be collected during the research study. The collection of qualitative data should be in a system that is organized, coded and arranged prior to the collection of data (Berg, 2012).