Rubric for Abstract Assignment
Not Present 0.00% |
Minimal 70.00% |
Basic 80.00% |
Proficient 90.00% |
Mastery 100.00% |
Focus 33.00% |
Focus of abstract is on personal opinion |
Focus of abstract is on summarizing contents only |
Focus of abstract is on summarizing concepts and contents |
Focus of abstract includes an analysis of article concepts but focuses more so on summarizing contents |
Focus of abstract is a thorough analysis of article concepts with minimal focus on summarizing contents |
Style and Structure 34.00% |
Does not conform to appropriate matters of style and structure |
Generally conforms to appropriate matters of style and structure but more frequently does not |
Generally conforms to appropriate matters of style and structure |
Meticulous conformity to appropriate matters of style and structure |
Scholarly Sources 33.00% |
Work abstracted is not a scholarly resource |
Work is abstracted from a scholarly source |
Cyber security in Health Care
Cybersecurity is the protection of electronic data and other assets from unauthorized access or disclosure. The major goals of cybersecurity include integrity, confidentiality, and availability. Patient safety strategies cannot only ensure security in a healthcare setting and ensure privacy but will also ensure that continuity of services is perfected with high-quality service provision resulting in positive clinical outcomes. Machine learning incorporates methods of data analyses to automate analytical models which is still a branch of AI that works within the basics that a system can learn data, identify needed patterns and use the information to make decisions with less human power. On the other hand, the rate of cybercrimes is alarming and the security of healthcare systems needs not only firewalls and antiviruses but also the attention of business leaders. Their positive influence towards work impacts the level of acceptance by the rest of the team. The ability of business leaders to protect the company’s data through machine learning ensures the safety of information, as well as their performance at specific companies, is topnotch.
The common use of machine learning algorithms in healthcare is to automate medical billing, develop clinical guidelines for care, and boost clinical decision support. Through machine learning, trends in behaviors in hospitals and other businesses can be predicted to help in the prevention of similar attacks. Cybersecurity teams are then supported to become more active in the prevention of threats and behaviors in real-time. This is met through employing machine learning techniques in applications and systems of health units. Therefore, healthcare facilities just like any other business, when its leaders employ machine learning computer-based training programs and algorithms to create expert systems that can predict security patterns, then the success of the organization will be guaranteed (Coventry & Branley,2018).
Machine learning and AI are among the most critical technologies today that continue to grow in information security such that they analyze millions of occurrences quickly to identify threats such as malware and in the identification of terrible behaviors that might impact phishing attacks of healthcare systems. Following the surge of healthcare systems over the past decades especially under health monitoring systems that use devices worn in the body, the need to prevent further losses is vital. Medical Cyber-Physical Systems can acquire and transmit data to either private or public cloud storage.
Security and privacy matter most in any business and even that of medical data and play a major role in the provision of decision support for healthcare professionals. Security of any business data ensures effectiveness in the respective departments. Clinical decision support systems are programs that can be used by healthcare teams to help in analyzing data to give reminders to other healthcare providers to implement clinical-based and evidence-based guidelines to improve the care of patients (Strielkina et al,2018). An increase in patient involvement is made possible by machine learning resulting in better health outcomes. Internet of medical things incorporates alerts and automated messages to alert patients on required behavior and medications as well as checkups. This information ought to be kept safe and can only be authorized by intended people. To help in the improvement of healthcare IT and cybersecurity, health units with the help of their leaders should establish a culture of security of health IT, ensure period training of staff and use trusted companies to audit and access the information when the need arises to lower the risks of malicious attacks and loss of medical data.
Coventry, L., & Branley, D. (2018). Cybersecurity in healthcare: a narrative review of trends, threats, and ways forward. Maturitas, 113, 48-52.
Strielkina, A., Illiashenko, O., Zhydenko, M., & Uzun, D. (2018, May). Cybersecurity of healthcare IoT-based systems: Regulation and case-oriented assessment. In 2018 IEEE 9th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT) (pp. 67-73). IEEE.
