Nursing Leadership Interview Assignment Instructions
Assignment Title: Leadership Interview Paper (CO 1-8)
This assignment takes some time for planning, implementation and submission. It is strongly recommended to plan ahead of time and work on this comprehensive assignment.
For this assignment, you will choose a nursing leader to interview. It will require planning ahead, so please give yourself adequate time and don’t wait until the last minute to reach out to your prospective interviewee, as schedules change and life happens for you and the leader you choose to work with. The person that you choose should be a leader at the manager level or higher.
Setting Up the Interview:
Choose a leader from our profession whom you would like to interview. This can be the leadership on your unit/department, leadership from another unit or service line in the organization, or from another organization altogether.
Preparing for and Conducting the Interview
When reaching out to your identified leader to request their help with this assignment, please make sure that your communications are professional in nature. Prepare a list of questions that you would like to have answered over the course of the interview. Some will just naturally be answered over the course of the discussion, but some will need to be asked directly or clarified. It is a courtesy to offer the person you are going to interview a copy of the questions ahead of time. Your questions for your interviewer should focus on leadership qualities that either you or your leader identify.
Interview Questions should provide insight on these eight topics:
1. Leadership Innovation
2. Emotional Competence
3. Crisis Management
4. Spirituality
5. Change and Conflict
6. Leading Teams
7. Coaching and Mentoring
8. Financial Responsibility
Other topics, brought up by the leader may also be good to include in your write up. For example, change and conflict are two distinct concepts. Consider what you will do if your leader answers your question negatively or declines to answer your question (which is their right). Think about how you can engage the leader differently and not let the topic drop. One strategy is “tell me about a time when… (you dealt with a difficult change)”.
Writing the Paper:
Paper Length:
• Write an 8-10 pages paper (including title page and references). At least 5 scholarly references
besides your text should be used.
• No abstract is required.
• The text should be between 6-8 pages. Please do not exceed the page limit.
• Points will be taken off if the paper is more or less than the specified length.
• Introduce the leader and why you chose them. Include a URL to a site where they can be seen or are discussed. This can be a staff page in an organization, or a news story, etc.
• The paper should highlight the essence of your leader’s statements and you should use the scholarly literature (both from the text and other appropriate scholarly literature) to underscore or refute your leader’s comments for each section of the paper.
• Make sure the eight topics listed above are addressed. Provide specific examples and references in the scholarly literature that show how this particular leader demonstrates/incorporates/refutes each of these concepts.
• Please do NOT include your interview questions in the body of the paper.
• The paper should adhere to APA 7th Edition guidelines.
• Please use headings which are explained in the manual. Please use headings for each content area you describe. There should be no errors in grammar or spelling.
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Rubric Detail
A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this item and made it available to you. Select Grid View or List View to change the
rubric’s layout.
Unsatisfactory Pro�cient Excellent
0 (0.00%) – 3.45 (3.45%)
Does not meet writing, stylistic, or APA
or grammatical guidelines.
3.5 (3.50%) – 4.45 (4.45%)
Generally, meets APA and other
writing, stylistic, grammatical, or APA
formatting guidelines.
4.5 (4.50%) – 5 (5.00%)
Meets APA and other writing, stylistic,
grammatical, or APA formatting
Introduction: Leader Selection and
0 (0.00%) – 3.45 (3.45%)
Provides an introduction that is
generic in nature without much detail
as to leader’s position or why they
were chosen.
3.5 (3.50%) – 4.45 (4.45%)
Provides an introduction that gives
some background on leader’s
experiences and why they were
4.5 (4.50%) – 5 (5.00%)
Provides an introduction that gives a
good sense of leader’s experiences
and accomplishments and it is clear
why they were chosen.
Topic 1 0 (0.00%) – 6.9 (6.90%)
Lacks thought, evidence, and
analysis/doesn’t address the topic
posed. Does not incorporate scholarly
resources. Comments not supported
with evidence.
7 (7.00%) – 8.9 (8.90%)
Generally, thoughtful insight and
analysis are evident. Answered part of
the question posed/only addresses
leader’s thoughts on topic without
providing examples. Inconsistently
supports comments with evidence.
9 (9.00%) – 10 (10.00%)
Highly thoughtful insight and analysis
are evident. Answered the question
posed and incorporates leaders
thoughts on topic, as well as examples
of how leader brings this trait to
practice. I Supports comments with
Topic 2 0 (0.00%) – 6.9 (6.90%)
Lacks thought, evidence, and
analysis/doesn’t address the topic
posed Does not incorporate scholarly
7 (7.00%) – 8.9 (8.90%)
Generally, thoughtful insight and
analysis are evident. Answered part of
the question posed/only addresses
9 (9.00%) – 10 (10.00%)
Highly thoughtful insight and analysis
are evident. Answered the question
posed and incorporates leaders
Name: Leadership Interview Paper Rubric
Grid View List View
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Unsatisfactory Pro�cient Excellent
posed. Does not incorporate scholarly
resources. Comments not supported
with evidence.
the question posed/only addresses
leader’s thoughts on topic without
providing examples. Inconsistently
supports comments with evidence.
posed and incorporates leaders
thoughts on topic, as well as examples
of how leader brings this trait to
practice. I Supports comments with
Topic 3 0 (0.00%) – 6.9 (6.90%)
Lacks thought, evidence, and
analysis/doesn’t address the topic
posed. Does not incorporate scholarly
resources. Comments not supported
with evidence.
