Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones..but What about Song Lyrics? For this assignment, you are to write an essay in which you analyze the social significance of a song. You may choose any song (as long as it has words) but be careful. Are you going to be able to explain how songs like “Happy Birthday” or “I’m a Little Teapot” carry a larger meaning? I would also ask that you not pick your favorite song (after this assignment it will not be anymore). First of all, I’m not asking you to critique artists, bands, or song lyrics. But what I am asking you to do is to research into the history and determine how certain songs were accepted and what made some controversial. You will need to have a copy of the lyrics; after all, it is the actual wording that begins your inductive thought processes. Make your own conclusions about what the lyrics mean in society (the society that the song speaks of). How do you know that? What evidence can you offer to support it?You may wish to consider: What factors have contributed to society accepting certain themes that were not allowed before? What are “dirty” lyrics? Why do recording labels have two versions of a popular song (clean and unfiltered)? If I’m part of society, what does the song say about me?This essay will be worth 100 points. Evaluation will be based upon focus, development of ideas, creativity, introductions, organizations, and coherence. Secondly, I’ll look at punctuation, spelling, mechanics, and grammar. SECOND AND FINAL DRAFTS MUST BE TYPED. Please use TNR 12 pt font. What have you shown me about your topic? Remember this is your analysis; what I think a song means is irrelevant (unless I’m writing my own paper). You must be able to communicate how and why you think the way you do about the song.