Bibliog aphic Citation
Weaver J. L. & Swank J. M. (2020). Parents’ Lived Experiences With the COVID-19
Pandemic. The Family Journal.
Autho s
Jo Lauren Weaver and Jacqueline M. Swank (counselor educator & counselor educator doctoral
Resea ch Conce n
The authors indicated the concern on their study was to gain insight into the impacts that the
COVID-19 pandemic has had on parents. This includes impacts on their experiences assisting their
children with virtual learning as well as their own work-life balance. They also researched data
concerned with the educational and emotional impact of the pandemic as well as concerns as they
pertain to counseling.
Pu pose
The purpose of this study was to gain information about the experiences that parents had during the
COVID-19 pandemic and to identify the themes and subthemes that will have implications for
future counseling.
P ecedent Lite atu e
The World Health Organization declared in March of 2020 that the COVID-19 had progressed to
a state that qualified it as a worldwide pandemic (WHO 2020). Adults and children alike faced
major changes with the ongoing stay-at-home orders and statewide mandates. These restrictions
resulted in financial hardships for some as well as emotional stressors (Pew Research Center
2020). As the balance shifted from outside influences to the majority of interactions taking place
within the home routines and rituals of individual families also changed (Craig & Churchill
Resea ch
The study focused on a group of eleven parent participants all with children ages 6-15. Parents
included were both males and females ranging in ages from 33 to 49. Ten of the participants
reported as working from home while one was laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
researchers gained participants through facebook recruitment as well as email. The participants of
Approaches Expectations
the study were then interviewed via Zoom for qualitative research. The transcripts of the
interviews were analyzed for emerging themes.
Inst umentation
Researchers used a qualitative phenomenological data analysis approach (Moustakas 1994). The
participants answered interview questions about their lived experiences during the pandemic as
well as demographic questions.
After analyzing the interview transcripts the researchers identified eight themes and five
subthemes: (a) educational experience; (b) navigating roles and responsibilities with two
subthemes spousal relationship and letting go of expectations; (c) recognizing privilege; (d)
routine with a subtheme of priorities; (e) monitoring and communication about COVID-19; (f)
vacillating emotions; (g) connection with two subthemes lost connection/ support and changes in
connections/relationships in the future; and (h) meaningful experiences.
The impact of the COVID-19 has made changes to the interactions of families. Through emergent
themes counselors can navigate future topics for counseling and resources to make the changes
experienced during the pandemic a more positive experience for students and parents.
Suggestions fo Fu the Resea ch
The researchers noted that there was a lack of participation in the study. Future research should
include a larger sample size as well as a more diverse sample. Follow up research should focus on
the future long term effects from the Covid-19 pandemic as it relates to students and families.
Abstra t Assignment 2.2
Abstra t 2.2
Bibliog aphic Citation
Skakon, J., Nielsen, K., Borg, V., & Guzman, J. (2010). Are leaders’ well-being, behaviours and
style asso iated with the affe tive well-being of their employees? A systemati review of
three de ades of resear h. Work & tress, 24(2), 107-139.
Autho s
Janne Skakon, Institute of Psy hology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; Karina
Nielsen, National Resear h Centre for the Working Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark; Vilhelm
Borg, National Resear h Centre for the Working Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark; Jaime
Guzman, O upational Health & Safety Agen y for Health are in British Colombia, Van ouver,
Resea ch Conce n
This study takes a look into 30 years of empiri al resear h on the impa t of leaders and leadership
styles on employee health and affe tive well-being. Previous resear h has noted that work-stress is
the se ond largest problem in relation to the working environment, whi h in turn, reates ost for
organizations through human distress and ompromised e onomi performan e. The ost of work-
related stress is astonishing, and resear h has established a link between working onditions and
employee stress and affe tive well-being. It has therefore been suggested that a parti ular behavior
or leadership style of a leader an inherently be either stressful or positive for employees, and in
turn, influen e that employees’ levels of stress and affe tive well-being.