7 (7.00%) – 8.9 (8.90%)
Generally, thoughtful insight and
analysis are evident. Answered part of
the question posed/only addresses
leader’s thoughts on topic without
providing examples. Inconsistently
supports comments with evidence.
9 (9.00%) – 10 (10.00%)
Highly thoughtful insight and analysis
are evident. Answered the question
posed and incorporates leaders
thoughts on topic, as well as examples
of how leader brings this trait to
practice. I Supports comments with
Topic 4 0 (0.00%) – 6.9 (6.90%)
Lacks thought, evidence, and
analysis/doesn’t address the topic
posed. Does not incorporate scholarly
resources. Comments not supported
with evidence.
7 (7.00%) – 8.9 (8.90%)
Generally, thoughtful insight and
analysis are evident. Answered part of
the question posed/only addresses
leader’s thoughts on topic without
providing examples. Inconsistently
supports comments with evidence.
9 (9.00%) – 10 (10.00%)
Highly thoughtful insight and analysis
are evident. Answered the question
posed and incorporates leaders
thoughts on topic, as well as examples
of how leader brings this trait to
practice. I Supports comments with
Topic 5 0 (0.00%) – 6.9 (6.90%)
Lacks thought, evidence, and
analysis/doesn’t address the topic
posed. Does not incorporate scholarly
resources. Comments not supported
with evidence.
7 (7.00%) – 8.9 (8.90%)
Generally, thoughtful insight and
analysis are evident. Answered part of
the question posed/only addresses
leader’s thoughts on topic without
providing examples. Inconsistently
supports comments with evidence.
9 (9.00%) – 10 (10.00%)
Highly thoughtful insight and analysis
are evident. Answered the question
posed and incorporates leaders
thoughts on topic, as well as examples
of how leader brings this trait to
practice. I Supports comments with
Topic 6 0 (0.00%) – 6.9 (6.90%)
Lacks thought, evidence, and
analysis/doesn’t address the topic
posed Does not incorporate scholarly
7 (7.00%) – 8.9 (8.90%)
Generally, thoughtful insight and
analysis are evident. Answered part of
the question posed/only addresses
9 (9.00%) – 10 (10.00%)
Highly thoughtful insight and analysis
are evident. Answered the question
posed and incorporates leaders
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Unsatisfactory Pro�cient Excellent
posed. Does not incorporate scholarly
resources. Comments not supported
with evidence.
the question posed/only addresses
leader’s thoughts on topic without
providing examples. Inconsistently
supports comments with evidence.
posed and incorporates leaders
thoughts on topic, as well as examples
of how leader brings this trait to
practice. I Supports comments with
Topic 7 0 (0.00%) – 6.9 (6.90%)
Lacks thought, evidence, and
analysis/doesn’t address the topic
posed. Does not incorporate scholarly
resources. Comments not supported
with evidence.
7 (7.00%) – 8.9 (8.90%)
Generally, thoughtful insight and
analysis are evident. Answered part of
the question posed/only addresses
leader’s thoughts on topic without
providing examples. Inconsistently
supports comments with evidence.
9 (9.00%) – 10 (10.00%)
Highly thoughtful insight and analysis
are evident. Answered the question
posed and incorporates leaders
thoughts on topic, as well as examples
of how leader brings this trait to
practice. Supports comments with
Topic 8 0 (0.00%) – 6.9 (6.90%)
Lacks thought, evidence, and
analysis/doesn’t address the topic
posed. Does not incorporate scholarly
resources. Comments not supported
with evidence.
7 (7.00%) – 8.9 (8.90%)
Generally, thoughtful insight and
analysis are evident. Answered part of
the question posed/only addresses
leader’s thoughts on topic without
providing examples. Inconsistently
supports comments with evidence.
9 (9.00%) – 10 (10.00%)
Highly thoughtful insight and analysis
are evident. Answered the question
posed and incorporates leaders
thoughts on topic, as well as examples
of how leader brings this trait to
practice. Supports comments with
Conclusion 0 (0.00%) – 6.9 (6.90%)
No ‘wrap up’ of experience provided.
Paper comes to an abrupt end.
7 (7.00%) – 8.9 (8.90%)
Conclusion provided that gives a brief
summary of points discussed in the
9 (9.00%) – 10 (10.00%)
Conclusion provided that gives a brief
summary of points discussed in the
paper and what was learned.
Name:Leadership Interview Paper Rubric
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Rubric Detail
A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this item and made it available to you. Select Grid View or List View to change the
rubric’s layout.
Unsatisfactory Satisfactory
Participation on Collaborate Call 0 (0.00%) – 18 (18.00%)
Does not participate on collaborate call at assigned
18.25 (18.25%) – 25 (25.00%)
Participates on collaborate call at assigned time.
Presentation 0 (0.00%) – 18 (18.00%)
Does not present information on chosen leader in a
clear or organized way. Shows no evidence of
preparation for discussion.
18.25 (18.25%) – 25 (25.00%)
Presentation of information on chosen leader is
organized. Shows evidence of preparation for
Feedback 0 (0.00%) – 18 (18.00%)
Does not provide feedback or ask questions
regarding peers’ presentations.
18.25 (18.25%) – 25 (25.00%)
Participates in the discussion on peers’
presentations. Asks thoughtful and insightful
questions that further learning opportunities for all
on the call.
Application to Practice 0 (0.00%) – 18 (18.00%)
Does not discuss how what was learned will be
applied to practice.
18.25 (18.25%) – 25 (25.00%)
Discusses how what was learned will be applied to
Name: Collaborate Rubric
Grid View List View
Name:Collaborate Rubric
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