Resea ch Pu pose Statement
Even though it seems instin tively believable that a leaders’ behaviors or leadership style an
impa t an employee’s levels of stress and well-being, the a tual findings have been somewhat
s attered. This study’s aim is to provide a systemati review of the relationship between leaders,
their behaviors and more spe ifi leadership styles on the one hand, and employee stress and
affe tive well-being on the other. With the information gained from this resear h, we hope to
answer the following questions:
1. Are the stress levels and affe tive well-being of leaders asso iated with the stress and affe tive
well-being of their employees?
2. What is the asso iation between leaders’ behaviors (in luding the relationship between leaders
and employees) and employee stress and affe tive well-being?
3. Are spe ifi leadership styles related to employee stress and affe tive well-being?
Exceeds Expectations
P ecedent Lite atu e
Prior resear h into leadership has been studied from many different angles and has shown us that
leaders play an important role in defining the environment in whi h employees an thrive and
experien e well-being. While leadership is often thought of as something that requires spe ial tools
and apabilities, Alvesson and Sveningsson have suggested that we rethink leadership. They
suggest that we take more seriously the mundane or trivial aspe ts of what leaders a tually do
be ause these parti ular behaviors may be stressful or positive to an employee. Selye has suggested
that good relationship between members of a group is a key determinant of not only individual, but
also organizational health. There are studies that have shown the leader-employee relationship is
one of the most ommon sour es of stress in an organization. Ample amounts of resear h has been
done in order for one to gain a more in depth understanding of how leadership an positively or
negatively affe t the employees and the organization as a whole.
The review looked at papers whi h had been published in s ientifi journals in the areas of
psy hologi al-, organizational-, leadership-, management-, and o upational health from January
1980 to July 2009. Studies were identified through a sear h of 15 ele troni databases, using three
sets of keywords. In order for a paper to in luded in this review it had to meet five riteria: 1) the
study reported the results of empiri al data analyses, 2) the study reported on the impa t of the
leaders’ stress, leader behaviors or style on the employees’ stress or affe tive well-being, 3) the
study was published between January 1980 and July 2009, 4) the study was published in an
English-language peer-reviewed journal, and 5) it reported on field resear h.
Inst umentation
The papers were divided into three main ategories, based on the three resear h questions. There
were 49 papers reviewed. The studies were mostly ross-se tional (43/49 papers) and examined the
impa t of leaders/ stress (4 papers), leaders’ behaviors (30 papers) and spe ifi leadership styles
(20 papers) on employees’ stress and affe tive well-being.
The eviden e found in the review of literature showed that for resear h question 1: leader stress
and affe tive well-being are asso iated with employee stress and affe tive well-being. In regard to
resear h question 2: positive leader behaviors are asso iated with a low degree of employee stress
and with high employee affe tive well-being, and that abusive behaviors have negative employee
out omes. For resear h question 3: transformational leadership style was shown to be strongly
asso iated with positive employee out omes, whereas transa tional and laissez-faire leadership
was less related to employee out omes. Therefore, support was found in regard to the asso iation
between leader stress, spe ifi leadership styles and leader support and employee stress and
affe tive well-being.
Interestingly, only limited support was found for the proposition that leader stress and well-being is
orrelated to employee stress and well-being. It is important to note that empiri al resear h into
how leader stress is related to stress among employees has been limited. Most of the resear h has
been steered towards how leaders’ behaviors and leadership styles affe t employees and has shown
that there is a dire t orrelation between the two. In order to better answer the questions posed in
this parti ular paper, further resear h would be helpful.
Suggestions fo Fu the Resea ch
There were several suggestions for future resear h asso iated with this review. First, it was stated
that resear h methodology should be expanded; se ond, that resear hers aim to use a standard set
of measures to assess individuals’ per eption of stress and leadership; third, that resear h should be
extended beyond examining the asso iation of stress in leaders and employees, and fo us on the
pro esses linking leader stress and employee stress; and finally, looking into stress redu tion and
stress management.
2 Running Head: 2.2 Week 2
Qualitative Abstract
Bibliographic Citation
Kantabutra, S., &Avery, G. C. (2010). The power of vision: Statements that resonate. The
Journal of Business Strategy, 31(1), 37-45.
Sooksan Kantabutra PhD, and GayleC. Avery PhD
Research Concern
The question for many senior managers is “What leadership strategy is needed for my organization
to stay competitive and to thrive?” No one really knows what such a vision looks like (Avery,
2004). Adding to the confusion is when practitioners and consultants have great difficulty in
differentiating vision from other related terms of mission, values, beliefs, principles, and strategy.
Given that senior managers want to develop a “right” vision, knowing about the latest research
findings about vision is critical. This research will identify a few practical guidelines for creating
effective visions. Itwill analyze and describe characteristics of effective visions and offer practical
tips for leaders. It is hypothesized that morepowerful visions would be associated with stronger
organizational performance. That the characteristics of powerful visions have important
implications for leaders working across a wide range of industries, possibly across different
The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between vision characteristics and
organizational performance as measured by customer and employee satisfaction.
Precedent Literature
For almost three decades scholars have argued that vision is important to leadership, strategy
implementation, and change. Vision building is intended to create a fundamental, ambitious sense
of purpose, one to bepursued over many years (Leithwood et al., 1996). Despite its clear
importance in the management literature, vision is still not defined in a generally agreed-upon
manner (Kantabutra & Avery, 2002). Rober Baumand his colleagues chosenot to define vision in
advance, but to accept the term as each individual leader defines it (Baum et al., 1998). Kotter
(1999) found in his research that successful vision does not have to bebrilliantly innovative. Daft
(2005) found that many visions fail to adequately involve employees.
Research Methodology
This study focuses on samples drawn from apparel stores in Sydney and Bangkok that sell brand-
new finished clothing products for individual use, excluding shoes and accessories. Both
independent stores and thosebelonging to a parent company were sampled. All were located in a
shopping mall and had their own identity, being in a clearly defined walled area. In Sydney, 111
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stores participated with 48 declining, and 126 stores in Bangkok with 16 declining. Both
customers and employees were evaluated, 214 and 148 respectively in Sydney and 258 and 251 in
Bangkok. The visions were evaluated on seven metrics of conciseness, clarity, future orientation,
stability, challenge, abstractness, and ability to inspire.
The data set for the research was interviews with store managers, they were asked to answer
questions concerning their vision and organizational alignment. Staff members were interviewed
to find out about vision communication, motivation, and empowerment, as well as their level of
job satisfaction. Customers wereobserved and interviewed to determine their level of customer
satisfaction with the store.
The results confirmed prior findings that powerful business visions possess all seven
characteristics. When oneor more of the seven characteristics weremissing from avision, there
was no significant effect on either staff or customer satisfaction. The analysis revealed that the
shared vision characteristics and content have positive, direct effects on both customer and staff
satisfaction. Themost surprising discovery is that sharing both vision characteristics and vision
content is especially important to customer and staff satisfaction. Thevision realization factors
appear to operate differently in Bangkok retail stores. Motivation of staff is the only direct
predictor of enhanced staff satisfaction. Empowerment of staff, organizational alignment, and
vision communication indirectly predicted improvements in staff satisfaction. Vision
communication, empowerment of staff, motivation of staff, and staff satisfaction indirectly
predicted improvements in customer satisfaction.
This study found that the retail store managers’ visions enhanced staff satisfaction in both Sydney
and Bangkok. This applies especially to thosemanagers who actively communicate their visions,
model their visions through their own actions, and who motivate and empower their staff to act on
those visions. When store managers align store management system to match their visions, staff
satisfaction is enhanced. In such settings, visions displaying the seven characteristics also
positively affected the satisfaction of both customers and staff. This is important because customer
and staff satisfaction are frequently correlated with financial and other performance measures.
Suggestions for FurtherResearch
More research is needed into characteristics of powerful visions and vision realization factors.